Archives for January 2009

If it’s not one thing…

…It’s another.
I told you, I go back and forth. Fashion, decorating, fashion, decorating…skin care, fashion, decorating….

This Young House website came from my decorating sister Heather. I’m up at midnight still looking at it, looking at my house, and then back to looking at it.
How can they be so cute, have a house so cute, be so talented and so young all at the same time? Oh wait, I didn’t see that they had kids. That explains a lot!
I have decorating, motivation, and house envy right now. And I’m not sure I’ll be able to sleep because I think I need to make lists as to what needs changing in my home.
I also think I need to email Thom from Dress My Nest to see if I can score a spot on his show. If anybody can get it started, it’s him.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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It’s NOT all about me – a tribute

I love the idea Jay had to feature someone else on Tuesdays. As Jimmy, my sisters, and my mom often remind me, but I have yet to agree with, it’s not always about me.
I can’t be sure I’ll take this to heart every day, but for this one Tuesday I will try.
My tribute today goes to….dum dum da dum….

My aunt Rochelle. (She’s the hottie on the far right.)
I love and adore all my aunts, but I’m choosing Rochelle today because she has just begun her blog. I love that. She’s so on the up and up.
I remember when I was little I got to fly on an airplane all by myself to come visit her in California. As soon as I stepped foot out of the airport, at the wise and ripe old age of 10 (ish) I knew I was home. She took me to the beach, we went shopping, I spent time with my cousin Breean… I had cinnamon sugar toast for the first time in my life and I loved it. We even went to Super Cuts so Breean could get one of those cool 80’s haircuts where you have bangs, with the sides shaved and it’s long in the back. A mullet, I think they were called? (Sorry to out you girl!) I was so jealous. I asked Rochelle if I could have that haircut too. She made me call my mom first to ask, but my mom held firm and said no way. (Thanks Mom…no offense Breean. Love ya!)
Anyway, Rochelle has since moved out of California but I followed through with my childhood dreams and moved down here. All thanks to her and the most amazing trip I ever took.
Rochelle hasn’t had the easiest road, but she is still the sweetest and most loving person you could ever meet. And the way she loves her kids is such an inspiration.
Did I mention that she’s hip too? She works at Ultra and she’s always in the know about the latest and greatest skincare, makeup, hair care, and nail polish.
She’s amazing for all these reasons and more. And that’s why I choose her. She deserves a day thats all about her.
So, go over and say hi. Make her feel loved.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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it’s the simple things

…that make me happy.
Yesterday (today, tomorrow) it was (is, will be) fashion blogs.
Today it’s this tip from Better Homes and Gardens:
Use shower rings to hang your purses from your closet rod.
It has greatly improved my closet, and my purses rest happy now. In fact, I now have room for more. What could be better?
Then there is this $5 ring I found on clearance. I may not look happy in the pictures, but believe me, I am. I love the ring, I love the price.

Then I found these necklaces for $2.50 each. Cute, huh?

And now the not so simple things lay ahead. Today is the day I begin Day 1 of P90X Lean. My surgery is done, my gallbladder is laying low, so I’m all out of excuses. I’m done having babies, and cute clothes are beckoning me. My jeans need me back. So, I had a farewell party with Mimi’s cafe, Smores, and Pizza over the weekend. I will miss them. But, I miss my clothes more.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi” All Rights Reserved
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fashion makes me happy

I spent date night on the couch with my laptop. Tay was at his Nana & Papa’s and we were going to see a movie. Then I made a huge mistake. Jimmy, in all his glory, has been making an effort to cook (crockpot) healthy dinners for the last few nights. I don’t cook. I hate it, hate it, hate it. I can microwave though. Love that. And I’m good at it. Anyway, back to Jimmy. It doesn’t always need to be about me…
Um, yes it does. Who am I kidding?
Long story short, I didn’t make a big enough deal about his efforts. I didn’t cartwheel and do a cheer spelling B-A-N-A-N-A-S. And the big whoops is that I didn’t offer to take over his efforts because I was so inspired. I do not rock. Date night was ruined. It was just me and my Mac.
But my trusty Mac came through, and I spent the evening in bliss. Fashion Blogs. Ugh. Heaven. I love them, I love them, I love them.
In my dark days there are different things I need at different times. Sometimes I need a good dose of reality tv. Other times I need a lot of inspirational reading. But, apparently last night I needed fashion. And now I’m happy.
Here were my happy places:
….love Maegan (love her blog, fashion posts or not)
Okay, now I’m off to go practice my cartwheels while listening to Gwen Stefani. B-A-N-A-N-A-S! I want dinner tonight. If this is what it takes, so be it.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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rise above unexpected challenges

