Archives for December 2009

why breastfeeding can just suck it

I am so overwhelmed with a gigantic work load this week, that I am having a hard time drawing inspiration for a good post….so instead, here’s a snippet (with a few edits) of an article Betsy and I wrote awhile back for Associated Content.

We know, we know. We’ll say it before you do. Breastfeeding provides your baby with all the best nutrients—nutrients that formula can’t possibly mimic. It’s a bonding experience with your baby. It gives your baby immunities that will last his or her whole life.

But before you judge us, remember that it takes a strong (and brave) woman to put it out there and say what we’re about to.

And know we absolutely respect those who are able to do it.
It takes a special—and genetically blessed—woman to whip out her boob, sometimes in public, and feed her baby on demand.
In fact, we wish it had been different for us. After all, breastfeeding is way cheaper!

Blah, blah, blah.

At the risk of ticking off the entire La Leche League and scores of Dr. Sears attachment parenting advocates, we’re going to say it out loud:

Breastfeeding Can Suck It.

My (Summer’s) experience with breastfeeding was a painful one. Painful in my ever-growing boobs (can you say size G for GIGANTIC?), and even more painful in my heart.

I tried, oh how I tried.
Trust me, I did not want to warrant any evil looks or risk having my diaper bag egged for whipping out the “F” word.

Oh yes, I said it.

But hear me out. Once you hear the dramatic tale, you will want to rub my back and buy me dinner. Even you, La Leche Leaguers!

My dear boy was a hungry one.
So hungry, in fact, that he wanted to suck the nipple right off, possibly in hopes that it would provide an endless supply of milk.
It was, needless to say, excruciating.
Every time he latched on, I suddenly found myself with a mild case of Tourret’s, yelling “SH*!” or “F!&$!” Along with some other expletives that a Christian Mommy should not be saying around her newborn. My sister and I used to joke that his first word could quite possibly be the “F” word, and in this case I don’t mean FORMULA.

So, I did what every new mom does. I took it to the guru of all gurus. The lovely Eve, Queen of all Lactation Consultants. I was told by many that she was the “OZ” of the breastfeeding world. She was the one with the answers.
She would solve my problems.

About five minutes into my consultation, she asked me to whip it out and show her what I had been doing. As I ever so slowly revealed my dangling nipple, I heard a gasp.

Eve’s face was pale.
And as quickly as she asked me to whip it out, she this time asked me to put it away.
And then I heard what I never thought a lactation consultant could say.

“My dear, never ever nurse on those things again.”

It was all I needed to hear.

What came next was music to my ears:

“In all my 30 years of doing this, I have never seen such intense nipple damage!”

Oh yes, it was bad. But I had been so determined to make it work that I was willing (crazy?) to lose a nipple in the meantime.

Also, one thing to know about a dangling nipple: it causes infection.

Or better named, mastitis.
Four times in four months.

Nipple loss + mastitis = post partum depression

But I managed to marry my pump for better or worse for another three months (breast is best!), until I came to the resolve that I had done all I could.

I said to “F” with it.

And by “F” I mean “formula.”
Freaking Fantastic Formula.
And that is why I say, Breastfeeding Can Just Suck It.

Betsy, take it away.

{to read the rest of this article…..Betsy’s always hilarious take on things, here is your link!}

© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”

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i’m sensitive and I’d like to stay that way

I’m sensitive.

A cross to bear. A blessing and curse in one.

When someone I love is hurting…I hurt. My eyes will tear, my heart will ache. I will be in that pain with them.

I am always considering other peoples feelings…some would say to a fault.

I can pick up on things unspoken…and can know a need before it’s been told.

In that sense, it’s a blessing. It connects me. It bonds me.

And yet, it manages create the opposite effect as well.
It’s keeps me seperate.
It keeps me apart.

Because I’m sensitive.

My feelings get hurt.

I read into actions. Words. Lack of words.

I question myself, did I do enough? Be enough? Care enough?

I wonder, do they love me, do they care, what do they think?

I feel deeply. I think deeply. I love deeply.

And it sometimes causes me to hurt deeply.

It’s called being sensitive.

It’s the way God made me, I didn’t choose this.
I remember being this way as far back as I can remember.

I guess some things will never change.

I used to ask God to fix it. To fix me. My heart.
I thought it was broken. I thought I was broken.

