Archives for July 2009

a writers mind

Sometimes I find that being a writer is tough.
In every moment, in every part of life, there are words. There are phrases. There are pictures and memories to be captured. And in that second, minute or hour, you aren’t sure what will come of it. You just know, that it will eventually come.
And suddenly when you are brushing your teeth, running your errands, trying to sleep, it comes to you. The perfection of words. The puzzle peices of your thoughts are out of nowhere complete. And you feel as though if you don’t stop right now and put it into writing, it will be gone. Poof. As quick as the moment may have been itself.
If you’re lucky, it goes from the mind to the screen or paper as easy as you could ever hope. Other times, the connection between your mind and your hands is lost, and you are once again lost in thoughts swirling with words.
You wonder, are you losing your touch? The creativity, is it gone? Can you even write?
And yet, if you are truly a writer, a writer deep at heart…these questions will fade the moment you just do it. You just write. Something. Anything. Good or bad, you do it. And when you do it, you feel release. You feel complete. You feel whole and worthwhile.
Being a writer is tough.
And yet, I continue to grasp it so tight, each and every confusing and tiring moment it brings.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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bloggers i love

I just wanted to share a few of my favorite reads…
In case you’re looking for something to do this weekend:
Big Bloggers:
All things girl:
Reality TV:
more to come next weekend…
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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fashion friday

Being that I am still recovering from vacation, I haven’t had much of a chance to get unpacked, let alone get dressed up for pictures.
Actually, it’s Jimmy that is being too lazy to take them. Slacker.
But, I can’t go another week without something fashion related….so I’m about to share my latest must have fashion items so that you no longer need to go without.
First up:
Hanes 3 pack of the white tanks
These are awesome because they layer so cute under anything and everything. And they’re long, which I love.
Next up:
Fit Flops & Cobians
The Fit Flops are a new find, and I have to say I love them. I didn’t think I could ever find a pair of flip flops that I would love as much as my black Cobians. But, now I have two go to pairs. I adore them both and they make my feet very happy.
Burts Bees Lip Shimmer
My sister Heather just turned me onto these, and already I’m hooked. Just enough color, moiturizing, and not at all sticky. So now the wind can toss my hair and I can still look sexy. I was having some problems with that before.
And that’s about it for today, I have to save the rest of my secrets for another post.
Now if you have something fashion related to share, link up here!

Next week, I’m going to show off some of my thrift store finds. They’re all cleaned and ready to wear!!! Fun fun!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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the meeting with mama kat…just in case

I realize with the last post that some of you may be confused. What with the going back and forth between blogs and news sources to get the whole story. And since the media just loves to play things out, let me help things along.
So here you go. In chronological order…
Mama Kat voicing her anxieties about meeting me….can you blame her really?
The meeting and Mama Kat’s after thoughts….
Incredible honesty and sweet words:
And finally….
The happy couple, together at last:
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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what are you looking at?

On the off chance you didn’t see it on the news, or read about it in US Weekly, this last Monday Mama Kat had the pleasure of meeting me. And I, her, of course.
We knew what we were attempting, trying to go in public without being recognized, was a difficult feat, but try we did.
It was a tough doing our best to be incognito…we felt as though we were being stared at the entire night. Even our waiter couldn’t stay away from the table, making up excuses to fill our sodas just so he could be near us. Little did he know it was so obvious he knew who we were.
It certainly didn’t help things that Mama Kat wore her apron. It was kinda like she wanted to be known. Hmmmm…..
With each walk to the bathroom, with each puking session Chloe decided to have at the table, with each crying fit Taylor threw over a lost balloon, we couldn’t shake the feeling that people were watching us. Staring at us really.
It’s hard being famous. It’s tough having people watch your every move.
But, I have to say….it was quite refreshing to dine with someone who understands such complicated living.
Anyway, all in all, it was super fun. You know besides the puke, the crying, and the kiss I supposedly missed out on.
What I really loved most about meeting my BSF (secret code, don’t ask), was her refreshing honesty:
I also thought I would share a couple pictures with you before you see them on E! News…
So, if blogging doesn’t make me really explode into reality tv fame or grant me the illustrious book deal, or place me on the Momversation videos…
then at least I can say…
from all this blogging craziness, I’ve met an awesome, non creepy friend…and that alone makes it all worth it.
Sniff sniff.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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mommy dearest

I’m on vacation at the moment…and actually away from the computer…but lucky ducks, you get to still read some good stuff on here.
Today I picked an oldie but a goodie.
I’m sure at least one of you can relate. Please, oh please….just one of you….relate!

