Archives for March 2010

silence is golden

I know you are there.
I know you are here,
reading and watching and paying attention.
And yes, I have read your words.
I’ve said my own words,
and I wish you the best….
But now, I have nothing else to say.
Sometimes saying nothing,
is loaded with so much more than anything we could ever choose to say.
I believe,
it’s the silence we should choose more often.
I do not stay silent to be cruel.
Or to make you feel bad.
I stay silent,
because it’s the best thing to do.
It’s just time to say goodbye to the past.
Because what is here and now is too good to look away from.
You have to understand,

I have something amazing here.

And with these final words….
I wish you the best.
If you’re following along with the 21 day challenge to a better you,
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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it’s the last week

Almost three weeks ago I started the Personal Challenge: 21 days to a better you….
and now we are one week from the end.
While some challenges I’ve done better at than others,
it’s been the journey that has taught me the most.
What about you?
You doing it too?
Maybe just a day here, a day there?
Just thinking about it?
I know that change is scary,
and sometimes we think we’re doing jeeeeessssst fine where we are.
But whenever you do decide that maybe, just maybe, it could be time for growth…
know it’s never too late.
Today’s challenge is up by the way.
{no monday muse today….the dang rain ruined all chances of a photo shoot!}
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

it’s a new day with new stuff

Ahhh, a new day of a new week.
Doesn’t it feel great?
So, I’m taking the day off from the computer.
I think I need to reboot and recharge, ya know?
Anyway, with it being a new week and all make sure you check out, you know, what’s new.
Hope you all are enjoying your weekends!
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

sometimes life is hard

Let me just warn you before I go on,
this isn’t the brightest of posts so if you want to smell roses….skip ahead to the end.
There’s something sweet for you there.
I think I cried at least once every day last week.
And while yes, I am SURE pms played a big part….
I think a lot of it has to do with all this change and challenge
(life testing my lessons)
along with my life all being all up in the air.
Cause see, I’m not so good when things are all out of sorts.
Okay, so first of all I have been emotionally hit in a profound way by this murder that happened within a mile of my home.
And knowing that the killer lived just a block away has me wondering now who is to be trusted and who isn’t.
My heart has truly ached for the poor girl and her family, and I honestly feel such intense anger for the man who caused all this to happen.
I can’t begin to explain the tears I’ve cried, as I didn’t know her, but there isn’t one person in our entire community that hasn’t been affected.
Along with that, we are trying to make decisions regarding our living situation.
We moved to this apartment almost a year ago to save money for a down payment on a house. While we’ve been diligent with that, we are seeing (and being told by our agent) that it’s STILL not the best time to buy.
At least here in SoCal.
Our dilemma is, do we stay in this little place while we wait out the market,
or do we go back to renting a house so that we have a little more room to move?
Oh, and park.
Because the parking situation here may just give Jimmy an early heart attack.
Not to add to the rush or anything, but Tay starts Kindergarten in the fall, so I’d like to make a decision and stick with it soon so that we know where to enroll him.
And I’d really rather not uproot him in the middle of the school year if we don’t have to.
Ya know?
So ya, no pressure there.
And then there’s the foster situation.
My heart aches for this child and both Jimmy and I really believed that God put him on our hearts to have him stay here.
And yet, the process is taking FOREVER….
It’s especially frustrating because there was an emergency foster option that they didn’t take advantage of where they could have placed him within days,
and just NOW they are saying….
“Hmmm, that would have been a faster option.”
Ya, maybe?
I mean, I know they are doing the best they can, but I just wish it was faster.
It’s sad because while the place he is in now may not be ideal,
he has adjusted to it and even bonded with one of the kids,
so now it’s just another adjustment he’ll have to make again in this whole ordeal.
{Even though, I believe it will be worth it in the long run for his sake!}
So the day to day wondering with that whole thing has got me craving sweets and breaking out all at once.
It would just be nice to have some closure to this one way or the other.
I like closure.
I’m really starting to realize that about myself.
I most definitely don’t do well without it.
And because I feel like I’m really on a roll complaining here….
let me just tell you that Chloe seems to be going through her terrible two’s at fifteen months.
Is that possible???
What’s next?
PMS at three?
Ay yai yai.
{or is it ay yi yi? Or maybe even aye aye aye?}
So last night I went to my journal to really let loose,
and I noticed that I had written on the previous entry….
——> {Here’s the something sweet…}

