Archives for February 2009

raindrops on roses & whiskers on kittens:

Besides etsy, my new purse, my reusable bags, and my up and coming You Tube career, here are 5 more of my recent favorite people, places, and things:

Oh how I wish I could afford this skin care. I’m doing my best to save up, but in the meantime, I’ll let you in on my secret. Sephora skin care samples. I have a lot. I almost feel guilty for how much I have collected over time. But not guilty enough to stop. You see, I’m in love. And we belong together. Actually last weekend I did use my Sephora gift card to buy the travel size set of the Lineless collection, but I have yet to use it since I still have my samples to get me through. I realize this may make me sound weird. But at the rate my followers are dropping, what do I have to lose?
(It’s them not me, right? Right?!? Why’d they have to invent that dumb “follower” icon anyway? I was happier living in ignorant bliss, so sure that millions were reading and loving and adoring. Maybe I should go back to that.)

Jamal & Danny:
I have developed quite a crush on these guys. They are so adorable and they have incredible voices. I’m so relieved that Danny made it through, but I have quite a beef with American Idol for letting Jamal walk away. How retarded are they? I mean, they let “Norman” and that crying emo guy with all the peircings through?!? Are you even kidding me right now? Let me just be clear, I will only continue to watch as long as Danny is on. If he ever leaves, so shall I. In fact, I feel quite strongly about that. And yes, I do have a life. It just revolves around reality tv.

Sober House:
I’m still a few episodes behind, but I am totally addicted to this show. It’s so awesome. The reality! The drama! The crazy people! I will never ever again think that I have issues now that I’ve seen Steven Adler. Seriously. That guy is nuts. But Rodney King? I’m definitely pulling for him to make it through. He just HAS to stay sober. For me. For you! For the people. Gosh darn it, for AMERICA!

I really miss my gym. Even more so, I miss my gym’s childcare. I miss the hour and a half to two hours I had to myself. And until Chloe turns 6 months, I have had to find something else to do in the meantime. Plus, my annual girls Vegas trip is in two months and I have to get bikini ready! So, that’s where P90X came in. It’s a serious commitment. Quite possibly even more so than marriage. It’s six days a week, and at least, if not more than an hour every day. You absolutely have to “BRING IT!” Because it’s time to get “X’d!” Though, it’s all good because it’s “X-cellent!” (Direct quotes from the videos.) I’m hanging in there. I’m halfway through 2 of the 4 phases and I’m definitely seeing some improvement. Although, I would most likely be seeing more results had I just not inhaled close to 1000 calories of Valentines Day chocolate. Dang it! Bikini ready, bikini ready….

Hot Chocolate Talk w/God:
I am NOT a morning person. I don’t do well with those. Not now. Or ever. But, lately I’ve been getting up almost every morning at 5:20 am. Jimmy gets up a little before me and makes me a cup of hot chocolate. (I don’t drink coffee). Then he comes in ever so sweetly to wake me up. It’s actually been nice because I come downstairs and just turn on one lamp and light some candles in the living room. Then I pull out my bible and a notebook and I spend 30 minutes just reading and praying in the silence. Although, it’s an adjustment to wake up that early, it’s awesome how much better my days are by doing this. On those days, I’m more calm and centered and I have butt loads of patience, well at least more so than I usually do. Which, truth be told, is none most days, so “some” patience would equal “butt loads.” Although, I haven’t quite mastered making this a daily habit, I would say 4 of the 7 days I follow through. And when I do manage to get up, I am always thankful I did.
And, on that note, tomorrow is one of those mornings. So, I’m heading to bed. Only I’m not tired, because of the half a bag of chocolate pumping through my veins.
How I envy you skinny people who can eat whatever you want. It’s just, NOT fair!
I’m getting sidetracked.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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blog stuff you definitely need to know

…a few things here, and luckily I love you enough to share it all with you. Now get out your pen and paper and take some notes.
First of all, let me talk about how I really really want to reply to your comments through my email….but so many of you aren’t getting them. Instead, is getting them, hence all this time you may have been feeling unloved. And I just can’t have that. I’m a lover. And when there happens to be some feeling unloved by moi, then I feel sad. And we definitely definitely can’t have that.
So, here’s what you need to know.

