Archives for March 2012

the truth about playgroups

Awhile back, one of my best friends Betsy and I used to write together on a little website out there in Yahoo land.
And we were kind of good together I think…so good that I have decided to bring back those articles here to share with you.
Today we are talking about playgroups…..


When my daughter was just six weeks old, I (Betsy) went to my first mommy group–a breastfeeding support group. The nurses at the hospital where I’d given birth had told me that it would be a “great way” to meet new friends and get used to the idea of self-imposed torture (I mean “breastfeeding”).

Yeah, right.
Normally I would never venture into such dangerous and physically revealing territory. But when you’re sleep deprived and still walking bowlegged from the birthing process, you’ll do some crazy things. 
So I gathered Lily, found the meeting in a nondescript office building, and shuffled into the room with my overstuffed diaper bag, leaking boobs, and screaming newborn.
Between the handouts, florescent lighting, folding chairs, and forced introductions, it actually seemed more like an AA meeting. 
It was that uncomfortable. 
There, we were encouraged to share all our horror stories while our sponsor (I mean, “lactation consultant”) gave us advice. Then, if you didn’t want an hour of free instruction, you could always chat up the other moms while you tried to avoid staring at their naked boobs.
You’d think that would be enough for me to grab Lily and run for the door, but nooo, I was determined to make friends. Unfortunately, I’d joined the group two weeks too late for that. 
By the time I showed up, everyone had already formed alliances.
I tried going several times, and no one-NO ONE-so much as returned a smile or talked to me. 
Each time I got home from a meeting, I would study myself in the mirror. 
Spit-up on my maternity clothing? Check. 
Bags under the eyes? Check. 
Cute, overpriced diaper bag? Check. 
I was just like everyone else there. So why didn’t these moms want to be friends with me?
Was it the nipple shield I’d used during group? 
Or the face I made when one mom boasted about how much she loved nursing? 
Who knows? 
The point is, mommy groups can be more cliquey than the junior high lunchroom. 
And facing down the “A List” is always nerve-wracking, but when you’re still experiencing night sweats and wearing maternity underwear, it can be brutal to your self-esteem.
Lest you think I wrote off all mommy groups on the basis of one bad apple, though, let me assure you that I tried. 
Several months later, I checked out a playgroup in my area. 
It has to be better than the breastfeeding support group, I thought. 
And it was . . . for the other moms. 
I just didn’t fit in. 

This became painfully obvious when they talked excitedly about how we needed to do a girl’s night out.
“Let’s meet at my house,” the leader squeaked, clapping her hands. “We can all bring our wedding albums and scrapbooking materials!”
I looked at her, trying to mask my disappointment. 
Seriously? Because honestly, I’d rather scrub my bathroom than spend my one free evening gawking at the wedding pictures of people I hardly know.
By this point you must be thinking that I sounded as snobby as the women I tried to befriend in the breastfeeding support group. 
Maybe I was. 
I did feel bad about the way I acted when I stopped coming abruptly and ran into the playgroup at our neighborhood park several months later. 
The thing was, I just couldn’t get over the forced sisterhood. 
When you join an organized mommy group, you’re hanging out with people you may never normally be friends with in the hopes that you’ll be able to have a few hours of adult conversation while your kids steal toys from each other. 
The groups are supposed to be for the kids, but kids don’t care who they “play” with, especially when they’re little. 
The groups are really for the moms. 
And if you’re not connecting with the moms, then what’s the point?
So I gave up and found friends the old-fashioned way. 
At the park. At my church. And on walks. 
I now have a great group of mommy friends. 
In fact, we all get along so well that my husband has nicknamed us “the Gackle,” because we squawk like geese as we go on walks and talk about really important things like the latest botched nose job featured in US Weekly. 
I don’t know what I’d do without the Gackle-or the “P.O.T. Group,” as we used to call ourselves. (“P.O.T.” meaning “Parents of Toddlers: Because You’ll Need to Smoke Some to Get Through These Years!”)
The bottom line is that whether you find friends through an organized playgroup or more organically, you need to have your own Gackle. 
Because mommyhood is hard, and you need all the support you can get. Spanx and sisters included.
Speaking of sisterly support, it’s your turn, Summer.
Let me (Summer) just start by saying that there’s nothing wrong with playgroups. 
They are awesome and necessary and well loved by many moms. 
Unfortunately, the “organized” ones weren’t quite my cup o’ tea either.
To be fair, I haven’t been to very many groups. 
Actually, I’ve only been to two. 
But both of them made me feel very un-motherly. 
And I make myself feel that way just fine already, so I really don’t need any encouragement from others.
I think in order to fix the issues we’re having with these “organized” playgroups, we need to require that all playgroups have names that describe exactly what they’re about (or not about). 
Too many of them just go by the name of the area they’re in, like “Town I Live in Mommies.” 
It’s misleading.
For example, one of the playgroups I attended should have been named Scrapbook or Bust.” 
These moms were very into their crafty ways. 
Let me again say that’s totally cool. 
More power to those of you who find love and freedom in your craft. 
It’s just that I would much rather pay you to do mine than sit and do it myself. 
After all, I have my own addictions to feed…like gossip magazines, thrift shopping, and blogging.
{each to our own, right?}
The other playgroup I tried out was a bit more stuffy than I’d like to think myself to be. 
I mean, I may not be high class, but I’m sure I do have some class. 
Unfortunately, the other moms didn’t seem to think so when I showed up for the “Mommy’s Night Out” with doughnuts in hand. 

