Archives for September 2013

what forgiveness means & how to do it for good

I have a hard time with forgiveness.
It hurts being let down by people and events, and it’s so hard to let that go.

But then my mentor recently shared this with me,
“Forgiveness is simply taking the offense and pain out of your lap and instead placing it at the feet of Jesus.”


Immediately, I could imagine a vivid picture for that.
And in that moment, I saw all that was in my lap and weighing on my shoulders.
Then I pictured myself in one giant scoop, handing it all over.

“Dumping it” might be a better phrase.

It’s off.

It’s so simple.

I can do that.
I can forgive.

I can let it go, and give it to Jesus.
{over and over again}

I can be free, and so can you.

Just scoop it all up, and leave it with Jesus.
Dump it if you must.
And then go eat chocolate cake or ice cream to celebrate.

Because that, sweet friends, is what forgiveness really is.

Do you find yourself having a hard time forgiving?
Imagine this…
Journal this….
Draw this….
Whatever helps you see it, do it.

It’s time to be free.


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homeschool confessions: curriculum, scheduling & why we homeschool!

I’m now going on my second year of homeschooling, and while I am FAR from truly knowing what I’m doing, I am so much closer to being convinced I am absolutely in the sweet spot of Gods will.

And this comes from a wife who may or may not have threatened divorce once YEARS ago when Jimmy suggested I begin praying about it being my heart.
In basic words, I responded…. “If you EVER desire to have a happy marriage, I suggest you NEVER bring that up to me. I am NOT a homeschooling mom.”

And then I came to know Michelle Duggar.
You know, on TV.
Although my DREAM is to be able to meet her, and possibly stay a weekend with her (with my kids) to truly see her in action and learn from all her wisdom. I also want her to teach me not to yell.  (whoever can make that happen is my favorite.)

And then I started talking to moms who don’t necessarily homeschool the traditional way, which intrigued me, and I realized that maybe I COULD do it!!! A little prayer, and wa la… I am.

Totally off my anxiety pills and homeschooling, all at once… two things I never thought I’d say in the same sentence.
God is a God of miracles.

And while it is definitely tough some days, I have to say that there have been so many benefits both for my own humility and character, but for our entire family unit.
And yes. It’s totally hard.
But growth doesn’t come easy.
And man, are we growing.

But sometimes God calls us to do hard things, and we obey.
His ways don’t always make sense, but I trust Him.

So. All that said, here is the latest of my Homeschooling YouTube series.
In this video I’m sharing what we’re using and loving for curriculum this year, our schedule, HOW we homeschool, and WHY on earth we decided to take this lofty road.

If you homeschool, or even if you don’t, I highly suggest you watch this… because you just never know.
PLUS, it’s always good to know you aren’t alone.

P.S. I hate asking this because it seems so desperate, but would you PLEASE subscribe.  With each view and subscription, I am allowed more opportunities to help YOU!  So help me help you.  Because YOU COMPLETE ME!

Make sure to leave a comment either here or on my YouTube video sharing your own tips, fave curriculum, vents as well as how you schedule your day.
We all have SO much to learn from each other.
I just LOVE that!

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an elevator pitch…if we were stuck in one

“A place to say, ‘me too’…”

{My blog’s tagline}

I share all that I share, in part, because it’s therapy to me.
It helps me to breathe, to think, to feel and to process.
It helps me understand me.
It helps me to understand the One who made me.

But I continue to share all that I share, even more, because of YOU.

All my life I have felt so alone, and as though I never really fit in anywhere or with anyone.
It’s a struggle I still battle.

But that lie, that deep seeded wound inside, heals just a little more each time I get an email or a comment or a word from one of you, saying… “Me too, Summer….me too.”
And we connect.
We accept.
We understand.
And though we’ve maybe never met, we love.

elevator pitch

The truth is, we are all struggling with something.
And if you aren’t now, you will be soon.

It’s just life.

But there is just something…almost heavenly, when you share the depths of your soul and your heart and all the good and bad and funny and odd, and there is someone who looks you in your eyes and agrees.

They just get it.

What incredible freedom there is in acceptance and love and understanding.

I’ve had to check myself, a lot…but here is what I know is true:
I truly don’t come here to feed my ego.
I don’t promote this blog or my YouTube channel simply to be known and to get ahead.

I do all of this because, by saying  and hearing “me too,” we are given a little glimpse of what heaven must feel like.

That’s what it is, that’s why it feels so good!!!

It’s not about flattery or egos or being narcissitic, it’s about experiencing a glimpse of what it would be like to show up in heaven one day, falling to our knees at the overwhelming and undeserving love and acceptance of our Savior.

And when we get a taste of it here on earth, it’s just…right.
That’s what this is all about.

And so I share.
And sometimes nobody says anything and that’s okay, because it’s not always about me. (hard lesson for a middle child.)
But in the times someone does, it’s even more confirmed that I am doing exactly what God has asked me to do.

I am not perfect.
I am such a sinner, and I battle my thoughts and desires EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I have a past, and a present, and a future…all full of mistakes.
I am not one to be admired, praised or loved the most.
I don’t have all the answers or wisdom, but I’m always willing to say… “Here! Feel a tiny amount of what heaven must be like! Isn’t it lovely? Now run to Jesus, because His wisdom and answers hold the healing that you’ve been looking for!”