The first thing you need to do is open an email account just for your blog. It’s free to do through Yahoo, Gmail, or Hotmail. Easy Peasy. Why open an email account just for your blog? Well, it’s kind of nice to keep it separate from your personal email account. This is your blog and if people are reading it, you need to treat it a little like a business. It’s not a “have to”, it’s just a suggestion. 

Now, go into your profile page and choose “edit your profile”. Check the box that says “show my email address”. Then, on that same page under Identity, type in your email where it says “Email address”.  What happens is when you leave someone a comment and blogger puts your comment into THEIR email account, all they have to do is hit reply and they can send a response into YOUR email account. Sometimes it’s nice to reply to someone’s comment specifically instead of going to their blog and leaving them a random comment to a question they might have asked on your blog.

Okay got that? Now, I can actually reply to your comments that I’ve so come to depend on.
Next, you need to know that next week will be another giveaway AND I will guest blogging at Tiffany’s (from SITS) blog on Thursday. It just may be my best blog….EVER!!! Cause you know, only the best for Tiffany.
So, okay then, that about covers it for today.
Lesson over.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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my blog roll, part one

I want to highlight some of the blogs that I read and let you know just why I love them. If you want my favorite fashion blogs, click here.
Laughing Through the Chaos: Sera is so sweet and incredibly funny. There’s nothing off limits with her. And it’s refreshing to read her stuff, because it just goes to show you’re never alone in anything! She’s also amazing at leaving comments, (hint hint), and she always makes me feel loved.
Made by Girl: Jennifer is an amazing artist and she has the cutest stuff on her blog and her etsy shop. That Love Print I showed on my ode to etsy is one of hers.
Oh My God, I’m a Mom: This mom cracks me up. I have a thing for honest moms who are able to share the trials of motherhood and somehow manage to make it funny. She absolutely does that. I love it. I have yet to read a post I didn’t like. Plus, I think we live in the same town, and that makes her even more awesome.
Sippy Cup Chardonnay: Ahhh, Rachel. My old neighbor and one of my favorite friends. It was because of her family blog that I even began blogging myself. Not only is she one of the sweetest people I know, but she’s also an incredible writer.
“Deal”icious Mom: I found this blog through Entrecard, and she’s my go to girl for all my deals and steals. I have been able to get a lot of awesome FREE magazine subscriptions, toothpastes, reusable bags….and so much more. This is one you totally need to follow.
LuLu & Moxley: I just happened upon this blog a couple of weeks ago, and I actually was laughing out loud while I was reading it. Although she’s a mother of twins, most of her blog is snarky talk about reality tv and celebrities. And we all know just how much I love both of those! In fact, I think she might just be my blogging soul mate.
Baby on Bored: An author and blogger, she is another mom who takes motherhood trauma and makes it funny. I love her bluntness and honesty. It’s refreshing. And of course, what awesome blog wouldn’t be complete if she didn’t also follow and provide opinions on pop culture? Oh yes, she covers it all.
Okay, so obviously my blog list is much longer, but this is just the start. Part Two coming soon!
Now go check out Jay @ Halftime Lessons. He’s doing some amazing stuff for cancer research. You have to be a part of it. Or at the very least encourage him in what he’s doing. And yes, he’s a favorite on my blog list too. He also thinks my videos are funny. But, since today’s not about me, I won’t go there right now.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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inside the actors studio – le musings of moi

My Blogversation experiment created a monster.
No, not me. Okay, well me a little, but this time I’m talking about my husband. He’s obsessed. In fact, he actually wanted to make his own Man Bag video, which he did on You Tube.
Then he/we had all these ideas for more and more and more….
Finally, we came up with the James Lipton Interview. You know the guy from Inside the Actors Studio? So, we decided to go improv and just wing it. You may not think it’s funny, but as you’ll see, we quickly became big fans of ourselves.
We have big dreams, him and I. We’re going places, I think. Well, at least to my blog and You Tube.
You know you’ve found a good man when he can get dumb and silly with you on a Saturday night. He’s especially awesome for still thinking I’m cute and funny even after all the years we’ve been together.
Okay, so are you ready for the World Premiere?
Summer, Inside the Bloggers Studio with James Lipton.
Now, as you may have figured out, Blogversations: I’ll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours, was a huge success. 5 of us rocked it and that’s 4 more than I expected!
Next week’s Blogversation will be Your Favorite Room. Get it ready and don’t forget to Linky it Saturday morning.
***Now you know I’m all shy about sharing these, so if you wanted to leave a comment about it, I certainly won’t stop you.***
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

i’ll show you mine, if you show me yours!

