Archives for November 2009

etsy shoppes to love!

Awhile back I decided that rather than do reviews and giveaways, instead I would offer space on my blog to sponsors who offer things I’m completely and utterly in love with.
And today, I’m going to introduce you to two of my favorite sponsors.
{I mean, they’re all my favorites…or they wouldn’t be here!}
With the holiday’s approaching and the economy still tight, these two amazing etsy shops will completely help you along in getting that just right gift but without breaking the bank.
Hello? It doesn’t get better than that.
Oh, wait. It does….because look:
I’m not even kidding you when I say that I almost died a little when I saw this incredible jewelry. And then when I saw the prices, I felt guilty. Like, seriously??? Shouldn’t I be paying more for this stuff??? It’s so unique, so funky, and so classic and timeless. There are no other words. I. Just. Love! So in love, that one of these days you just might be seeing me modeling some of her stuff in my Fashion Fridays!!!
7. Chic Bird {$18}
With Chloe being in this weird mullet stage with her hair…{business in the front, party in the back, what what?!?}, I am always on the search for something cute to distract people from wondering if it’s on purpose. And when I found these freaking adorable bows, hats and headbands, I knew I had found the solution. I quickly ordered two. What’s really awesome about these? Is that Chloe and I can already start sharing stuff….because the flowers are removable and can be worn on big girls hair too!!! See? Two for the price of one. And the price of one isn’t even that bad. You don’t even need to ask your man first, it’s a guiltless purchase.
1. Diaper Wipes Case {$10.25}
3. My sweet Chloe girl in a zebra print headband with antique cream flower
6. Chloe modeling the adorable crotched hat with a hot pink flower
8. Onesie & Headband Frilly Fabric Flower {$15.75}
So there ya go! Didn’t I promise the most amazing sponsors ever???
And trust me, there will be more to come!
*Interested in being a sponsor on Le Musings of Moi?*
~Contact me:
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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you don’t even know me anymore

If you’ve been paying attention over the last few months, you may have realized that I’m on this new “life change” kick.
Only, it’s not a kick. It’s for reals, yo.
And the great thing is that Jimmy is totally on board. Being, you know, the great husband that he is and everything. Blah, blah, blah….I know.
So, we are making some changes. Tweaking a few things, and getting our lives, our kids, and our marriage back on track. And woah nellie, it feeeeeeels goooo-ooood.
I’m realizing that while we have a lot of goals, we need to tackle just a couple things at a time. Because otherwise, I think we’d be so overwhelmed that we might just quit. And we are not quitters. Nuh uh, no freaking way.
That post I wrote, this one here, I honestly think it was my most powerful and honest piece of writing to date…for myself anyway.
While it certainly didn’t get the comments and attention a lot of my posts do, it was still my absolute favorite.
And I will read it each week so that I am able to hold myself accountable to what I want to do from this point forward.
S0 here is just a summarized list of what has been put on my heart….
~First I am doing my best to make sure I am right in my relationship with God. I often complain that I don’t hear him, but perhaps that is because I am not drawing close enough often enough to recognize His voice.
~Then I am tackling my marriage. More time together. Devoted time. Set aside time.
Time AWAY.
~Then my kids. More patience. More time. More, more, and more laughter and smiles. Less complaining about it all. I said less complaining.
{To be clear.}
~Then our finances. Spend diligent time going over the budget and set limits.
We just decided to pull cash and when it’s gone, we’re done spending.
~Then our home. Put it in order, clear the clutter. Begin the To Do list.
~Then my “issues.” Let go of the stuff. The ideals. Stop waiting for better and just enjoy this moment. Moment by moment, choose joy and contentment.
~Then my blog. Go back to the reason I began it all. Not for the number of followers. Not for the stats.
Not for the comments…
(although please, I do love them. And I need them, so never ever stop.)
Not for any other reason than to write because I love/need to write (it’s my oxygen) and to share my heart because I never want anyone to feel alone in their stuff, the way I once did.
Oh, and maybe to once in awhile make you laugh.
And to make you happy with fashion. Fashion makes minds happy.
Other little things:
Bring music more into our family. Play our guitars more as a family.
Finally learn bar chords so I can play any song on my guitar that I want.
Have Family Night once a week.
So as the first year of being in my 30’s draws to a close, I guess I can say the year wasn’t in vain. I’ve learned something.
Now, I need to start putting it into practice.
What ‘choo working on, foo?
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

monday muse fashion post

{I call this my Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen smile}
Pants: Super old, but dearly loved. They’re kinda like my classy sweats. lol
White long sleeved tee: F21
Black cropped sleeve button up: Sugar {TJ Maxx}
Leopard flats: Target
Leopard ring:
Black crocheted hat: F21 {covering my roots….you may be seeing this a lot until my next appointment!}
Pink Sunnies: handed down from my 17 year old niece
Purse: Kinda like a Marc Jacobs but not. {Shhhhh…..}
Hair: Fluffy and not done….and kind of a no no, but what.ev.ah.
We had such an exciting weekend.
No, not really.
Which is why you are getting my casual outfit fashion post….And where were we going???
Which actually turned out to be the most fun part of our whole weekend!
Here you see Taylor singing his ABC’s.
We need that Karaoke machine in a really bad way.
Hope your weekend was more exciting than ours!
P.S. If you feel like giving advice….check out my Sunday post.
Kay, thanks.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

i wanna know!!!!

