hair tips: how to repair dry damaged hair

Struggling with how to repair dry damaged hair?

Been there, done that!


Over the years I have done A LOT to my hair, going from platinum blonde to dark and back to blonde…(and many colors in between)…and I think because of a few simple & easy hair habits, I’ve been able to maintain its health & integrity.

So today I thought I’d share those tricks, tips & habits of how to repair dry damaged hair with all of you!

And if you have anything to add, or products you die for, let us know in the comments below!

Thanks you guys so much for watching!

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my latest vitacost haul ~ health & beauty

You guys are seriously missing out if you haven’t graced the pages of my online happy place, Vitacost. Honestly, this website has changed my life (and budget) in so many ways. It’s especially made it easier to shop healthier, find an unbelievable amount of natural and organic products (food, health & beauty!), and at so much less than I’d spend if I was shopping at my local Sprouts or Health Food Store.  {I don’t work or get compensated in any way by Vitacost, by the way. This is my honest to goodness true obsession!}

So, here’s my latest haul from Vitacost (make sure to check out the others on my YouTube channel to get plenty of other ideas!), to hopefully inspire you to shop healthier on a budget!

Always first shop Vitacost through Ebates or Extrabux for extra cash back! I check both to see which is offering more cash back each time you order. I promise it’s worth it!
* Vitacost: (Get $10 when you sign up!)
* Ebates: (for $5 credit)
* Extrabux: (for $5 credit)

I always love to hear too, what you guys are using and loving when it comes to healthier products, so if you have something to recommend, leave a comment!


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yay or nay? what’s up with the products i’ve used up.

It’s time, once again, to go through my trash and share just what I thought of the products I was finally able to use up! Who knew going through my trash could be so much fun?

The things we do to help you all save (and spend) your money wisely. ha!


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top 10 vitacost beauty & home must haves!

Over the years Vitacost has truly become my online happy place to shop!  Not only does it provide me with the opportunity to shop… but it also gives me thrill of finding a good deal AND getting packages in the mail!!!  It’s so many pieces of heaven in one little place!

I get a lot of people and friends who ask me what I get and love the most, or what they should order or try, so I thought it might be helpful to make a Top 10 Vitacost video and update it every few months.

(Always first shop Vitacost through Ebates or Extrabux for extra cash back! I check both to see which is offering more cash back each time I shop.)
~Vitacost: (Get $10 when you sign up!)
~Ebates: (for $5 credit)
~Extrabux: (for $5 credit)

*ftc ~ All products were purchased by me, and I don’t get paid in any way for making this video! =)

~ Products mentioned ~
(See below for Vitacost, Ebates & Extrabux discount links!)
Monoi Tiki Vanilla Coconut Oil
Pineapple Coconut Oil
Almond French Milled Soap
Earth Friendly Hand Soap Lemongrass
Spry Gum
Spry Toothpaste
Sibu Exfoliating Scrub
Andalou Naturals Brightening Facial Cleanser
Giovanni Unscented Cleansing Wipes
Earth Science Hair Masque
Ecco Bella Cosmetics
Ecover Dishwashing Tablets
Caldrea Stainless Steel Cleaner

{My first Top 10 Vitacost video}

As always thank you all so much for supporting me by liking, subscribing & continuing to watch!!! I love that we are in this together, building a fun & supportive community and friendship!!! xo

Make sure to leave a comment sharing what you guys love most Health & Beauty product wise too!


While I LOVE beauty, health, and all things related, more than anything my heart and soul belongs to Jesus! This quote expresses exactly what I hope shines more than anything:

“Like Paul and every other believer, my life is no longer my own. The focus must not be on me, but on Christ. When someone hears from me publicly, I want it all to point to Him.”
{quote from John MacArthur}


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what we need to teach our daughters about beauty

What I hope we teach our daughters about beauty…

My Beautiful Sweet Baby Girl,

As your mama there are so many things I want to teach you about life and love, and there are so many things I long to protect you from in those areas as well. I look at what I’ve walked through, what I’ve learned from, what I’m noticing even now…and I just want to pour it all into your soul so that you can skip the confusion and pain it sometimes takes to learn.