“Make the conscious choice to move the attention of your anxious heart away from the waves and direct it to the One who walks on them and says,
‘It’s me. Don’t be afraid.’
Look at Him and say,
‘Lord, have mercy.’
Say it again and again,
not anxiously but with confidence that He is very close to you and will put your soul at rest”
~Henri Nouwen
Words to live by, right?
I kinda love that….
Shift your attention away from the waves and instead to the One who walks on them.
I need to recite that one over and over in the following weeks for sure.
And just to be clear, I’m not writing this all out for sympathy or sweet comments…
I just felt like I wanted to be truly honest with where I’m at right now.
Because while I try to be positive and make the best of things,
sometimes life just isn’t that way.
Sometimes life is just hard, and venting is necessary.
And now, I will look away from waves…..
If you’re following along with the 21 days to a better you challenge,
is up!
And don’t forget to link up if you’re doing it too!
It’s never too late to start!

Speaking of….I need more challenge ideas for next week!
Email me soon or leave them in the comments.
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

fashion friday

Jimmy had worship practice tonight and couldn’t take on his usual duties of fashion photographer, so alas, I went to the next best thing.
Actually THE best thing!
My sweet (and ever so whiny these days) Chloe Hope….
{thrift shopping with mama, she found herself some necklaces and sunnies. all of which came home with us.}
{wearing her thrifted authentic Burberry dress in style}

{rockin’ the chuck taylors and leg warmers}

Girls got style, right?
I think her mama may have something to do with that.
Ya know, so I’ve heard.

Okay soooo…you guys!!!!
Thanks a bajillion for the sweet encouragement yesterday.
Honestly, I’ll never get over how amazing you all are.
{even you, who wants to nitpick my blog in the comments that I refuse to publish.}
Up this weekend:
~Finally make a decision on bunk beds because I’m pretty sure we’ll be getting a third child VERY soon!
~Also finally making a decision on that dang monogram necklace.
I may actually give Jimmy my two choices and have him surprise me.
Or not.
Because I don’t want to be mad at him later.
Hope you plan to have as much fun as me.
If you’re following along with the 21 days to a better you challenge,
is up!
And don’t forget to link up if you’re doing it too!
It’s never too late to start!

{Is ANYONE still hangin’ in there with this?}
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

she works hard for her money

You guys, I am liter-ally DROWING in life over here.
I mean, it’s like, ba-na-na’s.
And you know what happens when life get’s crrrrazy?
Um….the blog life takes a backseat.
I know, I know.
I kinda suck.
But, dang it if I can’t master time management!!!!
Someone needs to teach me
I think the hardest part is that I work from home most of the time,
and when there are kids whining and crying and yelling,
“MOM! I’m ready to be wiped!!!!”
It’s kinda hard to stay focused.
And then when I finally do sit down to work,
your blogs lure me away from the tasks at hand.
Annnnnd maybe Forever as well.
Keepin’ it real.
And then there’s the emails…
woah the emails.
I think in my inbox I have, um, 170+ that I need to go through.
I know, I know…
I’m kind of important.
People know me.
It’s a blessing and a curse I tell ya.
Anyway, these days though…
I gotta stay focused.
Because I got some BIG stuff going on,
and with the possibility of fostering coming soon,
I definitely need to get caught up before he gets here.
And because I want ya’ll
(so wish I was southern….which reminds me, I have a joke to vlog one day! remind me.)
to take sympathy* on me,
let me just run down that list for ya.
*Sympathy cards and gifts are, of course, always welcome!
Okay, here’s what I have going on:
~ Personal Assistant
Part time I work from home for a business owner on little projects here and there.
~ Interior Designer
I’m helping to decorate a commercial office interior.
And I’m not talking a little office space.
I’m talking BIG office building!
I LOVE a challenge though, so I’m all over it.
~ Art director
I’m working on a short film being made,
getting to do all the costumes and help with set design.
The film is being shot the first week of April…
so I gotta get moving.
~ Event Coordinator
And then I’m working on revamping the marketing for HurryDate so my events will be PACKED.
This dang economy is messing with my mad marketing skills,
and now I just gotta get like,
MAD creative all up in here.
Shoooot foooooos.
~ Home Manager
And then you have being a mom, wife, and trying to keep up on dishes and laundry.
Who am I kidding?
I don’t keep up.
In fact, what is this laundry and dishes some of you speak of?
~ Writer/Blogger
And of course, we have le blog.
Which I love and adore, and I need to find SOME time for,
or I may just die.
And actually, as of late,
I’ve been writing and scheduling posts for the week ahead,
because daily posting just ain’t gonna happen.
Not if you want me to brush my teeth, I mean.
Oh. My. Word.