So many questions I have and what better than to ask all of you???
~Public or Private Christian School and why?
{Trying to decide what to do with Tay next year}
~Anti aging skin care secret or product….fill me in!
{I’m into my 30’s….time to get to work!}
~Your favorite iPhone app, tell me all about it!
{I need some new ones!}
~Your favorite book at the moment….um, besides Twilight…
{Or something that totally rocked your world when you read it.}
~What makeup product are you IN LOVE with?
{I love finding new makeup}
~What discipline measure are you most confident in and feel works the best?
{Yes, I mean with your kids. Or husband. Same thing.}
~How do you find a blog you loved and lost? Preferably the ones where she has cute outfit posts and adorable bangs.
{Whatever! I’m not obsessed….not much.}
~Why do you love me?
{Kidding…unless of course, you want to tell me!}
~Favorite website…er…but, not a blog.
{Because if it was a blog, I know you’d choose mine. Duh.}
~How did you break through the plateau and lose those last 5 pounds?
{I am STUCK!!!}
~What do you want to read/see more of on Le Musings of Moi?
{Sneaky way of getting new material!}
~I want to organize our family life. Be a tad more scheduled. How do you do it? What are your family habits?
{Duggars Inspired}
~How many ex boyfriends are you friends with on Facebook?
~Just kidding on that last one.
Okay, for now, that’s all I have….but I will most likely be doing more posts like this because I’m nosey and need advice and opinions, and I love all of you so much, and trust you because well….duh, you read my blog. You obviously must be amazing.
Leave your answers in the comments!!!
{You don’t have to answer them all, just the ones you can!}
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

feeling funky

Just a little something for your weekend viewing:
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

fashion friday….part 2!

What?!? A double dose of Fashion Friday??? {Scroll down for Part 1}
You are so in luck!
So, Lula from Lulaville interviewed me a week ago in regards to fashion, and today is the BIG day she posted it!
Lula is totally my soul sister, and I fell hard for her in Vegas….and ever since, my heart just warms at the mention of her name…so you must, you just MUST go check us out on her blog!
Thanks bunches!!!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

fashion friday

Today is kind of a big deal.
I’ve decided it’s time to share the news about what I’ve been up to!
So….for those of you guys who have been with me and my blog for some time, you should remember me several times talking about how I would just LOVE to be a personal shopper when I grew up…
Well, guess what?!?
And not only have I been finally able to do what I’ve always dreamed about, I get to do it on my terms! Well our terms….Meet my business partner, Betsy:
Isn’t she lovely?
So it all started quite a few months ago when out of the blue, I got a request from someone to do an image consulting session. And I was like, “Wa huh?!? Um, Yes!” So, I brought along Betsy and for two hours we sat with this gentleman and discussed style and image.
And then we walked into his glorious fabulous closet. And we got to show him how to make what he had work together for different events in his life.
And then we told him what needed to go.
And then we told him what he needed to complete his collection.
It was heavenly. Every single amazing moment.
I might mention, we also got paid. Uh huh, ya…even better.
As we were walking on clouds back to the car, we knew we had found our happy place.
Thus began our business…and what’s crazy is that while we were working on the business plan, we started getting contacted left and right for more styling jobs! It was like, well, totally God. Because He cares about fashion too.
So, at the moment we are having our website designed and we’re hoping to have it live within a week or so. I can’t wait to show it off to you guys!
So freaking excited!
So without further ado… your Chic Shoppers:
And just in case….here are just some of our services!
Make it Click: Whether you have a specific occasion in mind, need seasonal updates for your wardrobe, or need help finding the perfect jeans, we can make online shopping easier, sending you outfit ideas and shopping suggestions.
Consult Your Closet: Like your mom always told you, and Tim Gunn always says, Make it Work. And in this case, we mean what’s in your closet. With this option, we will come to your home, help you sort through what you have. We’ll determine what works, what doesn’t, what we love, and what we don’t. We’ll put together amazing outfits with what you own, and make suggestions as to what would make it better.
Take Your Pick: With this option, the clothes come to you so you don’t even need to set foot in the mall. After a wardrobe consultation, we preselect clothing options to suit your needs and tastes. You tell us your needs, sizes, and preferred colors and we bring back the goods. Once you have decided what you want to keep, we’ll return the rest.
Shop in Style: Starting at two hours, we’ll hit the stores with you and help you find clothes that will fit and flatter you. This is a perfect solution for those who feel overwhelmed by shopping, or who want help understanding the trends.
And there will be more….just you wait….And might I mention we’re affordable? Cause we are.
Have a great weekend guys!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

’cause you are the wind….beneath….my wings….