I heard snickers and snide remarks: “Oh my word, who brought doughnuts?!?” 
And, “Are you kidding me, are those really doughnuts?” 
To which I replied, “What?!? Mama needed some doughnuts! Why you gotta diss? Shooot!”
(And by “replied,” I mean, of course, that I thought it in my head! Come on now, I said I have some class!!!) 

So, you see, if they had just named their playgroup… 
Moms That Are Too Good for Doughnuts,” 
I never would have found myself in that situation to begin with. 
Because I could never be part of a group that didn’t embrace fried bread and frosting.
Oh, and that same playgroup, the “I Hate Doughnuts” one? 
They have a message board that I used from time to time. 
I officially knew it wasn’t the group for me when I posted a message asking which BPA free bottles would be best to use. 
And instead of help, I got a backlash of whisper and chatter: 
“Who is that girl asking about bottles? Ugh, I just wanted to respond, ‘Doesn’t she know that Breast Is Best?'” 
(I had an insider in the group, so I know these things!) 
I mean, come on now! 
At least I was asking about BPA FREE bottles! Don’t I get some credit for that?
Anyway, I’ve decided that I just need to start my own playgroup. 
After all, it’s a requirement that seems to go with motherhood (along with breastfeeding). You simply must be affiliated with a playgroup. 
It’s the unspoken word on the street.
So I’ll call mine:
“Moms who love scrapbookers but would rather pay to have it done for them, who love to read and gossip about celebrities, who don’t want to talk about their kids when they’re with other adults, who could care less who breastfeeds or formula feeds, who wouldn’t mind having a glass of wine at playgroup, and who want to pair that wine with a nice big ol’ doughnut.”
That’s the playgroup I’m looking for!
Fellow Mamas, are you in?
© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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maybe it’s not about a book deal after all

{kindergarten summer, when my love for writing began. perhaps earlier}

Ever since I was little I wanted to write and publish books.
In my mind, it was such a simple goal to accomplish…..

I would write a book.  Send it off to publishers so they could “oooh” and “ahhh” and fight over who would get to put their publishing name on it, and I would “hmmmm” and “welllll,” until the price was right and then BAM!

A deal would be made.

There would be book tours to follow.
And of course I’d stop and talk to Kathy Lee on the Today Show and we’d bond over my struggles and laugh about the humor I’d been able to find through it all.

Ellen would call me, and we’d banter back and forth about our books.  
Then we’d play games…and she’d give me silly gifts…
oh how much fun we’d have.

