Archives for August 2009

what do you love in life, fashion, design, Etsy?

One thing I love about having sisters is that they share with me their latest and greatest loves….
But, I need to know more!
Share with me what you love….just click here.
Also, etsy is currently one of my obsessions…so share your favorite shops on there with me as well!
I. Must. Know.
I’ve even started the chat by sharing my obsessions as of late.
Lets chick chat about it on The Blog Frog.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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fashion friday

This weeks Fashion Friday was a bit tough because I didn’t have my professional photographer on hand, so I couldn’t get a full shot of the whole ensemble.
Not to mention, I’m still grumpy…and since it’s sticking around, I’m starting to wonder if it’s PMS. Good to know, huh? I have some other theories, but I’m saving that for next week.
Anyway, here’s todays outfit post:
I love this outfit for so many reasons. First of all, the comfort! Oh, the comfort.
The dress is C & C California, and get this: I got it at my thrift store for $3. Here’s what really makes me happy, it had the ORIGINAL price tag from C & C and it was priced for $110. Oh ya. I scored. And I love it so. I wear it mostly with a, you guessed it, white hanes tank and flip flops. But, it actually dresses up kinda nice.
Now, the striped tank was $7 from TJ Maxx. It was one of the many purchases I made last weekend when I was without kids.
On that trip to TJ Maxx, I also bought those amazingly delicious black booties. Steve Madden. They are stinkin’ cute with dresses, but I am also loving them with skinny jeans as well.
The necklace was a purchase, also during my weekend, from Plato’s Closet. $3. I adore how it has a yellow ribbon pulled through the beads and then it ties in the back! So original and unique, which I LOVE.
Last, the belt. This ol thing is from years ago, but I love it because it fits no matter how my belly expands. And given the state of my emotions and emotional eating as of late, I definitely had to led it expand a bit tonight.
I was actually going to wear my new pair of skinny jeans, but um, that wasn’t happening. Maybe in a few weeks.
Now, if you have a fashion related post either from today or this week, feel free to link up! Just be sure to link it back to this post, on the off chance they need more inspiration from the other participators.
Happy Friday.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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taylors feelings & look what i made!

I’ve had a day. With lots of deep thoughts and feelings and even a few tears…and maybe a moment of locking myself in my room for some deep breaths and a moment of silence. But on the chance that you have had enough serious talk for the week, I think I’ll skip linking up to yet another one. I mean, of course I’ll post all about it but I think I may save it for next week. You know break it up.
Anyway….let’s get on with it.
First of all, here’s Taylor talking about his feelings:
{I know, watching this video makes me just want to D-I-E from the cuteness. And immediately I forget that just hours earlier he was *this* close to putting me in a padded room.}
So, since today was crazy hat day for Taylor at Vacation Bible School, and I being the last minute kind of mom, decided to pull this out of thin air:
You should have seen his face all amazed that his mom could actually make something! And believe it or not, he was the only kid who had a hat like that. I know, I was shocked too!
I know I’ve said before that I wasn’t crafty, but I lied. Because obviously, I got mad skillz in the craft department. And maybe, just maybe, if you’re lucky, one day I’ll do a DIY (do it yourself) post so that I can teach all of you to make them too. But, it’s so complicated and time consuming, that I’ll have to save it for another time.
You know, because right now I have a chocolate bar, marshmallows and graham crackers calling my name. Like I said, it’s been that kind of a day.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

questions, questions….ask your questions!

This may be hard to believe, but sometimes I get stuck on what to write about. I mean, it’s rare…but I am human, so it does happen. Rarely.

And since my BSF Mama Kat has started a deep discussion entitled Questions for Summer, who I am to stop such wonderfulness?
Therefore, I am giving you a link so that finally you have a place to ask all of the things you have been dying to know about me. I am a mystery, a multifaceted, as some might say, woman.
But, you, my dear chickadees….you are finally able to break this wall down.
Nothing is off limits. Ask and your answer will be given unto you.
Or something like that.
Click here.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