I love him…

For the way he loves me. The real me. He knows me inside and out. He knows my faults, my icks, my yucks…and he still thinks I’m the most incredible woman he’s ever known.

For teaching me that love is not giving up. That real love means hanging in there and always being willing to grow and change.

For holding my hair each and every time I’ve ever thrown up. And for knowing that I need water immediately after.

For moving past his family demons and allowing God to make him into the most amazing and godly husband and father I have ever seen or known.


For understanding that my hair cost is non negotiable.

For telling me I’m not fat 1,809,589,457,485,690 times.

For encouraging me in my dreams, and believing that they will come true.

For the way he works so hard just so that we can be a family without want or need.

For giving generously, without asking anything in return.

For bringing me chocolate cake when I’m crying, without me even having to ask.

For taking turns getting up in the night when our babies were newborns.

For giving me those amazing babies.

For tickling my arm and massaging my back, even though I never want to return the favor.

For being patient with me when I didn’t know what I wanted or why I was where I was in life.

For allowing me to feel safe to tell the truth. Even when it hurts. And for forgiving me when it does.

For making me laugh by dancing in the living room….and allowing me to post it on YouTube.

For his integrity.
For this life he’s given me.

For the love he gives me.
For everything he has been.
For everything he is.
For everything he will be.
I love him.
‘A lifetime is not long enough when it’s spent with a man like you.’
*Yes, I know this is a repost, but ya know….it was Girls Night Out, and I’m tired. Plus, I really like this post. And I know for a fact Jimmy kinda does too.*
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

It’s not what you think it is!!!

Or is it?
Rylee, my niece, is always doing fun and crafty things.
And this drawing she made, well it was especially for a police officer that swims on my sisters swim team.
So back here we have her getting Mommy’s favorite drink (beer) at 2 in the afternoon, and now we have her drawing some um…greens.
Good times at my sisters house!*
*Really, it’s not what it looks like. In my sisters defense. She’s an amazing mom who just really fosters her children’s creativity.
{This has been a part of Wordful Wednesday}
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

making a list, and checking it twice…

It’s about that time of year that everybody gets all abuzz with budgeting and planning, making lists and checking them twice…
While I know you all look forward to this season, there is no one who looks forward to it more than me.
I mean, it is my birthday season after all.
Um, so the actual day isn’t until December 1 {mark your calendars!}, but the season starts early considering it ends on Jesus’ birthday.
I’m special, but come on.
He was born of a virgin, died on a cross, rose again and built heaven.
I can’t compete.
So, because I know you have totally been wondering…
“What the heck do I get Summer this year,”
I want you to know that I am here to help.
I’m a list making kind of a girl, so you’re in luck.


Sephora Gift Certificate
Now that I am officially into my 30’s….it’s time I get serious about skin care.
Not to mention that the Sephora employees are starting to get suspicious about my need for more samples….again.
I suppose it’s about time I buy something.
Preferably on your dime, thank you very much.


You know, cash is always great….for all those things I know I’m forgetting to add to this list.
{You’ll notice there isn’t anything lower than a twenty pictured. Just wanted you to notice.}


Blog into a book
Okay, so Mama Kat has this super sweet sister whom I adore, and awhile back she took it upon herself to turn Kat’s first year of the blog into a book. And when we met for lunch awhile back, Kathy brought it so that I could feel twinges of jealousy. And it worked. And I want it. ‘Cept I want to actually make it myself. Again, just on your dime, thank you very much.


Baby Lou Lou’s
Little did Jimmy know when he bought me my first pair last Mothers Day that he was beginning to create a monster. And when I saw these beauties, I knew that one day they would have to be mine. Anyone got an extra $800 lying around?


Rachel Zoe’s Statement Necklace from QVC
I DIED when I saw this on QVC, and then I died a little more when I saw the cost. Ya ya, I know most of you guys probably don’t think it’s expensive…but let’s just remember where I shop. Revisit some fashion posts if you forgot.


Bulletin Board Decor
I took this picture from my t.v. When I saw the fabulousness of that bulletin board, I knew it needed to be mine. I then sent the picture to Jimmy and said all I wanted was for him to make this for me.
We’ll see.


Fendi Platform Heels/Boot Combo
I saw this in my InStyle and at first I didn’t know if I loved them or hated them.
But, it’s official.
I love them.
And I’d love to have them even more.
…hint hint….
So ya, you see, not too much. I’m a simple girl….just hoping for a few of the basics.
And if this is just not enough for you to get started, just email me. We can work something out.
It’s just that I didn’t want to seem greedy.
And with that….
Let the holidays….
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!