And then I’d speak at churches and womens conferences, and it wouldn’t even be about money, it would be about FINALLY getting my story out there and being able to connect with women over OUR HEARTS and OUR TRUTHS without being all cliche and “christian-ese” about it.

So that was my dream well into….well….my mid thirties, which was all of um….just a few days ago.

{headband by muchloveilly}

And then I recently got a healthy dose of reality that actually inspired me and opened my eyes…
in a good way.

You know why?
Because I got quiet.
I put aside my busy thoughts and my dreams and MY WAY, and I just listened.

And it all started with a few emails from a few INCREDIBLE readers of this blog.

One I know in real life, sort of.
After spending time reading my blog, she wrote me a letter sharing her heart and her struggles which completely matched mine, and my heart ached as I read what sounded like my own words coming straight from her.
And at the end, she thanked me.
She. thanked. me!
….for being so open.
For taking a risk in being vulnerable so that she felt safe enough to do the same.
And so that finally she didn’t feel so alone.

And then there was another email….encouraging me never to give up on my dream of writing a book, even believing enough in me herself to say she knows it WILL happen when GOD’S TIMING is right.
Her encouragement, her belief, her LOVE….brought me to tears.

I read it several times that day and over the weekend.
I read it to my counselor. {okay, therapist…whatever.}
I read it to my husband…..

And then I did something I’ve been trying to do more of lately….

I prayed.

I quieted my mind and my heart and my dreams and instead of asking for something, I simply thanked Him for these amazing women who have come into my life.
I thanked Him for these incredibly brave and beautiful souls who have opened up to me and shared their hearts and lives. 
And I thanked Him even more for giving me the ability to SEE them.
To know them.
To feel and understand EXACTLY what it is they are sharing with me.
And during that prayer, I heard him remind me…
“you understand because of what you’ve walked through.  
you see their hearts, because you’ve continued to walk with me in the midst of it, and have trusted my spirit to work through you.”

And as I said, Amen….

my heart changed.
it began to sing a new song.
The dream was still there.
But suddenly I saw it differently.
Sometimes God’s dream for us is even BETTER than the ones we’ve come up with ourselves.

Quoting the email from my sweet Canadian reader/friend: 

“I really believe that God loves us very much. Now just because he loves us doesn’t mean he gives us our every wish (I know this because I would have a walk in closet, and it would be STACKED with A LOT of clothes in it), but I do believe he knows the PURE desires of our heart.”
He is an incredible God, who CAN and WILL give me the desires of my heart.
But this dream of a book?  
I had to ask myself some hard questions….
If I don’t care about the money or fame (cause you know, authors become famous overnight millionaires from what i hear…not.), then what is it really all about?
~For me, it’s always been about connecting with women.

~It’s about desiring a platform to share my journey, my truths and my humor through all the tough stuff (and fun stuff)…so that we’re not always crying and whining, 
but laughing sometimes too.  

~And most importantly, not doing it ALONE. 

~It’s about CONNECTING us.

~It’s about making each and every one of us feel LESS ALONE in this life we’re living.
And then God said….
“Um, Summer….????”
“Have you heard of the blog, Le Musings of Moi?”
Okay, maybe He didn’t AUDIBLY say that, but that’s what my heart heard.
Maybe this book dream of mine, morphed into a BLOG dream of God’s.
I don’t know for sure where He will take me with my desire to write and speak and share.

But I do know now, right in this moment, that I have got to stop with the lamenting.
I must stop wishing I had more of what other bloggers have.
I have to end the jealousy and comparing and wishing for different or more.

Because this God of ours?
He is good.  
Sooooo good.
And incredibly loving and faithful and amazing.
And I trust that if I keep on doing exactly what it is I KNOW He has called me to do….
I will be living the dream.
His dream.
Which is so much better than I could ever imagine.
So thank you.
Every single one of you who come here to read.
Whether you come daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly.
Whether you comment or don’t, email or not….
Just for being here…
Thank you.
God is working through you.
YOU are changing me, and growing me more than you will ever know.
And I kind of massively love you for it.