I received this in an email and wanted to share.
Rise Above Unexpected Challenges
Whitney Hopler
Editor’s Note: The following is a report on the practical applications of Karol Ladd’s new book, Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive: Passionately Live the Life You Didn’t Plan, (Howard Books, 2008).
Life rarely turns out the way you’ve planned. An unexpected diagnosis, a sudden job layoff, a surprise relationship breakup, an accident — all kinds of challenges can come into your life at any time and blow your best plans apart. When that happens, you have a choice. You can allow your circumstances to bring you down and try to survive in a miserable state. Or, you can decide to rise above your challenges so you can thrive despite them.
Here’s how you can rise above unexpected challenges:
See the potential that exists.
Whenever your old dreams die, there is the potential for new dreams to be born. If you entrust your situation to God, He will bring something good out of even the worst circumstances. Every disappointment can be turned into an appointment to trust God’s plan. God is a redeeming God who is weaving a greater, more eternal picture than you can see right now. Place your hope in Him.
Realize that you’re not alone.
Every woman experiences disappointments in life, to some degree. Common types of disappointments women experience include disappointments with marriage, kids, self, others, circumstances, religion, and God. If you’re disappointed, you’re in good company with many others in our fallen world. So don’t isolate yourself. Find some other women to talk with, and support and encourage each other as you deal with your disappointments.
Cast your cares on God.
God has promised to always be with you and act in love toward you. Even when you can’t sense God’s presence with you, believe His promise. He knows what you’re going through, and He cares. While you may not understand why God has allowed certain challenges to come into your life, you can rest assured that His loving comfort and help is available to you at all times. Pray honestly about your thoughts and feelings related to your challenges. Don’t hesitate to express anything to God; He already knows anyway, and He wants you to draw closer to Him when you’re struggling.
Grieve your losses.
Face the fact that you’ve lost something valuable to you, rather than trying to ignore the hard reality or sugarcoat it in some way. Cry if you need to cry, journal about your loss is that helps, talk with a counselor or trusted friends, find solace in God’s Word, and do whatever else helps you grieve your losses. Accept your situation, and begin to work through it honestly. But don’t get stuck in a rut; once you’ve expressed your grief, start to move on. Steer clear of whining, complaining, and self-pity. Allow your grief to take its course. Then let go of your old dream and look forward to what God has in store for you in the future. Stop reviewing your mistakes; give up regrets and ask God to show you what He wants you to learn from your mistakes so you can grow beyond them. Take your eyes off the past and turn them toward what God is planning for the rest of your life. Pray for His guidance, and step out to follow Him wherever He leads you.
Give thanks.
Although this may be the last thing you feel like doing right now, it’s vital to give thanks to God in all circumstances (not for all circumstances, but in the midst of them), because doing so makes you notice what God is doing in your life and strengthens your assurance that He does care for you. Make giving thanks a daily practice. Pay attention to even the little ways that God provides for you each day — from a good meal, to a caring friend who takes the time to call and ask how you’re doing.
Win the battle over worry.
Whenever a worrisome thought pops into your mind, pray about it. Don’t allow worries to stay in your mind long enough to grow into fear. Use your worries as catalysts to begin thinking about your next steps and start solving problems. Give each of your worries to God, and step forward in faith as He leads you. Invite God to use the situations about which you’re worrying to show you more about who He is and what He is capable of doing. Ask God to exchange your worries for His peace. Make it a daily habit to deliberately give God your worries; incorporate the practice into your routine so it becomes as regular as brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Whenever you feel inadequate, overwhelmed, or afraid, remember that God is with you and you can count on Him to help you. Keep your focus on God instead of on your worries.
Place your trust only in God.
God is worthy of your trust. What you believe about Him will determine whether or not you trust Him, so consider why you believe what you believe. Get to know God by reading what He reveals about Himself in the Bible. Then base your beliefs about God on the Bible, rather than on hearsay or other people’s opinions. As you grow to know God more, you’ll grow to love and trust Him more. Remember that your challenges serve a greater purpose in your life than what you can see right now. Consider the possible benefits of the challenge you’re going through. It may: offer you a chance to grow, give you an opportunity to empathize with and encourage others, remind you of your need for God’s care and help, draw you into a closer relationship with a loving God, serve as discipline you need to grow as a person, or allow you to share in Christ’s sufferings. Suffering is actually a kind of grace when it better prepares you to meet God one day. Remember that God — who sees your soul from an eternal perspective — does not give you quick fixes for the here and now, but prepares you for spending eternity with Him. Even when you don’t understand why God has allowed certain challenges into your life, you can trust His love and eternal purposes.
See the beauty of Plan B.