I pray that in all my sharing…
and in all your sharing…
We can be the heart of Jesus.
And in that, allow others to get excited about WHO is He really is and what eternity with Him is all about.

{I have a feeling this is too long for a quick elevator ride/pitch.  Work in progress….}

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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

how much do we really have in common?

If you haven’t noticed, I’ve been trying to balance my time between writing/blogging and working on my video skills over on YouTube.

Sometimes, I just find it so much easier to write it all out…and then sometimes I just want to not think and simply talk.

I love it here, and I love it there.
It’s like me, all balanced out.

Sooooo… I’m sharing my latest video: 50 Random Facts
Yes, they are random and  I’m pretty sure only Jimmy would know all 50…

So watch on, and count how many “me too’s” we get!
Let’s find out just how much we really do have in common!!!

{btw. subscribing to my channel feels like a hug. and i LOVE hugs. So lets hug? Just click on the video and you’re on your way!}

Your TOP TEN Fall Essentials, A collab project!
August Favorites
July Favorites Part I
July Favorites Part II

As always, please please let me know what videos you want to see next!

While I LOVE beauty, health, and all things related, more than anything my heart and soul belongs to Jesus! This quote expresses exactly what I hope shines more than anything:

“Like Paul and every other believer, my life is no longer my own. The focus must not be on me, but on Christ. When someone hears from me publicly, I want it all to point to Him.”
{quote from John MacArthur}


love you guys!!!
xoxo, Summer

Music credit: Helen Austin (with permission!)

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in the closet getting uncomfortable

I’m in my closet.
And it’s well after one in the morning…when my house is silent and all I hear is the quiet hum of my laptop and the comforting tapping of the keyboard.

This next week must be full of intentional prayers.
I realize this as I sit crosslegged among my shoes, trying to quiet my mind and release my grip.
My mind is full.

Looking only at Him seems impossible with the noise, the tasks, my fleshly desires, hurts, confusion and “plans…”
and then there’s always the overwhelming feeling of being mediocre…of failing and continually falling short.

Do you feel like this too?

And I know…the more I go along this path that He has me on, the slower it will be when I make it all about me.
But sometimes….being selfish sounds so nice.
And yet, deep in my soul, I know it’s not.
Selfish hurts people.

And there is my battle.

wrong way

More and more quickly I realize, I have to stop and drop it all, and literally get on my knees before Him.

It seems old fashioned.
And it’s definitely uncomfortable.
But so is God.

We must grasp that!
Our God is old fashioned and His ways can absolutely uncomfortable…
And so has He called us to be.

We are blessed though, that if we allow Him in, in all of the discomfort…
there is comfort.

This week, I will stop.
I will surrender.
I will do my best to look only at Him and lay it all down.

And again.

This is my battle.
And it’s getting uncomfortable.


© 2013 “Le Musings of Moi”

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my struggle with “christianity”

Sometimes I struggle with Christianity.
Often times I struggle with church.

There tends to be so much “religion” that we are no longer looking up and around at people and their needs.

We get so caught up in programs and numbers and building bigger churches with popular guest speakers and headlining bands that we tend to miss out on people’s hearts, their needs, and all the things God has asked us to care for in His name.

We keep things light and happy and unoffending…so that we can appeal to those who don’t believe…yet.
We want to look cool, with it, and hip…so we bend a little, and we think we’re serving a purpose in the end.

And so we all continue to eat baby food, serve baby food, and then we’re utterly confused when we get tossed to and fro by the constant wind and desires of this world.


We are the hungry trying to feed the hungry, and it’s simply not working.

We have no roots.
We live and act and look no different than the world around us.
Often times, we end up looking worse.

And it seems all this, in turn, is resulting in a bunch of Christians not truly living out the faith God called us to.

We may be knee deep in service and grand gestures of giving, but we’re so busy in all of it, that we ignore the lonely person who is in desperate need of love right before us.
And I believe God looks at those little gestures just as much.
Maybe more?

We miss the growth.
We miss the opportunities.
We miss the real needs.
And in all that, we can cause so much unintentional damage.

I know because…
I’ve met the damaged.
I’ve listened to their fears and frustrations, and could only say “Me too…”  and “Look only at Him.
I know because…
I’ve been the damaged, and I’ve had to give myself the exact same advice.

It pains me to see.
Aches me that I’ve been a part of it all.

I can check the box:
All of the Above.


And if I, as sinful and broken as I am, am hurt by this…
I can’t imagine how God must feel when He looks down on us,
and He sees those who don’t believe in Him acting more Christlike than His own followers.

How that must pain Him.
How angry He must feel.

We have it all wrong.
I have had it so very wrong.

I have come to understand that God created me sensitive for a reason.
And my sensitivity has recently opened my eyes and heart.

I so desire to study, to devour God’s Word, so that I can truly understand more how to live like the Author.
I want my insides and outsides to match.
I want to notice what others don’t.
I want to live, love, serve, forgive and believe….just the way God intended us to.

This is my prayer.
For me.
And for all of you.


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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!