Now it’s your turn to think deep.
Is there a dream you’ve been clinging to that perhaps if you just shifted your perspective, you could see it a little differently?
Do share.
© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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i’m just going to come out and say it

I’m sitting here right now, and it’s really late.  Like midnight late.
I should be sleeping because my kids like to wake up early and make the most of their days.
{where on earth did they learn this is what I want to know….}
But instead, I’m at my kitchen table in the dark, alone and feeling….content.

Or should I venture to say it?


2011 was a rough year.
Between pancreatitis and losing my gallbladder and trying to treat anxiety naturally….there were plenty of very low lows.
I remember dreading the mornings, and longing for the nights.
All I wanted was sleep, rest, relief.
I felt like a terrible mom and wondered why God had even allowed me children.
I tried to pray and draw near to God, but I just couldn’t feel Him.
Don’t get me wrong, He was there….but I was too lost to feel Him.

I felt no joy and was sure this was to be my life, and I would simply just have to put one foot in front of the other and walk forwards until one day it became a habit.
I would smile on the outside, and struggle on the inside.

And while this may sound dark, but in the depths of my anxiety, I felt I had a glimpse of what hell must be like.
An eternity without hope or joy.
And that’s exactly where I was…

But I never gave up.
I’ve never been a quitter.
{well, except for beauty school, but let’s not count that right now.}
But that’s mostly because God’s spirit within me wouldn’t allow it.
He nudged me, and while I couldn’t see it then, I definitely see it now.

Hindsight is always 20/20.

And though I don’t like to spend much time thinking on the last few months of 2011 for too long, I at times allow myself a moment or two.
Because I know I had to walk through it.
I had to in order to be where I am right now in the middle of my kitchen at midnight….


Nothing is different.
Except I gave up control.
I stopped trying to fix myself by myself.

we weren’t meant to do this alone.

I finally allowed God and others to speak into my life and I accepted help when it was needed.
And when I finally was able to do that?
I suddenly felt God again.

He had always been there.

“the Lord will fight for you, you need only to be still.”
exodus 14:14

And while I now have answers to the some of the why’s and I am realizing that there IS a reason behind the struggles, the funny thing is….
even before the answers, simply by letting go, I was already on the road to contentment.

And now….I am excited to wake up.
Okay not excited per se, but I do it now without anxiety.
And then at 10 am, I really AM happy to be awake.
I savor every moment with my kids.
{except for when they’re annoying me, and then I call a babysitter.}
But then I go somewhere alone and savor them from a distance.

I look forward to my future…because for the most part I have hope again.

I have joy.

Things aren’t perfect in my life by any means. 
Nothing significant has changed situationally.
There’s still no massive growing of my blog and my dream of a book deal has yet to be offered…
There are still relationships in my life that need healing.
There are still moments of bad moods, anxiety, and tears….

But through it all, right now, in this moment….and actually in many moments before I sat to write it all out…
I realize I am blessed!!!
 At my core I am happy, and I cling to moments like these where hope and joy are as clear as the morning sky after a storm.

I have the clarity, because I have battled through the storm.
And I know I will battle many more.

And you know what?
So will you.
But I love that we will walk these paths, bumpy or smooth…(or perhaps filled will peri type moments)…
Whatever it may be….we won’t be alone.
We have this place.
We have this community.
We have each other.
And through it all we will help each other find the joy.
© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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you cant positive think your way out of hormones

You know how I’ve spoken of PMS before, and how it’s kinda not the best time around these parts?
Well, if you think PMS is bad, try out a little PERIMENOPAUSE!!!