But, the truth is, that isn’t always the way life works. You will walk, you will stumble and at times you will flat out fall, and in the midst of it all, I trust you will learn your own beautiful lessons as well. What I can do, what God has given me the job to do, is simply share what He’s shown me and hope that as you find your way, the lessons I’ve passed on will better help you to more easily get back up and give you the push to continue on.

You may only be 5, but we talk quite often about beauty. I hear you say you wish you looked like some of your little friends from your preschool class, or how you long to have a cute voice like our sweet sounding dentist. I see you noticing the beauty around you, and while I love that, it aches me to hear it paired with comparison.

You love to watch me when I’m spending time playing with or applying my makeup, and every time you beg me to make you over as well, saying, “Make me pretty too, mom!” And what do I always tell you? I say, “You are beautiful no matter what, Chloe, makeup or not…because God created you perfectly so.”


I don’t just say that because that’s what mommies are supposed to say, I say that because it’s one of the most absolute truths I could ever share with you.  You are perfectly beautiful to me.  And even more so to the one who created you.

But, there’s so much more I want you to understand about beauty, my sweet girl. So much more I need you to remember, because I know it will allow you to live and love and see God in ways you’d never imagine.  I may teach you many makeup and fashion tips and tricks along the way, but what I always want you to remember about beauty is what God has been busy at work showing me throughout my life.

~ Find the beauty in everything, and everyone.  Make it a habit, or maybe even a game, to see how far you can take this. Find it in the people who hurt you, in the dark moments or days that will come or have passed.  Beauty is in all things, because God is in all things. When you find the fingerprint of Him, you’ve happened upon the truest form of beauty.

~ Enjoy the process and all the moments involved when you’re creating, just as much as you enjoy the final creation.  Do this in all areas, in all the things you do, and you’ll experience life in a way many will sadly miss out on.  Creating is just as beautiful as the creation.

~ Remember that what truly shines through is what we most spend our time on. Whatever amount of time you spend on the skin you’re in, quadruple that on the time you invest making your insides even better. The saying is true, true beauty shines from the inside out.

~ While hair and makeup and fashion is fun, the true beauty is the power it has to connect us. Many times, in many ways, I’ve witnessed the bond women form over beauty.  Whether it’s sitting for hours getting braids in the Dominican Republic or getting bleach blonde highlights in Southern California, I continually notice that in those moments there is often times sharing, laughing, connecting…and more importantly, healing. It can seem so surface, and many will say that it is.  But if you’re careful to observe, you’ll see that sometimes the secular things in life, done right, can open hearts to see Him.  Don’t miss that sweet girl.

~ Always keep your perspective, because your heart is what defines worship. Our dear friend and pastor, Matt Smith, recently shared that just as every holy activity can become godless with the wrong heart, so can every neutral activity become worshipful with the right heart.  There is no difference between what is sacred and secular. The difference is your heart.


~ Don’t get so caught up in all that glitters…that you miss what it’s truly all for.
Shared Moments.
Healed Hearts.

Keep your perspective, maintain a heart of worship, and do it all for the glory of Him.  It’s okay to love beauty. It’s okay to long for beauty. It’s okay to want to share and delight in the beauty of life and people and things around you.
But, never forget who created it.
And never forget what He created you for.

Make beauty.
Be Beauty.
And do it all with a heart of worship.

I love you baby girl, with all my heart.

your mama

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the DTR talk: time to define the relationship

Sometimes it’s just good to have that talk.
To really set some boundaries so that you and everyone involved can really know what to expect…

I’m getting focused.
I’m defining me.
I’m defining my “brand.”
I’m defining us.

And after you watch, I need a little something from you too.

Watch and see….

***As you may have noticed, I’ve been splitting my time more between my blog and my YouTube channel.  It’s been refreshing for me to have both outlets for me to share creatively.  And I’m so incredibly thankful and grateful for every single one of you who have continued to support and encouraging me all along in “a place to say, ‘me too!'”***

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inspiring links: fitness, faith, parenting, family, food & beauty


Where I’ve been and what I’ve been loving this week on the WWW!