intentional parenting

There’s nothing like a good parenting story to really make you feel like crap.
Well, that was a light and fluffy opening statement, wasn’t it?
Okay, so I don’t really feel like crap. And yes, I know I’m a good parent. My kids are alive, healthy, they brush their teeth at least once a day, and I even give them blueberries and naps.
I also leave my child crying at Vacation Bible School because I selfishly need the 3.5 hours of freedom, and there is no way tears are going to stop me from high tailing it out of there without said crying child. Plus, he was in a church, with God. He was going to be fine. God be with him, and off I went.
That’s beside the point.
Anyway, so I’m feeling like I’ve been parenting more to get through the day. Some may call it: Immediate Parenting. You know like, cartoons in the morning, spankings or time out when naughty, breakfast, lunch and even sometimes dinner when I’m feeling super generous.
But what I feel like I should be doing more of could be called…Intentional Parenting.
I’m not exactly sure what that looks like, but when I hear stories, I think….ya! That’s it.
Some may think of it in terms of traditions. Like, Wii Friday’s that my friend Bethany does. Or, eating dinner together and talking about the good and bads. Or, even in discipline, where the punishment fits the crime and it’s more of a lesson than a punishment. (Read Creative Correction by Lisa Welchel.)
Or or or….The Duggars! Now there is a family with some Intentional Parenting going on. I read in their book that they choose a character trait or something along those lines, and then focus on that throughout the month in games and other activities! Have you seen those kids? Have you admired how well they are turning out? I’m sure they don’t have videos of their kids throwing tantrums on You Tube.
So ya, stuff like that.
I don’t have much to go on myself, being that the best tradition I remember from growing up was getting a blank check from my mom on Friday’s so that while she went out with my step-dad, we could order ourselves pizza from Pizza Time. Oh how I loved me some pizza from Pizza Time.
So, I need ideas. Inspiration.
You can leave them in the comments here or join in the chick chat on Blog Frog.
And thanks….for saving my children’s childhood.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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what i know for sure

I know for sure:
  • That if there are ingredients for S’mores in my home, I will make them in the microwave and eat them for lunch before my workout. And then, not workout.
I also know:
  • If there are doughnuts in the house, I will eat more than one serving both before and after dinner.
What I just discovered this weekend:
  • If both my kids and my husband are gone for 24 hours, I will spend ten hours shopping and not even need to take a moment to eat. Instead I will buy a diet coke and a bag of peanut butter M&M’s, recharge, then keep on going.
  • That you can never truly appreciate the ability to do whatever you want whenever you want, unless you have kids. If you don’t have kids, or can’t have kids, borrow some for a week or two. Then you’ll see.
  • That doing whatever you want whenever you want, is an amazingly happy experience that can even cure anxiety and insomnia.
What I have recently realized:
  • I should never ever blog, or email, or chat while under the influence of Ambien, because the next day I will find drafts and chat back logs that I never remember writing or doing. I might also, and have been known to order books online that are a complete surprise when they show up on my doorstep.
  • Shopping for training bras is quite embarressing. Especially when you are a grown woman, in your 30’s, with two kids….and said bra is for you. {Okay, so it’s not a training bra, per se, but may as well be.}
What I am not entirely sure about but leaning towards:
  • My tattoo and/or tattoo’s and where they will be.
  • Botox and/or doing something surgically about the training bra issue. Enough said.
What I will never understand for the life of me:
  • Why some womens ‘bubbies’ go bye bye after babies.
  • Why some women have no self control over sweets.
  • And especially why those “some women” have to be me.
What about you….what do you know for sure?
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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come to mama

I had an amazing shopping weekend (more on that later), and this is just one of my amazing finds.
In love!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

insomnia & anxiety: there was a time

There was a time when sleep was elusive. I wanted it, hoped for it, and yet it hid from me. A game of hide and seek I didn’t want to play.
Night after night I hoped for the darkness to take over my racing thoughts and mind, and instead it was as though the brightest light shone inside my head causing me to toss and turn, kick my antsy legs, and flail my arms this way and that.
The days became difficult and challenging, the nights were something I feared.
Beware, he said, this could mean it’s coming back.
It was something I didn’t want to experience again.
There was this pill and that pill, both the same yet different. Both working in it’s own unique way. They masked the problem, but the it was still looming. And one of the side effects, the best friend of my youth, began taunting me.
The it I had hoped to never experience again.
The decisions came upon each sunset, should I risk it for sleep? Oh, how I wanted sleep. I took the pill.
The endless nights lacking lucious sleep, the tossing and turning, the wanting and not having, the inability to do what everybody else can do so easily….
In just a matter of time, he was right. Only this time the experience was far worse and frighteningly unfamilar.
My mind gave in, not being able to take a second more. Not strong enough. Not well enough.
Another pill. Another month. Another hope of rest dashed.
Another pill. Another prayer or a thousand. And slowly….a glimmer.
Hope in the little things.
Hope in just one night of falling asleep on my own. Hope in being able to shower and get dressed. Hope in a laugh escaping from my lips. Hope in an hour of feeling like me. Hope, that even though, in just this one moment I am ok, that maybe the next time will be twice as long.
Here I am again, playing that game now two years later. Two years of healing, two years of living on hope and prayers and a little white pill.
And sleep is playing it’s clever little game with me. I know now, this is where it begins. But this is Round 2.
First Round you almost had me. I had no knowledge, no power, no hope.
But I was not defeated then and I will not be now. My thousand prayers, my pill, and my knowledge are with me ever so close this time around. I come guarded, yet not afraid.
Or in other words…
Insomnia sucks, but not more than anxiety. And yet the two are best friends, loving to pull one along with the other.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

wedding & divorce

Have you seen this?
Then you must see this!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!