It’s easy to see the ugliness of your plans not working out. But look beyond that to see the beauty of your new journey. Explore the potential plans for your new life by assessing the possibilities God has provided. Through prayer, personal reflection, and conversations with some people you trust, ask questions like these: “What are the good things about my life right now?”, “What positive actions can I take without neglecting my commitments?”, “What gifts and talents has God given me?”, “How could I use at least one of these gifts or talents in a new and fresh way?”, “What opportunities has God placed in my life right now?”, “If I were to dream big, what would I love to do with the life God has given me?”, “What resources or knowledge do I have available to accomplish these dreams?”, “What resources or knowledge do I need to obtain in order to move forward?”, and “Who are the people God has placed in my life whom I can bless and who may be a blessing to me as well?”. Ask God to help you believe in a wonderful new plan for your life. Trust that God will care for you, even though, right now, you can’t see the outcome of your current challenges. Change old, unhealthy and/or negative behavior patterns that are preventing you from making the progress you sense God wants you to make. Seek advice from wise friends and mentors as you go through the process of making changes in your life. Look for what doors God is opening, and walk through them the best you can into your future. Don’t worry about getting too far astray if you’re truly trying to follow God; He will help you. Remember that God is sovereign and you can’t thwart his ultimate plans. Notice the new person you’re becoming, and enjoy the positive changes you notice.
Get rid of bitterness.
Refuse to hold onto anger and resentment that will allow bitterness to grow in your soul. Flush out the poison of any bitterness you already have by answering God’s call to forgive. Just as God has forgiven you, He expects you to forgive the people who have hurt or offended you. You can count on God to help you through the process. Choose to forgive as an act of your will — despite your feelings — and God will change your heart in the process. Trust God to bring about justice in every situation rather than wasting your time and energy trying to get revenge. Be willing to pray for the people you’re forgiving, and act in love toward them. Enjoy the freedom that forgiveness will give you.
Focus on the big picture.
Shift your focus away from what’s wrong in your life and toward God, who is bigger than your challenges and is able to redeem them. Meditate on Bible passages to remind yourself that there is a bigger picture than what you can see right now and that the sovereign God has your life in His hands. Think and pray about what God may be saying to you through His Word, and what you can learn from it and apply to your life. In the light of God’s eternal purposes, your temporary challenges won’t seem as daunting as they did before. Keep in mind that where you may just see a mess in your life, God sees the potential for something good to happen.
Speak with sincerity.
The words that come out of your mouth reveal the condition of your heart and identify who you are. Speak with carefully, since your words can either bring about life or joy, or hurt and destruction. Decide to speak positive words that reflect your hope and trust in God and that encourage others — no matter how challenging your circumstances are right now. Avoid the complaining of those who don’t have faith. Make time each day to praise God for His work in your life; the more you praise Him during your prayer times, the more praise will flow more naturally out of your mouth in other situations. Don’t listen to advice from negative or bitter people, and avoid media content that negatively influences your thinking. Listen to positive people and watch, read, or listen to uplifting shows, books, etc. Memorize Bible passages that give you hope as you deal with your specific challenges, and that build your trust in God’s love and care for you. Whenever you’re tempted to complain about something, pray about it first. Talk about your concerns with a trusted friend, mentor, or counselor. Each night before you go sleep, thank God for how He has cared for you that day, and your subconscious mind will be filled with positive thoughts. Whenever God answers your prayers, thank Him and tell others what He has done.
Walk confidently in a new direction.
Gain confidence from placing your trust in God, instead of in people or circumstances. Be willing to take whatever steps God leads you to take into your future. Although you can’t be sure what life will bring, you can be certain that God will be with you. Keep a confident spiritual posture: head up (keeping your eyes on God), shoulders back (casting your cares continually on God), stomach in (staying centered on truth, not assumptions), stand straight and tall (standing on the sure foundation of hearing and doing God’s Word), walk forward (walking confidently with an eternal perspective).
Make healthy connections with other people.
Notice what people God has placed in your life right now to help and support you. Thank God for them, and allow those people to get close to you. Listen to people’s advice and allow them to help you. While you’re looking for friends, be a good friend yourself. Do all you can to encourage other people. If you’re married, work on your communication with your spouse to keep your marriage strong while you’re going through challenges. Expect God to use your friends to help you heal.
Use what you’ve learned to help others.
God will make sure that none of the pain you’ve gone through while dealing with your challenges will be wasted, if you ask Him to show you how to use what you’ve learned in the process to bless others going through similar challenges. Be alert to the opportunities God presents for you to help others, and take advantage of them.
Remember that God is not through with you yet. Wait on God to complete His good work in your life. Keep placing your hope in God and finding your strength in Him. Trust that God will work all things in your life together for good. Turn to the Bible for fresh spiritual nourishment each day. Remember that you’ll never be completely satisfied in this fallen world, but look forward to when all your longings will be fulfilled — when you meet God in heaven. Each day as you move forward, ask God — the source of all hope — to renew your strength and fill you with joy and peace.
Adapted from Thrive, Don’t Simply Survive: Passionately Live the Life You Didn’t Plan, copyright 2008 by Karol Ladd. Published by Howard Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, West Monroe, La.,
Karol Ladd is the award-winning and bestselling author of the Power of a Positive series. She is also the founder and president of Positive Life Principles, Inc, a resource company offering strategies for success in both home and work. Her vivacious personality makes her a popular speaker to women’s organizations, church groups, and corporate events. She is co-founder of a character-building club for young girls called USA Sonshine Girls and serves on several educational boards. Karol is a frequent guest on radio and television programs. Her most valued role is that of wife to Curt and mother to daughters Grace and Joy.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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things that make ya go "hmmmmm….."