After my “faith crisis” and especially after these last couple trips to the D.R., I can feel God in the works of changing me.  It’s as though He’s given me new eyes and a new heart.  And when I read this article on how to rescue our families, I was absolutely challenged and inspired.  In fact, I think all parents would be blessed in reading and following his advice.  How can we rescue the family? (John MacArthur a.k.a JMac as we call him in our house.)



A friend sent this to me this week since we are both in the throws of sibling conflict.  Having tried every method and read every book, I was all about learning another way to find peace.  Take a read and let me know what you guys think. 3 Steps that Transform Sibling Conflict into Sibling Comaradare  (Psychology Today)



After a women’s bible study I attended last weekend, our associate pastor came through and handed us an envelope to give to our husbands.  It was a perfect match to everything we wives had just learned in Titus 2, and I may have encouraged Jimmy to read it every day if he could. =)  This is definitely a letter EVERY husband (or soon to be husband) should read, and I’m not even kidding you right now.  Print it out and hand it over to your man ASAP.  Dear Husband (Barabbas Road Church)



Burn away fat cells with this simple trick…  I’m intrigued!  Especially with my anniversary trip only 4 weeks away….I gotta get vacation body ready!!!  If you’ve ever tried this method and have thoughts on it, I’d love to hear! (Dr. Mercola)

Speaking of getting vacation ready, I’ve been upping and intensifying my workouts this week and decided to add a bit to the end of my TAM Meta workouts.  I start with one of my new fave YouTube channels Blogilates:  This particular inner thigh workout KILLS, but oh my goodness, in SUCH a good way!!!  (YouTube)

And then when my thighs are dead, I finish up with some extra arm work.  This week I used Tracy’s Hampton Arms, which I’m pretty sure nobody can finish without resting their arms at least once.  If you can, I am in AWE!!! (YouTube)



We’ve been trying to pin and then ACTUALLY make the healthy meals we find this week to stop our bad problem with eating out.  This was by far my favorite meal of all AND the most easy to make! Grilled Chicken & Pineapple Quesadillas (The Girl Who Ate Everything)



Ipsy: Join me on Ipsy and subscribe to the Glam Bag! You get 4-5 beauty products every month delivered to your door, for just $10. (Michelle Phan curates the bags!)  Check out my Instagram pic to see what was in this months bag, which was worth well over the $10 I spent!  Score!!!

I’ve also been totally hooked on my Conscious Box Subscription as well.  Every month, the box gets better and better, and I discover new organic and natural products that I love.


Now it’s your turn!!!  Leave a comment letting us know what blogs, links, or videos YOU loved most this week!


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health. beauty. fashion. links.

Before I catch ya’ll up on my writing and videos around the www, I wanted to share a couple things that have been inspiring me as of late.

We are THAT family: A friend of mine recently recommended this blog to me when I first got back from the DR.  As soon as I started reading I immediately felt connected to her passion and heart, and haven’t missed a single blog post ever since.  She’s been incredibly sweet in helping me set up a few things for our own ministry, and her personal encouragement has come in the moments I needed it most.

Grace to You App: I’ve been in deep need of some serious preaching.  The kind that wakes you up and really gets you uncomfortable and causes you to check yourself before you wreck yourself.  JMac (John MacArthur to most) is my most favorite pastor of all time, and just this week I’ve started making a daily date to listen to the podcasts from his app.  It’s become one of the most treasured parts of my day… I get Stellas leash on (my dog, to be clear), put my headphones in, and take off walking for a good 45 minutes to an hour until my soul is revived and legs and butt are utterly exhausted.
Get the app.
It’s free.
And yet totally priceless.

This song & these lyrics.
Nothing else needs to be said.


And now where I’ve been… for those of you that like to follow along.

(there’s another new video up today if you click over: My May health/beauty/fashion haul!}
May Empties:
Showing what I used up in the month of May and giving a little mini review on each product.  These are some of my favorite videos to watch, so hopefully you enjoy!

