Archives for June 2009

looking fabulous in 15 minutes

I just published another article on Associated Content…you must read it!

How to Look Fabulous in 15 Minutes

© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”

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you win some, you lose some…and christian louboutins

An open post for Fashion Friday was a good idea…in theory…
You win some, you lose some, I guess. 😉
I’ll keep it up the rest of the month though, and see what happens. Regardless, I’ll still be here doing my thing on Fridays whether you decide to join or not!
I have to say, I wore my new shoes last night to a surprise birthday party, and I love them in a way that I explained to Jimmy, may be a sin. Say, should there be a fire, I would grab my kids, their journals, and my shoes. So, ya, it’s that kind of love. Last night before bed, I mourned a little over the scuffs that appeared on their sweet little bottoms as a result of wearing them outside. And I related it a little to the insane diaper rash that has taken over Chloe’s sweet little cheeks. I figured my shoes must be feeling a little of the same pain. My poor babies.
Anyway, I am definitely happy with the choice. Happy I birthed two amazing children to deserve them, and happy that after 5 hours of wearing them, my feet never hurt.
So, now I’m off to go organize my apartment like an OCD girl off her meds. (I’m not really OCD, and I don’t take meds. Well….at least not for OCD.)
Enjoy your Saturday.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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fashion friday

Welcome to the first official open Fashion Friday!
Here’s the details…as I’ve decided to make up rules, because I’m in charge, and I like rules.
As long as it’s related to fashion, you can link up. Take and post pictures of your favorite outfit (dressy or casual), your favorite hair style, your cutest purse, shoes, jewelry….basically anything during the week that you wear and you want to show off.
I think we’re all looking for new ideas and inspiration of all kinds, so don’t think you aren’t fashionable enough to join in! I want to see it all!
Here’s mine for the week.
My jacket is from Target and I am in love with it. In Love.
The dress is The Limited…and actually I bought it from TJ Maxx when I was pregnant, and wore it all the way through. I still love it even without a baby in the belly, because it hides the cake in the belly as well.
The necklace is doubled up, and it’s thrifted. As you’ve seen, I wear it often.
My boots are super old, and they actually don’t even have a brand tag anywhere on them. I bought them at least 6 or 7 years ago, so I can’t for the life of me remember where they’re from. I have them in camel as well.
My purse was a Bunco win, believe it or not, and it’s from Windsor.
Okay, so I have some exciting news. I finally found the shoes. On Mothers Day, my husband gifted me with an amazing pair of Christian Louboutin’s, only I have had some issues with finding a pair that fit right. Apparently, his sizing is a bit of a problem for many.
Anyway, I went to return my third pair, and suddenly found these:
And now, my search is over. I am happy, I love them, and I think I may even sleep with them. In fact, you can bet that next weeks Fashion Friday will be centered around these babies. My sweet babies that I earned for birthing babies. Ahhhh, happiness. (By the way, I tied the tops differently on purpose…just wanted to try out both ways.)
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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muffin top, insecurity, shopping & rachel zoe

It’s in black and white….well, because….I wasn’t feeling so pretty in color. Ah, if only we could do that in real life!
Yes, I know it was long. I’m sorry. I felt wordy. But, I hope at least, that it was the best five minutes of your day. Spent with moi.
By the way, as I was getting ready to post this, the kids who live upstairs just walked by my open window smoking pot. Yup. Just walking through the complex up to their apartment in which they live with their mom, smoking weed.
I’m not too sure I love it here anymore.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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why i wont be famous

Remember that video of the kid that was going around who just had his teeth pulled and he kept saying, “Is this real life?”
That’s what I found myself asking when I was watching I’m a Celebrity.
I also asked myself….Why is Heidi brushing her hair like that? And what is she spraying in her hair every five seconds? And why does Spencer refer to himself in the third person? That is just weird. And uncomfortable to watch actually.
I do however think Janice is pretty funny. And Frangela? They kinda found a place in my heart as well.
Anyway, so today I finally watched the premiere of Jon & Kate, and I have to say, I almost cried. Seriously, that is just so sad. They are a complete mess.
I mean, between Heidi & Spencer and Jon & Kate, do you even need more convincing that being famous isn’t all it’s cracked up to be?
Yes? Okay then. Here are just a few more reasons….

There, I feel I did my community service for the day. If I can save just one person from being famous, then I can rest peacefully.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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and then….I cried

So, today I cried.
I was watching Taylor ride his Razor around the building with his new neighborhood friends, and I realized how big he’s getting. He was off playing with his friends, away from the house, doing big boy things. When I was watching him, I felt so proud. He was so kind, so polite, so good and sweet.
Anyway, I cried. Because I realized that as time moves on, my time and influence with him is becoming less and less. Next year, preschool is three days, and then the following year is full day Kindergarten. I hope he never forgets the time we’ve had, the laughter and tears (both his and mine) that accompany an entire day together. I hope he never thinks it’s uncool to snuggle his mama.
And then…today I put Chloe in the Bob for the first time. It was Taylor’s first and only stroller, and now Chloe gets to inherit it. Up until now, she’s only been in her Snap and Go. But, being that she’s almost 8 months (and really should have been in a normal stroller for some time now) I figured today would be the day. So while Taylor was at his best friends house, Chloe and I went thrift store shopping. When I put her in the stroller and looked at her all grown up, I cried.
And then…I was in the thrift store. I saw a dad and his pre-teen daughter shopping. He told her she could get whatever she wanted. He called her honey and sweetie, and you could tell it was their special time.
That was my dad. We loved to go to garage sales and thrift stores together. He called me honey and sweetie. And he always told me I could get whatever I wanted. It made me miss him. And then…I cried.
Being a mom is a roller coaster ride for sure. You are up and down, back and forth, you scream and cry and you want to get off, there’s throw up and nausea, laughter and fear….and before you know it, the ride stops and you have to get off. Only, you don’t want to because you realize how short it really was, and if you could just ride it one more time you’ll make sure to enjoy every twist and turn…puke and all.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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the cutest headbands!

Awhile back in a Things I Love post, I showed off the cutest headband ever that I had found on etsy. I ordered one for Chloe, and almost every day (that we leave the house!) she sports it and gets a ton of oohs and aahs everywhere we go.
They are freaking adorable.
So, get this, Rachelle the owner of KenziePoo is offering to giveaway two headbands of your choice to two of my readers!
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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