Okay….so I think 7 of you may have already seen this…because I posted it earlier. But, my self conscious ways got the better of me and I took it down. I mean, ahhhh, the vulnerability of it all!
It’s one thing to perform or act…in front of a crowd. It’s quite another to sit in front of my mac, and talk…to myself. It’s weird. It’s uncomfortable…it’s…um, so totally me. Who are we kidding here?!?
Then the ever so sweet Mama Kat talked me into putting it back up. She’s quite persuasive that Kathy. Buttering me up with compliments and such…
And of course, there were all of you…all, uh, 5 of you, who requested these. And what the people want, the people shall get.
Okay, so here you go. The re-Grand Premiere.
Blogversations, Le Musings Style.
There, I’ve shown you mine, now show me yours! Bags and Purses, and whatcha got in them.
Don’t leave me hanging. It’s the Saturday thing to do. Didn’t you know? Everybody who’s anybody is doing it. And if they’re not, then the rest are leaving really sweet encouraging comments telling those of us that do, that we’re completely awesome.
Now, tag! You’re all it.

© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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rainy night thoughts

I love the rain in Southern California. But, only at night when the kids are in bed asleep, and I can sit in my living room with the candles lit and just enjoy the sound.
It makes me think deep. Ugh, can you imagine how I was when I lived in Seattle?
So, right now I’m reading the The Anxiety Cure and though I’ve read it before, it’s one of those books you should definitely read twice. This time around I’m going through it with a pen and underlining key things. I’m taking it really slow, and trying to savor what needs to be remembered.
If there are any of you who have or are suffering from anxiety and/or panic attacks, I highly recommend this book. It’s life changing. I’d even say, if you know or love someone who suffers from this, even you should read the book. As I underline things, I read them to Jimmy. And he’s always so thankful that I did, because it helps him to understand so much better.
Anyway, good book. I’ll share more when I’ve finished it all the way through again.
Also, in light of the deep candlelit thinking…I wanted to share this dream that my friend Bethany had a couple of years ago. It seems like a lot of people I know and love are going through some really hard times right now. And this story keeps coming to mind. It has meant so much to me time and time again, and I hold on to the image every time life gets hard.

Imagine that God has you in the palm of his hands.  You are just the size of an infant compared to the capable hands that are holding you.  And as you lay in his hands, you’re curled up trying to protect yourself from the rain that is beating down on you.  It’s cold, dreary, and intense. It almost feels like it’s more than you can bear.  But, as you glance beneath the hands that are holding you, you see rapid waters and scorching fire.  If for a moment, God was to let you go, you would surely die.  Suddenly, the rain doesn’t seem so bad.  And so you snuggle into the safety of Gods hands knowing that what you’re going through is manageable because you are safe with Him.  And knowing that He is keeping you from things far worse allows your hope and faith to grow.

© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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etsy love

How I adore thee.
You complete me.
I love you in ways I may never be able to express.
You come to where I am and you meet me in my needs. Whatever those needs may be.
When I wanted a unique decal for my daughters room, there you were. And at a cost I could afford.
And when I needed cute leg warmers for my baby, you provided those as well. (Thanks Heather!)
Or when I wanted a “mom necklace” not quite like the rest, I searched, and there you were.
Not to mention the cute kid stuff:
Even Prints for my walls:
You are amazing, etsy. You really really are.
If you were a blog I’d stalk you, if you were on twitter, I’d follow.
You have my heart. I will never leave nor forsake you.
Thank you etsy. For making my life easier. For being the sunshine through the rain.
But most of all, thank you for just being you.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It means so much that you are here! I know life gets busy though, so if you don't want to miss a thing, I invite you to subscribe to my blog through email!

decisions decisions – a girl needs some help!