Ever have those days where you feel you slightly resemble Joan Crawford, and there is really not much difference between you and her when she yells “NO WIRE HANGERS….EVER!!!!!”
But instead, you hear yourself yelling, “NO MORE WHINING….EVER!” or “NO, I DONT WANT TO TALK TO YOUR CARS ANYMORE!!!!” or “I JUST WANT TO POOP ALONE!!!! (okay, maybe that last one is just me….)
Ya, it’s been one of those, um, months for me. Just call me Mommy Dearest.
Honestly, I have to agree with a friend of mine who said, “Motherhood is a calling.”
Somedays I have it, most days I don’t.
I envy those of you who are able to stay at home, keep the house clean, have your laundry done, cook dinner from scratch, and somehow you don’t even know what an antidepressant is.
Who are you people? How do you live such lives?
I don’t mean to complain. I don’t. I love that I get to stay home and be with my kids. I do.
No really. I love my life, I love my life….
Sometimes the grass is greener on the other side, and today I want to be on the green. Just today I want to talk to an adult who simply says what they have to say and they say it once. And to be around the kind of people who know what I mean when I say, “Jason is such a great dad. I really hope he gets the right girl this time,” ahhh, I mean, that would be the life!
And just once, just once when I flush the toilet, it would be so nice not to hear, “Was it a big one or a small one, Mom?”
I know it’s weird, but I don’t want to talk to a car that doesn’t talk back to me. I don’t want to hear the same phrase 40 times in five minutes. And I’d like to be spoken to in a tone other than high pitched whining.
Oh crap. Wait, what’s this oh so familiar “mom feeling” coming over me right now?
Guilt. (Like we don’t feel that enough…)
Okay, okay….
To be honest, it’s me. It’s not him. I’m the one with issues and stuff.
He was sweet today. I mean, he stayed by my side from morning till night and yet still felt that he needed to tell me, “I miss you, Mom,” every ten minutes.
Bad, bad mom for complaining.
Just call me Mommy Dearest.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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i breathed in, i breathed out

I had a moment…and it’s moments like these I need to remember.
I was content. I looked around at my life, and I smiled in my soul. I breathed in, I breathed out, I felt okay.
For that one moment, I allowed myself to accept me. There were no menacing thoughts, instead I embraced what God had blessed me with.
My children. My babies. My home. My body. my body…. My marriage. My friends. My family.
I let go of the shoulds, the should not’s. I breathed in, I breathed out. I was okay.
I was not trying. I was not working for. I was not anything, but in that moment.
I breathed in, I breathed out.
In that moment…
I was alive. I was free. I was exactly where I wanted to be.
It’s moments like these, that if I don’t grab them and taste them and feel them and know them….they could simply pass away.
I must hold on to it. I must remember…
To breathe. In and out.
To accept. To forgive. To not try. To not work. To just be.
To breathe. In and out.
For just a moment.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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Don’t cry, dry your eye…
There’s no Fashion Friday,
because it’s the 4th of July!
If you had a post to link up, save it for next next Friday!
And enjoy your long weekend guys!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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show and tell

Call me a cheater…but when I saw that Writers Workshop was a chance to show off something I made, I had no choice but to default to this video.
A long long time ago, way before I had babies and before I decided to follow my dream to write….I attempted crafts. Mostly I just copied what my sisters did, because truly, they are the talented ones.
Anyway, one of those crafts turned into a mini business for all of a year, maybe. And then I remembered….I don’t much enjoy crafts. Every once in awhile, okay, but day in day out….no thanks.
I’ll take writing over crafts any day.
So, with that life lesson, I have decided to show you the secret to making my Swank Holders, so that you may go forth and make your own.
And when I say, my Swank Holders, I mean the earring holders that my sister showed me how to make.
Now watch and learn.
{This video is from an old Blogversations post I did a long time ago, but it’s all about how to make them.}
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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from one relationship to the next….i’m moving on

Recently, I shared about a really hard break up that I recently went through. It was incredibly tough, and for quite some time I was in denial. I knew she had left me….I knew it was over…but I wasn’t sure I could move on.
Suddenly the dreaded day came when my roots began to show, and though the heartache hadn’t completely healed, I knew it was time to move on. I couldn’t sit and sulk any longer. It wasn’t what Aviva would want of me anyway. She’d want me to be happy. To move on. To find new love.
And so, I placed the call and made plans for my first date.
When the day came, I found myself a little nervous. It was a combination of first date jitters mixed with excitement about possible new love.
As I stared into the abyss of my closet, I couldn’t help but obsess about what to wear. Super trendy to show my style or relaxed and no fuss to show I can be low maintenance? I opted for a maxi dress and a hanes tank. A little style with a little relaxed. I carefully applied my makeup, taking my time to make it all just right.
On the drive there, I found myself wondering….what if she didn’t like me? What if her hair was orange and she thought that was a suitable shade of blonde? What if she had just graduated from Beauty School and I was one of her first clients? Or….what if…and I sudder even thinking about it, what if we didn’t have anything to talk about? Would I instead awkwardly read a book or a magazine and never know the person who was making me, me?
As it turned out, she was the cutest one in the salon. In fact, as I made myself comfortable in her chair, I decided her hair was just what I wanted.
Ya, can you say crazy stalker first time client? Oh well, she was cute and I wanted to be too.
Thankfully, we had lots to talk about, and really we didn’t have too much awkward talk. Although, I did feel that I mentioned Aviva a little more than I needed too. I likened it to being out with a new guy and talking about your ex a little too much. Whatever…I have issues. Like you don’t.
All in all, I left there a very happy girl, with awesome blonde hair that I never even knew I wanted.
So, the lesson learned?
While nobody can ever replace your first love, sometimes your second love can be just as sweet.
And I will live happily ever after…unless she moves away too.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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