I wanted to be tougher. I wanted to be more closed.
More like her, or him, or you.
Or even just to be more….safe.

It’s not exactly safe being sensitive.

But, recently He reminded me:

“You were born my original. Try not to become someone else’s copy.”
{taken from The Measure of our Success}
“I will not ask you why you were not Moses. I will ask you why you were not Summer.”
{original quote by Rabbi Susya, paraphrased by moi}

So I’ve been meditating on that, and praying.

And while acceptance is still a grasp away, I understand.

This is my cross to bear.
It’s my blessing and a curse.

It is mine. God has trusted me with all that I am.

So…in the words of Jewel…

I’m sensitive.

And I’d like to stay that way.
What’s your cross? Do you bear it proudly?
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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the workout in words

Okay, so my earlier post was going too long, so I wanted to write out the workout in a different post.
So here ya go:
*take a 15 second rest between exercises if needed.
1. Push up w/knee to opposite elbow (10)
2. Side lunge, row, shoulder press (15) – I use a 10 pound weight, but if you are new to working out, start with 5 or 7 lbs.
3. Elevated leg toe touch (20 total)
4. Jumping jacks (60)
5. Single elevated leg toe touch (10 each side)
6. Side lunge, row, shoulder press (15)
7. Push up w/knee to opposite elbow
Annnnnnd rest for a minute. There ya go, one whole pyramid.
Now go and do it two more times.
Just wait, if you do this 3 times a week with cardio on the other 2-3 days, you will definitely see some serious results!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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how to…not gain weight during the holidays

Normally, I do a Monday Muse Fashion Post, but since I teamed up with Lacey Loo Who (pet name) over at Lacey in Love for Holiday How To’s….that’s what you’re gonna get.
So here’s the deal…
We want to get a bunch of you folks to post a “Holiday How To.”
Imagine how much everyone could gain from this!
For those of you who aren’t crafty and are thinking this will be zero fun for you…
I’m here to tell you that you’re wrong!
SORRY… hate burstin’ bubbles like that. But this carnival isn’t about crafts alone…
It’s HOW TO get through the Holidays!
A few things you can already expect to see on the list are,
How to: Hair, Make-up, Fashion, Fitness & yes…DIY gifts.
So whatcha got?
A food recipe?
Packing/Traveling tips?
Decorating tips?
A craft for kids?
Santa tips?
A cocktail recipe?
The more the merrier!
There can be multiples of whatever too…there’s a different way to do everything!
MckLinky will be up all month long, so don’t feel the pressure to post just today.
Come back later this week, next week….anytime this month, and make sure to keep checking back as well for more How To’s!
***When linking up, please link with the name of your “How To” rather than your blog name…and make sure the link goes directly to your blog post, not simply your blog. Anything else will be removed….blah blah blah.***
And without further adieu, here is my own person Holiday How To:
{I’ll write out the workout for you on another post…}
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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taylor on camera being cute

Even if you didn’t win….you must still watch this video, because as always…Taylor says cute things!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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fashion friday

Le Look:

Top: L8ter {Marshalls}
Leggings: {F21}
Boots: Steve Madden {TJ Maxx}
Purse: Petcousa {TJ Maxx}
Necklace: {Plato’s Closet Resale}
Sunglasses: {Dziner Eyez}
I am exhausted. Totally utterly exhausted. My house is a mess, there are dishes in the sink, and we are almost completely out of food.
Celebrating yourself all week can absolutely wear a girl out.
I have one night before I go out again, so tonight’s the night I am turning it off.
The computer, the t.v. (gasp!), and instead I’m going to crawl into bed with some magazines and just veg out.
Have a great weekend peeps!
P.S. Soooo, do any of you know anything about NuSkin? I’m thinking about trying it.
{It’s skin care…}
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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the city & the hills…in other words, I’m still 16.

