q&a: i’m getting raw, baby, raw!

Another round of Q&A from the Blog Frog….
The first set of questions come from Erin of Lifes Little Miracles. Erin is the sweetest mom of the sweetest boys, and you absolutely must check out her blog.
How’s the P90X coming along?

Well, let me first say I loved P90X. For the first 9 months that I did it. And then, not so much. It got to the point where I couldn’t even begin to think of doing another day of it, but I would get all dressed…put the video in….and then sit on the couch and stare at it. And then never work out. So it was definitely time to move on.

If you do enough of the P90X will THAT make you tired?
If you’re talking about my insomnia….I wish. Although, I am happy to report that once I posted about my sleepless nights I have been insomnia free ever since! I don’t know why that doesn’t work when I post about my 4 year old with attitude. I post about that all the time and his attitude isn’t ending. Oh well, I will take what I can get.
Have you tried the 30 day Shred?
No, but it’s definitely on my radar! Actually, I just ordered a plethora of workout videos. Two from Tracy Anderson (Gwenyth & Madonna’s trainer) and then Physique 57 (Kelly Ripa’s workout). I am convinced (yes I’m one of those suckers) that if I do what they do, I will look like them. Ya, so I’ll let you know how that works out!

And seriously, where in the world do you expect to lose weight from? Your big toe? hee hee
Actually, now that you mention it, my big toe could stand to use a few lb’s….. Actually, I have been working on not obsessing about weight, which is always a hard thing for me, so instead I am just going by how my clothes are fitting. And because I’m not so much loving how they fit these days…I’ve decided that it’s time to tone tone tone.
Speaking of weight….let’s move on to BelovedAimee’s questions from Reflections of Me.
She asks:
How are you doing without the scale? Have you cheated and stepped on someone else’s scale?

Okay….so in case you’re wondering what this question is all about, let me direct you here and then here for a little back story about my struggles. But, basically….I had this unhealthy habit of getting on the scale and then allowing what I saw to determine my happiness. If it was just a little bit up, I would feel close to tears. If it was a little bit down, I felt a sense of pride and victory. It was unhealthy to say the least. It was not a good way to be, and it was definitely not something I wanted Chloe to learn from me, so I needed to make some changes. And in that change, I gave up the scale.
It was surprisingly hard in the beginning, but I am one of those girls who hate to fail. So, when I make a decision, USUALLY, I stick to it. And I did! I stayed off that baby. Until….
I decided to do The Master Cleanse. It’s a book that I read about changing your eating habits, and I was curious how it would affect my weight once I was following the guidelines. I convinced myself it was for the cleanse and not to do with anything regarding my unhealthiness. Um ya, not so much. Old habits die hard, and I was quickly sucked back in to the ‘oh my gosh, I’m up two pounds!’ Or, ‘Wow I’m the shiz because check this out, I’m down 3!’ It made me sick to my tummy, so once again I decided to go back to business, and away from the scale I went.
I got this Wii Pilates game to try out, and as I was setting up my profile, it flashed my weight!!! And I was up from what I had been the last time my feet met the scale….and I almost cried.
So, there’s my confession.
I’m back off the scale once again…(sounds like, I’m off the booze…) and let me just tell you, there is such a sense in freedom in letting those numbers go. Honestly, I enjoy life so much more when I just stick to how I feel and how I feel in my clothes…and bathing suit. lol.
If you have any issues with this, you’re not alone….and you have to read the book, I’m Beautiful Dammit. It’s what opened my eyes to my problems (well, this one anyway) and helped me to get started on a new and healthier path.
You can only shop at one store for the rest of your life…which is it?
Oh shoot. This is tough. And I’m almost embarrassed to admit that it would be between Forever 21 and My Thrift Store. But, because I almost always find something at F21 and not always at MTS, I would have to go with F21. I know, cheesy huh? The sad thing is that even if I was filthy rich, I would probably still shop there….I’m more of a quantity over quality girl. I like lots and lots of options. So, yes….as lame as it may sound, I choose Forever 21.
Oh wait.
I forgot about the Triple Threat Stores (TTT). Ross, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls. Um…
I just. can’t. choose.
Okay, since it’s the rest of my life, I choose TTT since they cater to all ages and all interests of my shopping addiction. Home decor, clothes, jewelry, and shoes.
Final answer.
What was you 2nd favorite subject in school?
Second favorite…hmmmm….Well, English was by far my first favorite. Unfortunately, it was my first period class which was hard for me to wake up for. Therefore, I missed a lot, therefore I had too many absences, therefore I lost credit, therefore it caused me to have to repeat sophomore English as a Junior. Good thing I liked it. But, the second time I took it, I made sure it wasn’t first period.
{I still have recurring dreams about losing credit in classes because of too many absences…so apparently it had a quite an effect on me.}
But you didn’t ask about that…so second favorite….was….Marketing. Which was basically a time to play Monopoly because our teacher was too busy hitting on the girls in the school to teach the class. So ya, I took it all 4 years. I’m really good at Monopoly.

Okay, that wraps up today’s questions. Got some of your own? Want to get deep? Serious? Raw?!?!? Then go here and ask away!!!
And sorry this was so long…I can get a little carried away talking about myself. Whoops.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. I totally hear you. I can’t give up the scale yet, but doing Jennifer Rothschilds Me Myself and Lies this summer has really helped me to change my self talk about it.

  2. Wow. I felt as if I was reading my own writing when it came to the scale discussion. I can so relate to that, it’s not even funny.

    No, really. It isn’t. As I’m sure you know. You do know. It’s lame and ridiculous and now I am about to look up I’m Beautiful, Dammit!

  3. I have just recently fell in love with Thrift store shopping…you can find some GREAT stuff!

  4. Love you answers- their smart, funny, and poignant. You may be your very own triple threat! I have a huge problem with the scale. I don’t actually own one, but my husband owns an industrial scale company and I know what I weigh to the tenth of a pound. It’s horrible!

  5. Well I am the same way, trying not to obsess about my weight! Grr, kind of hard, but I love how my clothes fit after doing the shred…so I’m with you….tone tone tone!

    btw…I think you look fabulous!

  6. I think that you forgot to answer my question. I love your name and I want to know how you got it. 🙂

  7. Oh thank God! I thought I was the only one who got their workout clothes on, had a huge bottle of water in my hand and then sat there on my couch unmotivated and watched my workout dvd, ha! Love ya Summer, you always make me laugh 🙂

  8. so all I have to do to get a shout out on your blog is talk about you? who knew!!
    thanks it was fun reading your answers <3

  9. Great questions and answers. I get where you’re coming from about the scale. It’s an emotional thing, seriously and it can determine how you feel afterwards. What a horrible, horrible invention!

  10. If your son stopped with the attitude then what would you blog about? Oh never mind. This is you we’re talking about. You have tons of other things to blog about.

  11. I feel so much more informed. I love Marshalls!

  12. I love that you call them TTT! Hehe. You know I love F21, and I am starting to feel your pain about the P90X. I think I want to try Julianne Hough’s new DVDs.

  13. I’m grateful that you shared with us! I’ve struggled as well.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I’ve tried 30 day shred. I like Jillian’s new videos better they are full hour workouts though slightly less intense so you can finish. I recommend Exercise tv in the freezone OnDemand. Also www. exercisetv.tv (broken link, just incase you don’t want us posting links, if so sorry, and you can delete this) is great for trying out a trainer to see if you like them. I get bored and like to mix it up. let us know what you think of the new workouts!