Ooooo hoooo ya baby.  That right there, are SOME real good times….
And I should know…because I, at age 33…..have been diagnosed.  
Well almost.
At present time of writing, it’s been 9 months of low progesterone.  
And I guess to be “officially” considered part of the peri club, you have to have it for 12 months…
but come on, the writing’s on the wall.  
Or uh, on the blog.
Oh, and this time and that time???
It wasn’t me!!!
It was my new excuse BFF Peri!!!!
Actually, Jimmy’s had the chance to get to know her quite well too….
we’re a happy go lucky threesome around here.
Allllll the month long.
I’m still in the learning stages, but from what my 2nd opinion Dr. has told me, 
(this would DR. GOOGLE, very reliable guy he is), 
is that not only is perimenopause a random fluctuation of hormones throughout the month, but it can last years!
And then???
You get MENOPAUSE!!!
Being a woman?
Is kind of awesome!!!
{all the !!!!’s are making me feel better, just roll with me here.}
Girls, I know how to make things FUN and INTERESTING around my house!

This is GREAT news for you who may happen to like reading my blog, because this just means I have at LEAST 10 more years of good story telling and plenty of time to find the humor in it all.
{maybe one day i’ll even get PAID to write!  Imagine that?!?}
The BAD news is….
Well, poor Jimmy.
Recently we had a “little tiff”…I think right after a bout of PMS, where I complained of a headache. 
{another peri symptom right there! gotta love it!}
  It was just one PMS headache too many for him I suppose, and out came a quote I’m pretty sure he wishes he could now take back….

“Well, of course you do…it’s always been something with you.  You know, I understand things have been hard, but maybe you could try to look at the bright side once in awhile LIKE I DO.”
He said that.
{you just can’t make that stuff up.}
And he said it OUT LOUD in the middle of Costco, which is a good thing I guess, because I tend not to get feisty (or “peri” as we say now) around free food samples, so I held it in until we got home.
and my word was that ever a fun afternoon….
But when I sat in the doctors office last week and got the diagnosis, not only did I feel relief that there was an actual medical REASON for my “fun days”, but I almost hugged her when she said….
This may explain your sudden and random anxiety.  Low progesterone can cause that to happen out of nowhere, and you just CAN’T POSITIVE THINK YOUR WAY OUT OF A HORMONE IMBALANCE.”
She said that. 
And I may have asked her to write that down and sign her official doctors name to it, so I could have a legitimate doctors note for my husband to see the next time he wanted to get sassy at Costco.


So, there we go.
Now we know.
I may have some hormones to sort out (shocker!) and maybe a little weight to lose (hello Tracy!), but now we know what’s causing it, and it’s FIXABLE.
Except on the off “peri” days it isn’t, but that’s okay because I now HAVE A DOCTORS NOTE.
Being 33 is awesome.
{also?  found out my cholesterol is high on the same day.  just hand me a walker and let’s be done with it.}

© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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out of suffering emerges strong souls


“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” 
– Kahil Gibran
When Laura from Hollywood Housewife first sent me this quote, immediately my thoughts flashed back over my 33 years.
The struggles I have endured.
The pain I have felt.
And how I definitely don’t feel that I have the strongest soul because of it all.
I most certainly don’t always see a more massive character emerging.
Instead I see a girl, not even a woman really, weak and struggling to still find her place.
I see the real me, insecure at times, wondering if what I’ve been through will ever be used to “bring beauty from pain.”
But tonight, as I finally sat down to write on this….I did something I don’t always do before I write.

I prayed.

In front of these words, I prayed, and I simply asked God to speak through me.
To not make this about me…but to speak the words HE wants you all to hear.
And then I realized….this quote?
It ISN’T directly about me.
I mean, I can relate, sure.
I know suffering….I mean, hello, I’ve given birth.
I have a strong willed child.
I am a stay at home mom/aspiring writer.
I GET suffering.
{plus, I AM a middle child.  and middle children naturally suffer.}
When I prayed, and I opened my eyes and looked at that quote again, this was my first thought.
“Thank you Jesus.
For living out that example.
For suffering, all because you loved us so much.
For being an example of an incredibly strong soul…so that we could know that in our weakness, you remain strong.”
“And Jesus, thank you for the scars.
Is thank you even enough for all the suffering, for all of the pain that caused your scars? 
You gave your life willingly on the cross simply so we could be free….”