Are you feeling the badness for me at this exact moment in time?
I know, I know….
Don’t you want to send gifts and cards?
So, hopefully you’ll forgive in the next week-ish,
as I may not be THE BEST I’ve ever been at responding to emails and comments.
But, as soon as I attack this “mad lady what did I take on list,”
I will be back in Full Force.
FF in effect.
And then your blog stats better just watch their backs,
because I will bust them up so high,
they won’t even know what hit them.
Awwwww yeeeeahhhh.
If you’re following along with the 21 days to a better you challenge,
is up!
And don’t forget to link up if you’re doing it too!
It’s never too late to start!

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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

the difference between a bone and a screw

Okay, so I got my nose pierced um….say, 10 years ago right?
So, here’s a little story about how BRILLIANT I really am.
About a month after I I got it pierced, I decided it was safe to take out the “starter” nose ring.
So, I went to buy a new bling bling one and they offered me something that looked a little like this.
{it’s called a nose BONE.}
And let me just tell you, that the skies of heaven opened up about to take me home every dang time I had to put one in.
And I’m not even kidding you right now.
Before Jimmy came into my life,
I had to deal with this madness all on my own.
And sometimes it would take HOURS to find the bravery just to yank it out.
And then another few freaking HOURS to shove one back in.
And in those hours there would be cold wet washcloths and anxiety poo,
because it was THAT TRAUMATIC.
Not even lying one bit.
Later in life,
once Jimmy came around and had the chance to witness the INSANITY that was changing my nose ring,
being a man,
he offered to help.
I made him use a tool to CUT the top part off,
so I wouldn’t have to go through the hell of pulling that retarded knob through a hole it wasn’t intended to fit through.
{that’s what she said.}
So that helped somewhat.
Except that it kinda ruins the chance of ever wearing THAT nose bone again.
But whatever, it worked.
And then came putting in the new one.
Here’s the routine:
First I must find a cold bathroom floor,
because the heat that goes through my body when I’m about to die,
is kind of insane.
And then Jimmy has to kneel beside me,
and while I close my eyes shut and squeeze my hands together….
He attempts to shove it through.
Only the last time, it didn’t go all the way through.
It was midway.
Pergatory, if you will.
And I wanted to KILL him.
Back to the cold hard bathroom floor I went,
while finally he found a way to break through to the other side.
But, it doesn’t end there.
Because I am dramatic and all,
(some would say),
I then feel the darkness creep over my eyesight,
and I must lie still before moving or I could just very well pass the eff out.
It’s happened.
Cough, tattoo and losing my boo, cough.
And after the last time,
I was like,
I will DIE with this nose bone because I will NEVER go through that again.
Two weeks later,
the “diamond” fell out.
So Jimmy whipped out his pliers,
and off I headed to the tat shoppe.
Here’s where I display my BRILLANCE….
After asking the piercer for a new bone,
{that’s what she said}
he gave me a funny look and said,
“We don’t carry those in the shoppe, as most people hate them because they hurt so bad.”
And I was all,
“Um, you mean there is something else you can use?”
And he was all,
“Um, yes….we twist the post so that it goes up your nose and stays in. That way it doesn’t hurt at all going in and out.
{that’s what he said?}
{it’s called a nose screw}
And I was all,
“So you mean, those just aren’t for piercing?
Because I had that when I first got pierced TEN years ago, but I thought that was just the starter one, and now I have to now use these.”
And he was all,
“Ya, you’re dumb.”
Not really, but seriously, he thought it.
I thought it!!!
And so he measured my nose,
twisted my nose ring,
and popped that sucker in no problem.
Not wet washcloths.
No cussing.
No passing out.
No near death experience.
A few weeks later I ask around to my other nose pierced sista’s…
and what do you know?
Not a single one thought they HAD to use a nose bone.
And so,
the moral of the story is:
If you have your nose pierced…
and you’re not a fan of pain,
do not,
I repeat…
use a nose bone.
Because there is a difference between a bone and a screw.
{that’s what she/he said}
The end.
If you’re following along with the 21 days to a better you challenge,
is up!
And don’t forget to link up if you’re doing it too!
It’s never too late to start!
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