P&G Everyday
I love writing for P&G and Home Made Simple because it challenges me to really dig deep and learn everything I can on the topics assigned to me.
Here’s what I’ve worked on recently…

Easy Ways to Cut Calories w/out Feeling Like You’re Starving
Putting a Summer Spin On Workouts: Swimming, Running and Hiking with Suzanne Bowen
Nail Painting is all the rage, and I have the techniques you need to know
What eating after 8 does to your metabolism

And then of course there’s my beloved SheKnows Mommalogues!
Click on over to watch us chit chat with the princess about baby names and parenting advice…
It’s about that time for Kate & William if you didn’t already know! (I didn’t until I got these topics to film! Oops!)


I hope you all have an incredible weekend!

xo, Summer

© 2013 “Le Musings of Moi”

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things i love: surfer girl hair

I think I’ve established now that I’m very into hair. (Hair, not heads. Let’s be clear.) I’m a beauty school expert. Only I quit months before graduation. I wanted to be a mom instead…Aw, the innocent dreams of the young.
So far, in my hair reviews, I haven’t steered any of you wrong…right?
I’m always on the lookout for new products that not just smell amazing but work as well. One of the things I’ve been looking for lately is a really good gel or mousse to help with my ever confused hair.
My hair doesn’t want to be straight and it doesn’t want to be curly. And it’s the kind of middle of the road hair that doesn’t look good when air dried. I either have to flat iron it for a silky smooth look or scrunch the heck out of it to create some wave. The problem is I haven’t been able to find anything that helps form super cute wave AND keeps it that way for the entire day.
So when Mom Fuse sent me J Life Surf Girl Sea Salt Spray ($16), I was a skeptic from the beginning. In fact, I even told them that I most likely wasn’t going to be a fan, and they told me it was okay, to just be honest…
So, this morning after washing my hair, I brushed it out and parted it down the middle. Then I got out the spray and started going to town. Once I felt I had thoroughly drenched my hair in it, I flipped my hair upside down and started scrunching. Once that was done, I decided to take a bunch of small pieces and twist them as the directions suggested. Then I went to put on my makeup and get dressed, while I allowed my hair to dry.
Here’s what it looked like about 20 minutes after applying the product:

I went to church, and I actually got a few compliments on my hair! But, the real test was seeing if it made it through the day, the entire day! About 10 hours later, I took another picture. And honestly, I liked my hair even more the longer I had the product in! The waves stayed soft and touchable, and the nice thing is tomorrow I can just spritz some more in, and go along with my day.

I think I may have found the match made in heaven for my confused hair. I guess it pays to move out of the norm and try something different every once in awhile.
Okay, so now you want it right? If so, you can find it at salons or online here. They have so many products to choose from, that I’m sure if this isn’t the one for you, you will have no problem finding the one that is.
Happy Hair Days to You!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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things i love: vitamin shampoo

Looking to see who the contest winner is? Watch here to see!

I love hair. I even went to beauty school, though I dropped out months before graduation. Minor details. See, unfortunately I have a strong sense of smell, and the smell of hair and heads got to me.
Yet, I still love hair and I love the statement hair makes.
Your hair says a lot about you, and more importantly, the smell of your hair says even more. A dirty smelly head? Not such good things. A yummy smelling head? Good things.
Are you following me here?
Consider me, the beauty school scholar, an expert, and just trust me.
This is why I think you should try Vitamin Shampoo. It’s so yummy and you will want to eat it. But, don’t. It’s shampoo.
Why will you love it? Here’s why:

And if the ad doesn’t sell you, maybe this will. It’s sells for around $5! And VitaminShampoo™ products are free of lauryl or laureth sulfates and are paraben free. Did you know that sulfate stuff can cause you to lose hair?!? Um ya, not good. Not good at all.
Trust me. I liked it. I’m the expert, remember?
Where to buy?
Amazon, Walmart, Target, Walgreens, CVS, Duane Read, Bed Bath & Beyond….and many more.
You’ll thank me. Because people will like you better when your hair smells good. And because of that you just might save one girl from dropping out of beauty school.
You can thank me and Mom Fuse later for sharing this important announcement.
Now go, and wash your hair. Make new friends.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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