“Thank you doesn’t seem enough.
But you know….you see my heart.
You know the emotions and gratitude that goes so far deeper than this simple prayer.”
And when I read that quote now…

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” 
– Kahil Gibran

….I think of Him.
sometimes all it takes is a simple prayer to see it from another side…

And because of His suffering, and because of His scars, and because of His massive character and incredibly strong soul….

I am made perfect in His eyes.
All that pain I have endured….
the dysfunction.
the heartbreak.
the turmoil.
all that I see as so imperfect, so impossible at times to overcome….

And through HIS scars. 
Through HIS suffering, 
I am no longer bound.
I am free.
And as I slip my small hand into His scarred yet capable Hands,
His soul and His character become mine as well.
And suddenly what was about Him…
becomes also about us.

“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars.” 
– Kahil Gibran
I can be this, because I am His child.
I am his daughter, holy and beloved.
And as long as I continue to look to Him, cling to Him really…
Out of my suffering will emerge a strong soul with massive character.

That is his promise.
And it’s against His character to break a promise.
It never ceases to amaze me, how simple it is to pray.
But what absolutely blows me away, is that when I do….
He never fails to show me the truth.
And the truth is…
We live in an imperfect world.
We will all suffer.
We will all have scars.

But through the blood of Jesus, we can all be healed.
And we can all emerge with stronger souls and a massive character
Through Him, there will be Beauty From Our Pain.

{this has been a part of The Gathered Parts Link Party, which I adored, and now I feel a strong NEED to have those cards.}

love feast

© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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oh the places you’ll go: mommy guilt

Quite a while back, one of my closest friends (betsy) and I would get together every once in awhile to write.  
We  never did much with the articles so I thought I would share them here so they don’t go to waste.

And actually, revisiting them makes me want to write with her again….but she’s all super busy being a PAID writer/editor.
Lucky Duck.

I’ll have my day.
One day.

Moving on.

This article is all about Mommy Guilt.
But, I’m sure you have NO idea what that feels like!