Proverbs 21:9

It’s better to stay outside on the roof of your house than to live inside with a nagging wife.

I will not nag, I will not nag.
But just in case he decides to read this, or a friend of his does and wants to tell him, or somehow one of you can get it to him…
then you know, it’s not really nagging.
Although, if he was living on the roof, and I was inside, then my house would stay clean. “Hmmm….”
There are dirty dishes in the sink. The dishwasher is dirty. “Hmmm…..”
There is a laundry basket in the bedroom. There are dirty clothes on the floor right next to the basket. “Hmmm….”
The trash can is full. It is overflowing. It runneth over. He says we need a bigger trash can. I say he needs to take out the trash more than once a week. “Hmmm….”
There are a pair of shoes in every room. I can’t find a single pair in his closet. “Hmmm….”
He says his New Years Resolution is to become more clean and organized. Yesterday was the first day of the New Year. He played Wii all day. But, in his defense he said he was in deep thought about how to put his resolution into action, you know, tomorrow.
I say, “Hmmm….”
I will not nag, I will not nag.
To be continued…

© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”

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happy new year…

Happy New Year…
Just a story I’ve posted before but wanted to remember again for the new year…

Malachi 3:3 says:
“He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.”
This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature of God.
One of the women offered to find out the process of refining silver and get back to the group at their next Bible Study.
That week, the woman called a silversmith and made an appointment to watch him at work. She didn’t mention anything about the reason for her interest beyond her curiosity about the process of refining Silver.
As she watched the silversmith, he held a piece of silver over the fire and let it heat up. He explained that in refining silver, one needed to hold the silver in the middle of the fire where the flames were hottest as to burn away all the impurities.
The woman thought about God holding us in such a hot spot; then she thought again about the verse that says: ‘He sits as a refiner and purifier of silver.’ She asked the silversmith if it was true that he had to sit there in front of the fire the whole time the silver was being refined.
The man answered yes, he not only had to sit there holding the silver, but he had to keep his eyes on the silver the entire time it was in the fire. If the silver was left a moment too long in the flames, it would be destroyed.
The woman was silent for a moment. Then she asked the silversmith, ‘How do you know when the silver is fully refined?’
He smiled at her and answered, ‘Oh, that’s easy — when I see my image in it.’
If today you are feeling the heat of the fire, remember that God has his eye on you and will keep watching you until He sees His image in you.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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a little bit of random for new years eve