my name is summer and i’m an emotional eater

Sometimes I think 45 minutes is a joke when it comes to therapy.
Because seriously, my issues far exceed that time frame.
And now, since “giving up” sugar and gluten….
I have realized I have yet ANOTHER PROBLEM.
I’m Summer and I’m an emotional eater.
Or in punk rock speak,
an emo-e.
I am all fine and dandy going without until I have an emotion.
And usually it’s attached to a bad one.
For example,
a toddler who refuses to nap brings up bad emotions.
And therefore,
I head to the kitchen because I need a hug.
A hug from that yummy yummy sweet gluten-ey thing that will make everything better for AT LEAST the next hour or so.
And then when a certain 4 year old makes me repeat the same dang thing 10 times over in less than 30 seconds,
once again….bad emotions…
Yet it’s nothing a hug wouldn’t fix.
Just give me some of that amazing sugary sweetness.
Comfort foods,
I’ve come to realize,
are my little hugs throughout the day,
and obviously I don’t know quite how to function without them.
What can I say?
I’m a hugger.
And so,
now to my body issues, mommy issues, daddy issues, teenager angst issues,
and being hard on myself issues,
I can now add,
emotional eating issues.
Man, I love learning more about myself.
But, enough about me and my ish’s,
what about you guys?
Are you an emo-e,
or is it just me and Oprah standing up here all by our lonesomes?
And however can we heal it???
Because remember,
it’s not what we’re eating….
it’s what is eating us.
Free therapy right there for ya.
I paid for it, so I could pass it on.
Your turn.

If you’re following along with the 21 days to a better you challenge,
is up!
And don’t forget to link up if you’re doing it too!
It’s never too late to start!
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

monday muse fashion


{le outfit: top ~ vintage, jeans ~ Roxy, shoes ~ steve madden girl, bangles ~ walmart, watch ~ la mer, necklace ~ wet seal, ring ~ f21, sunnies ~ dziner eyes}

I’m so having a moment with this top.
I found it a couple weeks ago at my thrift store,
and it’s so way vintage that you can’t even read the tag.
What I love is that it’s so old lady and yet so chic at the same time!
Ahhhh, I just love finding these one of a kind treasures, ya know?
As for the jeans, not so much having a moment with those now that I see the pictures.
Don’t ya just hate when you think you have it going on, only later to find out, nasomuch?
Ya, nasomuch.

My legs look thick.
And I’m not a fan.
Thank the good Lord for the cropping tool.
Gotta love it.
Let’s analyze, shall we?
I think because the jeans are so long I may have needed higher heels to elongate my legs.
Ya, that’s definitely the problem.
It’s the jeans fault.
It so has nothing to do with my stubby legs.
Yup, I blame the jeans.
Glad we worked that out.
By the way, there are more important things going on than my issues with this outfit.
You see those mountains in the background of my pictures?
Well, way back there are some trails and a lake that a lot of people hike and run on around here.
And just last Thursday, a 17 year old girl went missing in BROAD DAYLIGHT.
So, for the last 4 days there has been several helicopters day and night circling the area,
along with several hundred volunteers combing the trails in search of this girl, Chelsea King.
It is absolutely heartbreaking, and it’s all I can do not to cry every time I think about what the parents are going through….what Chelsea has gone through.
We are constantly praying that she is found safe and sound,
and that the person who has done this is caught.
It is just crazy that it’s not even safe to run in broad daylight anymore.
Anyway….keep them in your prayers.

{If you’re following along with the 21 days to a better you challenge,
And don’t forget to link up if you’re doing it too! It’s never too late to start!}
© 2010 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!