Before you have kids, people will tell you all sorts of things. For instance:
“Sleep now, because you won’t get any rest when the baby comes.”
“Appreciate your body now, because you’ll have stretch marks and pancake boobs after the baby comes.”
“Go to the movies now, because after the baby comes, the only thing you’ll be watching is Elmo.”
“Go out to eat while you can, because after the baby comes, you won’t even have time to eat.”
And yes, Mamas, that’s all true.
There’s one thing people say that isn’t true, though: 
“Make sure you travel, because you’ll never go anywhere after you have a baby.”
That’s right-we said not true. 
We can guess what you’re thinking: What? I can barely make it to Target with the kids, let alone travel.
Well, read on, sisters. Because we do more traveling than Cher on her latest farewell tour. We’re talking about guilt trips.
Let’s explore:
These days, I (Summer) take guilt trips hourly. In fact, I sometimes find myself getting jet lagged from the back and forth of it all. Today I went on more than I count. For example, take this morning. I was sooo incredibly tired and I just couldn’t wake up.
A “good” mom would have sucked down her coffee, then proceeded to put aside her own issues and make homemade pancakes, eggs, and fresh squeezed orange juice.
I am not that “good” mom. 
I’m the kind of mom who puts a cup of milk in the fridge, has the TV already set to Noggin, and whose child knows exactly where in the cupboard his breakfast granola bars and banana are waiting for him. And said child takes his breakfast and juice to the couch, turns on the TV, and quietly waits for his mama to get it together.
Which is what Taylor did this morning. 
Guilt trip number 1.
Then about an hour after waking up, Taylor had already used up his quota of words for the entire day. (The quota is an amount I deem necessary for my sanity.) 
I had heard enough chatter. One more word was going to send me to my Xanax. 
(And don’t pretend you don’t have it hiding in a cute container in your purse, too!) 
Whoever said we women talk a lot had apparently never met a toddler. 
I mean, honestly, what was I thinking, teaching him to talk? 
Actually . . . I may have spoken those words out loud. 
Quite loud. 
In fact, I think I said, 
Yeah, that was it. 
Again, not what a “good” mom would do. 
Guilt trip number 2.
Sadly, today wasn’t unusual. 
In fact, by lunchtime, I’m usually up to my 500th guilt trip and am severely jet lagged. 
When dinner rolls around, I’m near tears because I don’t even know which time zone I’m in anymore.
One of the worst ones is Guilt Trip Number 284: “Not wanting to play cars or hide and seek (unless I’m hiding in bed with my laptop and my door is locked while he’s seeking), or really anything kid-related all day long.” 
Instead, I collapse on the couch and say, “Seriously, can’t you go play by yourself for a while?”
Ugh! You see, just typing that out and confessing such horror makes me cringe.
I just want to cry. 
In fact, I need a moment. 
Your turn, Betsy.
Summer, did you steal my example? 
Because I had the same experience this morning. 
When I rolled out of bed today, I was pleased to discover that my husband had already turned on Noggin. 
(Blessed Noggin. We love our On-Demand cable!) 
When Lily asked for breakfast, I stumbled into the kitchen and gave her a cup of dry Cheerios. And when she pleaded, “Mama, come watch with TV with me-you can bring your computer,” I sat on the couch with my laptop and fed my Facebook addiction while she watched about five episodes of Toot and Puddle.
The TV watching is one of my big guilt trips. 
Another one is the fact that my daughter eats the same five things every day: dry Cheerios (she doesn’t want milk with them); Dinobites (totally processed chicken nuggets that you can buy by the hundreds at Costco-but least they’re protein); mac n’ cheese (the Trader Joe’s kind that’s ready in 3 minutes); apple slices (with the skins cut off-otherwise, she’d be getting her vitamins and she certainly doesn’t want that); and every kind of cracker available. 
I do try once in a while to feed Lily something new. But she usually whines and cries for her peanut butter sandwich (that’s another staple-and no, I don’t use the organic peanut butter), and I just don’t have the energy to fight it.
I also suffer from Guilt Trip Number 171: “My Child Looks Like One of the Orphans from Annie.”
Since Lily usually wants to dress herself, and since I usually don’t have the energy to fight it, I often let her out of the house wearing a stained flowered shirt two sizes too small, a striped skirt, her flower girl dress shoes, her ever-present black velvet headband, and unbrushed hair. 
This wouldn’t be so bad if Lily’s hair weren’t so crazy, but it’s out of control. 
Honestly, she looks like a homeless child if I don’t brush it thoroughly three times a day. 
Which I don’t.
Not only that, but I forget to brush her teeth sometimes and conveniently forget to give her a bath. 
For three days in a row. 
Fortunately, Summer and I have the good fortune of living in a neighborhood where the other moms don’t judge (out loud).
But it’s not easy when I actually leave my neighborhood and we go to a chichi part of town, where the moms iron their kids’ clothes and dress them all in white. 
There, I feel like Britney Spears probably did when she was caught walking out of a public restroom without shoes. 
Total white trash. 
That’s when I beat myself up and think, I’ve already let myself go, and now I’m going to drag my child down with me! Sigh.
But is that just me, Summer?
Yeah, that’s just you, Betsy. 
With a boy, I (Summer) can just shove a hat on his head and people will think he’s stylish. 
Little do they know it’s because he hasn’t had his hair washed in two days and/or his cowlicks are out of control and I’m too lazy to spend the hours it takes to tame them. 
But I can’t say I feel much guilt about that. 
If Mama doesn’t get to shower every day, nobody gets to shower every day. 
I’m all about equal rights around here.
Maybe we see the grooming thing differently, but otherwise we could go on and on. 
Yes, we all probably all have guilt trips about not being consistent, about not having the slightest desire to volunteer in our child’s classroom, about not reading to them enough but instead buying books on tape, about setting up constant play dates so that our children can talk to someone else in the house besides us, about making a memory box (read: shoving things in a box) instead of spending years on a custom scrapbook made with love, about using the phone or Skype to have a friend entertain our child so that we can read a chapter of our book quietly in the bathroom . . .
Oh, and speaking of the bathroom, do any of you feel guilty about hiding a bottle of wine under the bathroom sink? 
Oh, okay….
But seriously, the guilt trips just never stop. 
In fact, as we were writing this, the kids came in and asked if we could help them color. 
Without looking up from our laptops, we both muttered, “Not now, we’re writing.”
Sometimes we just feel overwhelmed by all the things we’ve said and done during the day. 
And it leads us to think we’ve totally failed and that our children are going to need years of therapy to undo it all.
No, we’re not those perfect moms. 
Instead we’re “that kind of mom.” 
The one that gets the sad looks in public from the “good” moms. 
(You know who you are.) 
We bow to you. 
We really do.
We’re the kind of moms who will never need to travel again, because guilt has taken us far more places than a passport ever will.
So tell us: where have you gone lately?
© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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today i was a good mom & a prayer request