One thing about me, I have a hard time making decisions.
For instance, I’m trying to find new throw pillows and I can’t decide between these three.
And should I get two of the same for the chairs or two different ones for the couch? Or two of the same for the chairs and one different one for the couch?
So I email my sisters. And I instant message them a day later because I want to see if they’ve changed their minds. And I ask my husband, which I don’t know why, because the moment he speaks, I am already back to my computer. To where I instead go to my blog meaning to ask you, but then get sidetracked working on my poll about vlogging, because that is yet another decision I can’t make alone.
Distracted much?
You should see my wedding video. My eyes have ADD. I am constantly looking around, making sure I always know where the video camera is, where the photographer is, flashing a smile at my people in the pews….and so on. It’s hilarious.
Anyway, I am also trying to decide on art for above my bed. I’m on a budget. I need two different but complimentary prints for my 11×14 cream frames. I want yellow or red to be a major color. I am searching and searching, and I just. Can’t. Decide!
And then, you see, we’re trying to find a small 20-26 inch flat screen for our bedroom. I want a DVD player in it. I want a good tv for a great deal. I have all the ads laid out and I just don’t know which is best.
So, you see, I need help. I need help with all these decisions, and apparently I need help staying focused.
Thanks for hanging in there with me on this one.
Oh, and while you’re helping me with home decor, go vote in the poll as well. (It’s over on the right at the top…)
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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cheap therapy

Aw, caught you there didn’t I?
It’s okay. We all need it.
Don’t be ashamed. We’re human.
We have kids, or husbands, or moms…. One (or all) of the above drives every single one of us to need therapy at some point in our lives.
But, in today’s economy who can afford it?
My dear friend Shelby, at Family Help Today, that’s how.
I adore this woman for so many reasons.
She is hilarious. I mean there aren’t many people who can top me and my sense of humor, but Shelby just about comes close. Okay, actually she blows me out of the water, but I’m right up there with her. She’s actually my humor muse.
On top of that, she is wise. Oh, ever so wise! She was there for me through all my ups and downs over the years, and she had such incredible wisdom and sound advice that helped me through. From marriage struggles, to postpartum depression and all the anxiety in between, she was the one I knew I could turn to.
But, what’s great about her is the way she delivers her advice. Like I said, she’s funny. She’s witty and pretty and bright…. (you know the song…) You always walk away from your time with her feeling lighter and brighter, and with a little more hope in your step.
And she’s real. There is no B.S. with this chick. When I first met her, besides our similar humor, it’s what drew me to her. I had never met another wife/mom/woman who wasn’t ashamed to put it all out there. She was real, even if it wasn’t acceptable or comfortable. And it was refreshing.
She’s one of those friends you wish you could share with every single person in your life.
And now I can! Because the lovely and infamous Shelby Riley MFT, has just launched an online therapy website!
I’ve already had the pleasure of editing (and benefiting from) the article, The Art of Communication: Five Secrets to Better Understanding, and I’m now in the process of starting Assignments for Couples: 10 Weeks to Increased Intimacy and Connection with Jimmy.
Need more advice than an article can give? She has an Ask Shelby section. Wanna know how her deep inner thoughts? Read her blog!
The time is now. We all need therapy. And now that you can afford it, what are you waiting for? Go on, get happy.
Happy, happy, happy.
*This post has been a part of Tribute Tuesday. Go check it out!*
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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you tube – the le musings way

I think you’ve figured out my weakness.
Being in front of a camera.
Remember how I told you I always pose when I see someone about to take a picture of me? Well, when there’s a video camera? Forget it. I’m on. I perform. And I am ever so happy doing it.
Because of my own video loving ways, I am doing my best to try to get the rest of my family on board. So, over the last year or so, I created our own You Tube channel. It’s really not that exciting, but it’s where I post our videos so that our family can check us out.
But, now that I’ve let you in on my secret, I am willing to share that channel with you as well.
I’ve been reluctant to share this habit on my blog. It just leaves way too much room for judgement, but I’ve broken the seal. Now that I’ve done the contest video, and a few of you had such sweet things to say about it…. I mean, well let’s just say, you’ve created a monster.
Mama Kat suggested Vlogging on Vednesday’s with Summer….and then Mr. Linky it. I think she could be onto something there.
Or, maybe I could do an “Ask Summer” segment, and answer questions “On Air.” Like, On Air with Ryan Seacrest.
Or or, I know! I could be the next Lauren Conrad, and I could re-create scenes from my life and make it look like a reality show…
The ideas are endless. I’m on a roll. You asked for it, well 4 of you did anyway and that’s all the encouragement I needed….More videos you will get. Just not sure when, or what, or how. Any ideas?
In the meantime, enjoy our You Tube.

Oh and P.S.
I just got something else to give away for another contest. I think I’ll do that in another week.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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