Nothing like a little piece of placenta being left behind after the birth. I know, I can be a bundle of TMI. Love me anyway. I got that taken care of today and I’m all cozy on the couch with lovely pain meds to bring in the new year. So, one surgery down, and possibly one more to go. Hopefully I will meet with a general surgeon next week and we can get down to business with the gallbladder situation. Being 30 rocks.
Reality TV:
I watched The City. I loved it and I never wanted it to end. It made me so happy. I just hope Whitney doesn’t become ruined by having her own show the way Lauren did.
Lauren just seems less sweet now then she did on the Laguna days. Aw, the Laguna days…
I miss Rachel Zoe and Tori & Dean. Oh, speaking of Tori & Dean…I read her book. sTORI TellingWoah Nellie. It was super easy reading, but I felt like she wrote it to spill the beans on her mom (loved that part) as well as to justify her and Dean cheating on their spouses the first night they met. I’m torn. I love them. I think they’re funny and totally adorable together. But, I hate divorce. Hate cheating. And my heart breaks for Dean’s kids. So, eh, I’m on the fence with the book. Also, did you know Tori totally had some serious OCD issues??? She says marrying Dean fixed it. Huh.
Real Housewives: Not loving Vickie. She is retarded. I like the new girl with the old man fiance. She seems real. A real housewife. ha.
I need a life. I do. I’m sad.
I realize that I’m not so good at being tagged. I get all excited, and then the next day I forget to do whatever it is I’m supposed to do. When I finally do remember, I then have forgotten who tagged me. I know I’m supposed to post pictures from a folder from Trish. In fact, I will do that now. 4th Folder, 4th Picture:
This is Taylor checking out the animals at The Wild Animal Park. He was turning away from me because he didn’t want his picture taken. Which was just fine, because I like the non posed look anyway. Well, except when I’m in it, of course.
I’m also not great at comments. But, if I’m following your blog, then please know I am a faithful reader. And I love it because I am still following. I even, believe it or not, have gone back and read all the way from the beginning of most of the blogs I read. Yes, I’m that faithful.
I’m having an unhealthy addiction to shopping. I don’t even need anything. It’s pure lust, want and desire. I love my new boots, and my new purse.
And I’m thinking of adding this:
or this:
to my collection. I mean, I deserve it, right? I just birthed a baby, had anxiety, surgery, and maybe another surgery….There’s got to be a consolation prize in there somewhere, right?
Speaking of Anxiety:
I’m better. I’m me again. But, I learned something this time, as I do every time it hits me. I just wrote this in an email to Betty, but as much as I hate the feeling for myself, I hate it more because I don’t want it to touch my kids. But, what I am figuring out is that I can make it a positive thing, in that each time it hits, it causes me to look at my life and make some really good changes. That has to leave a good mark on them, right? 😉
I also keep a journal for each one of my kids, and I’m going to take the time to write out what it is that I deal with and how it has nothing to do with them or my love for them. How really, it’s not something I can even help. That it is like diabetes or a cancer of the mind type thing, it’s perfectly okay if it needs medicine and treatment just as any sickness or illness would. And I especially want them to know that it’s nothing to be ashamed of. I want them to understand that I am human, but that I am not letting the trials take over my life or my joy. I want to teach them that yes, life sucks sometimes, but it can be made better just by the way you handle it and decide to look at it. And just in case should they inherit any of it, it won’t be taboo. They will know they are still okay. Still amazing, and still loved.
I will never wallow in this. I will never accept defeat. I am much too determined to be beaten down.
I’ve said it before and I will say it again. I am woman, hear me roar.

© 2008 “Le Musings of Moi”
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top 10 of 2008

Top Ten of 2008:
In no order:
6. We paid off our cars and our credit cards. We are now official owners of both our cars and we have no debt. Well, other than student loans.
© 2008 “Le Musings of Moi”
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