{i love that this restaurant’s hours are about the same as mine. i’m pretty much done at 3pm as well.}

Today I was a good mom.
I might even go so far as to say, I was kind of a good person too!

That’s not too bad, you know, considering I barely left my house, let alone my bed all day long.
{i’m sick, oh so sick….with something WAY worse than any man cold.  it’s a MIDDLE CHILD cold.}

But, I woke up…and I got Taylor to school on time.
I smiled at him, and I was patient, and as he happily skipped in through the school gates, I thought…..”Look at that, he’s happy!  In the morning even!”

And then because my throat was hurting and I felt the slightest feelings of aches in my bones, I decided it was a stay in bed day.
Besides, the rain was on it’s way.
And rain means, you stay in, and preferably in bed.
{this is what living in Washington all those years taught me.}

This made me an EXTRA cool mom, because Chloe got to snuggle up with mama, and watch TV all day!
After every show ended, she’d look up at me with her big brown eyes and ask, “Is it my turn again?!?”
Because usually she and Taylor (and sometimes she and I) have to take turns watching our shows.

the family that shares the tv together, stays together…
or something along those lines…

And all day I felt like I wasn’t quite sick enough to be in bed, but not well enough not to not be….if you know what I mean.
But it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so when guilt kicked in, I kicked it back out….because sometimes logic wins over guilt.

so the therapist tells me…and i’m learning.

And then….
I showered!!!
And got dressed!!!

All in time to pick up Taylor, drop him off for piano, RUSH to Trader Joes, and then back again just in time to pick him up.

I was ON IT.
Even though I was deathly sick.

We came home, did homework, played video games….

I made dinner.
And yes, I do consider milk and cereal dinner.

AND, being that I was on my game, I even gave them watermelon for dessert.
I know a thing or two about nutrition.

I downloaded new games onto Taylors phone {which has no internet or phone service I feel the need to add}…..because his baby (high maintenance) ways have been less and I wanted to let him know I noticed.

And then I unloaded and loaded the dishwasher.

And I put BOTH kids to bed by myself, while sick, and not once did I lose my cool.

I was the good time mom today.

And I think I did pretty darn well if I do say so myself.


And…(i promise this is final “and”)….because I am SO unbelievably hard on myself especially when it comes to being a mom, I needed to notice this today.
I needed to write it down.

Being an amazing mom doesn’t mean being perfect, I’m learning this.

Slowly…it’s still sinking in.

It doesn’t mean you don’t have problems, and it doesn’t mean you always smile and never ever do you yell.

Being an amazing mom means loving on your kids even when things are hard.
It is shown when you find the will to fight and go on and on the days you can’t, you just snuggle them close in bed and let them know they are still loved and cared for.

I think I did that today.



on another note….
it’s been heavily on my heart to do a missions trip to Uganda.
that much is clear.
there is an opportunity to go with my church in June, but i’d have to commit by the end of this week.
if this is THE trip i’m intended to be on, God would truly need to open doors and make it clear.
so, if you’re the prayin’ type, send one up for me would ya?


{psss….go check out all my giveaways, you have until Sunday!}

© 2012 “Le Musings of Moi”
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