Sometimes I look around at my life, and I’m like….what?!? Really?!?
How am I married?
How do I have two kids?
How do I have a grown up life???
How am I in my 30’s???
It just doesn’t seem like I’m really an actual grown up who is responsible for other people’s lives!
Sometimes it just feels like I’m playing grown up, ya know?
I was thinking of this as I enjoyed my birthday the other day, because I realized that there will just always be that little kid in me.
The little kid that wants to feel special on her birthday.
That wants to be celebrated and loved upon.
Anyway….getting off topic here.
So, just to show you how I am still a 16 year old in a 31 year old woman’s body, I’ll tell you my birthday gifts….
A Forever 21 Gift Certificate (I’m 16)
A Sephora Gift Certificate (I’m 31)
A weekend away from the kids in LA (I’m 31)
A night to myself to watch The Hills & The City (I’m 16)
Ahhhhh, the inner conflict that resides inside me.
All this to say….
I am kinda dying inside now that the Hills & The City are over for the season!!!
What will become of me?
How will I live not knowing if Brody is engaged?
Are Justin Bobby & Kristen really together or is it all fake for the cameras??? Because did you see them on the after show? Sooooo didn’t look like they were into each other. But ew, if it is fake…who would kiss that for money??? I’m thinking it better be love that drives someone to want his homeless looking piece of a#$.
{In all fairness and christian guilt aside….I’m sure he’s a lovely person that God created too.}
I can’t even get started on those two people who’s names rhyme with Shmiedi and Fencer….ew. Just ew.
And then The City???? Well…um, okay so not much drama there, but still I need it like I need air. The NY fashion…ahhhhhh…..
I have no City. I have no Hills. I have no Tori & Dean. I have no Rachel Zoe.
Who am I anymore?
Weird that Jimmy would suggest to me that maybe we should “fast” from TV for awhile? Wonder why he would think I need to do that?
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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the after party

So I have this annoying habit of wanting to change.
To grow.
To be different in a better way.
I say annoying, because there always seems to be something.
And every year on my birthday I search my heart for things that need attending to.
And every dang year, something shows up.
This year was no different.
And my word, what God has put on my heart this year…it’s kind of a biggie.
Such a biggie, that it’s brought me to tears off and on the last few days.
I know, dang it!
I wasn’t supposed to cry on my birthday….but that song just ruins it every time….
{It’s my party…and….sniff, sniff}
Anyway, you know me and I’m all for being open and honest on here, but this is something that I just kinda feel like I need to sit with on my own for a little bit.
And when I say “on my own,” we should all be clear that I mean with a counselor/therapist….slash whatever you wanna call it.
Ya, I’m calling in the big guns.
Don’t worry I haven’t gone mental.
I’m just realizing that something needs to change, and the sooner the better.
I have kids now….they look up to me, they need me to be an example….and I need to actively work on being the best I can for them.
And for me.
Oh ya…for me too.
So that’s what I’m giving myself for my birthday…
And I can’t help but bust out Michael Jackson in between the tears….
“I’m gonna make change
For once in my life….”
“I’m Starting With The (Wo)Man In
The Mirror
I’m Asking Him (her) To Change
His (her) Ways
And No Message Could Have
Been Any Clearer
If You Wanna Make The World
A Better Place
Take A Look At Yourself, And
Then Make A Change
Na Na Na, Na Na Na, Na Na,
Na Nah”
I told you….I wish my life was a musical (one of my favorite posts if I do say so myself).
Because in my mind, that could have been a fabulous moment.
Anyway, I think next years wish will be that God tells me I’m all good, and I can take a year off.
So, I share all this with you, because I have no idea the road before me. But be prepared to travel it with me, because I’m so not going alone!
Not to mention, I’m an open book….I just can’t keep secrets from you people.
Get ready, change is so much freaking fun!
Oh, and thank you all the way to heaven and back for all the sweet birthday wishes and comments….they were all the presents I needed.

You know, since FedEx and UPS got lost somehow….
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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i wish….

The day is here….I am OFFICIALLY 31.
And in honor of my birthday, I think I should definitely make some wishes and blow out my candles.
I wish…..
~To always be actively aware so that I may grow wiser with each passing year
~For a happy marriage to the same man….for my entire lifetime
~For my kids to grow up to love the Lord…and me
~For a continual sense of peace, joy, and hope….despite my circumstances
~For a calorie free delicious chocolate cake to be invented
~For every pair of pants, including jeans, to have drawstring waists, therefore eliminating muffin tops….FOREVER!!!
~That this will be the year I stop obsessing about things that shouldn’t take up as much of my heart, mind and thoughts, because they don’t deserve the space…
Ahem… calories in a cake and muffin tops….
Maybe I should add Therapy to my birthday wish list….
Okay….back out to wait for the packages.
Happy Birthday to me!
{And yes, I am a middle child, and I do need the attention. I’m aware of that much.}
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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