just call us the duggars

I have a confession to make.
I love and adore 19 kids and counting, and the Duggars are my hero’s.


In fact, I make encourage my kids and husband to watch the show with me as well.
I’ve also read both books.
Both times in about two days.
I take notes.
WAIT!  Don’t go!!!
It’s not like I’m about to start wearing long skirts and….
maxi skirts ARE kind of all the rage now.
They behave.
They nap until they’re 5.
They are kind and helpful and they do chores and they play with EACH OTHER.
And the parents???
They don’t yell.
And they parent with intention.
And they are just so sweet and innocent and positive and calm (ish).
And I’m pretty sure there is no medication involved in that, although I can’t be sure.
While I’m not sure I can homeschool or allow God to determine the number of kids I should have… (actually i think dear Jesus made things clear when having children gave me anxiety.  can’t get much more clear than that, i would say.  thankyouverymuch.}…..
But, I do think there is a lot to be taken from the way they run their house.
For instance….
We’ve since started meeting at night before bed to have a quick time of family prayer and devotions.
{okay, so maybe 2 nights a week, but it’s SOMETHING!}
Sometimes it’s the first time all day we’ve sat down together, and even though the kids aren’t used to being STILL and QUIET (the way the Duggar kids are), in time I’m sure they’ll learn to love it.
Even if I have to give them melatonin an hour before.
I would never drug my children.
{unless it was legal and prescribed.}
My new motto?
What would the Duggars do?
I stop.  And ponder, WWTDD.  And then I procede.
My dream?
To take my kids for a weekend and live with the Duggars. 
I want to see it all happen up close and personal. 
I want my kids to soak in the wisdom and love they have in that house.
And then I want to leave my kids for another week or two while Jimmy and I come home to practice all that being still and quiet.

What do you guys think?
Have you seen 19 (20, 30) kids and counting?
Do you think I have what it takes?

Okay, don’t answer that last question.

© 2011 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. I have always liked the Duggars! I think a lot of people love to hate them, but frankly, I think it’s jealousy – because seriously, they’ve got mad parenting skillz. Their household of 21 is calmer and more quiet than my household of 5, which is astonishing, because sometimes (okay, most of the time) keeping the three I have quiet seems like a near-impossible feat.

    If you discover the secret, let me know!!

  2. I really have to commend that woman for the excellent parenting that she does and for not yelling at her kids. I don’t know that I would have that much patience or be able to raise that many children. That being said, I love the show and I’m fascinated with them!!!

  3. Nope, never seen it. And I have a feeling it would make me feel inadequate.

  4. I love this post. You are equal parts nuts and amazing for wanting to be like the Duggars. I totally agree that they have such a peacefulness even in the midst of all those kiddos. Pretty amazing.

    There is something to be said for finding stillness in the midst of a culture where over-stimulation is constant. I would love my life to be reflective of Isaiah 30:15 and theirs definitely seems to be. “In repentance and rest is your salvation,in quietness and trust is your strength…”

    You are funny. Thanks for posting.

  5. I love them too! Michelle has the patience of Job. I think they are doing such an excellent job. The biggest part of it is of course Jesus, but I think another big part is- hardly any TV. I know even with just the two of us the day seems much more peaceful when the TV has not been on.

  6. The fact that you love the Duggars…well quite honestly…makes me love you even more. Why can’t we be neighbors?!