drop (kick) the scale

It has been almost 6 weeks since I’ve stepped on the scale. This from stepping on several times a week, trying to make sure I stayed at my “ideal” weight. And anytime that number fluctuated even one pound up or down, my mood and my day were affected.
And yet, if I was honest, when I looked in the mirror, I couldn’t see a difference.
It was annoying to say the least, not just to me, but especially to Jimmy. (Though he weighs in daily too, I might add.)
Anyway, after I read “I’m Beautiful, Dammit” I decided it was time for a change. I decided no more weight talk. Instead, I would go by how I felt, how I looked in the mirror, and how my clothes fit. If my pants got snug, then I would know it was time for more cardio and less chocolate cake.  (Kinda where I am right now.)
I have to say, it was not an easy addiction to give up. In the beginning there were days that I wanted to cheat oh so bad. But, I am so glad I stayed strong. Because I have really learned a lot in the last 6 weeks.
Here are just a few things:
  • I am not nearly as hard on myself for a good or bad day of eating.
  • I don’t dread the wake up portion of my morning where I would first pee (to lose a pound) and then go to the scale to see what kind of an eating day I could have. 
  • I like my body more. 
  • I enjoy eating more.
  • I enjoy my workouts more.
  • I notice how much people talk about weight and numbers, and it relieves me that I can’t join in. I don’t know what I weigh, and I like it that way. The competition is gone. I love it.
I am still attempting to eat healthy with one free day a week, and I still work out at least 4 or 5 days a week. But, I am doing all that because I want to. Because I love it. Not because I am striving to achieve a size or a number or to compete with the girl down the street. (By the way, there is no girl down the street. It’s a metaphor.)
It’s been amazing.
You know, I just realized that 30 has been an interesting year so far. I feel like I’ve really been learning a lot. I’ve had to make some uncomfortable decisions that weren’t necessarily the most fun, but ended up being the absolute best for me and my family in the long run. I call them grown up decisions.
With each grown up decision, a burden is lifted and the skies become clearer.
And to think, it all started with drop kicking the scale.
So, with all the peer pressure I can muster….I urge all of you to do the same. Forget the numbers, forget the perfect or ideal size. Instead be healthy and love and enjoy your body for what it does and what it gives to you.
Trust me, being a grown up can be kinda fun in the long run.  And you know, everybody’s doing it!
On a non related note:
See those cute little pink boxes on the far right of my blog?  The ones for advertising?  If you’d like to have your ad there, email me and I’ll be more than happy to go over rates with you!  
*In case you want to follow me, and I don’t see why you wouldn’t, I moved that gadget to the bottom of my page.  There, now you can sleep better.*
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. I wear Pull ups…Im a big kid now!

    Sorry that just came in my head. I am so glad that is working for you. I havent kicked it to the curb yet. I weigh in just once a week though since I am trying to lose a TON of weight so I can record my progress…or not

  2. I agree 100% with you on kicking the scale to the curb and base it how you feel. As long as you are living healthy and making good choices, the number really doesn’t matter in the long run. Great post!

  3. It is so much healthier not to obsess – over scales, or weight, or exercise, or …

    The hard part is just doing it, the easy part is enjoying it.

    P.S. Raising kids works better without the obsessive behavior too. {*grin*}

  4. you are my new hero. I am getting better – i don’t weigh everyday. I try to once a week.

  5. come check out my eating the angel way blog for more ideas on how to love your body no matter its size!

  6. Scales suck, good for you!

  7. I chose the same prompt, Summer, and I’ve been experiencing lots of the same benefits as you. I’ve found it so amazing what a difference just one little change can make. I love it. It’s freeing. 🙂

  8. congrats on giving up the scale! i didn’t put one in my apt and only use at the gym, which i’m lucky if i make once a week lol. but i keep a treadmill and dvds at home. it’s all mind over matter, right?

  9. This made me happy for you!

  10. Good for you, Summer! I don’t think I could do that… I hate the scale, though, it is so bloody evil! But for the love of God – you have a gorgeous body! If I were you, I wouldn’t concern myself over the numbers on the scale at all! You look fabulous!

  11. I’ve always been a fan of no scale. But you know that, because it’s what I say every time you blog about it. I only know what my weight is when I go to the doctor and they weigh me. I tend to stay at about the same weight. But I could gain 10 lbs and be completely fine. I try not to lose.

    Actually, it’s kind of funny, but my best barometer for how I’m doing is my bust. If My bras get looser I probably need to eat more breakfast. If they are tighter I’m doing well. 🙂

    And it is really really healthy to simply focus on being healthy!!!! You are doing women everywhere a service when you post about it!

  12. i’m so with you on this…its more about health and personal happiness than numbers.

  13. I am definitely against weighing myself ona daily basis. Your weight can fluctuate 1-3 pounds just from water weight, so I think it’s not a good idea. I’m pregnant now and so I am going to keep weighing myself once a week. It is more to keep myself on track with the inevitable weight gain, and hopefully avoid that 9 pound month 6 that I had the last time!

  14. I gave up on numbers a long time ago..now I’m just trying to eat healthy for my ..well my health. I’m still working on the exercise part..it comes and goes. But I used to be a numbers freak as well. And it took a while to finally ge to the point where it just did not matter anymore. I KNEW I was never going to weigh what I weighed when I was 17 and yet the pressure was still staring at me every day when I looked down at those little red numbers. Ugh. Anyhoo..good for you on drop kicking the scale. You’re beautiful.

  15. I gave up my scale a LONG time ago. And it is good very good.

  16. FABULOUS post.

  17. I’m right there with you. Except the eight years older part…..

    Still – I’m getting more active and worrying less about what I eat and weigh.

    I should worry more about what I DRINK, ’cause if I cut that out, I’d probably wisp away on the wind….. but who am I kidding?

    Still – by the time I’m 40, I want people to not be able to believe it.

  18. I also don’t know what I weigh and I don’t care. I do care that I had to buy new pants this year because the old ones didn’t fit over my butt, but, you know, I could have chosen exercise. On a related note, I got in BIG trouble today because I also don’t seem to be caring about my dog’s weight, and the vet did not see eye to eye with me on that one. Oops.

  19. great post 🙂

  20. Good for you. Seriously. I think the focus needs to be where you have it – on being healthy – and not on the numbers.