an elevator pitch…if we were stuck in one

“A place to say, ‘me too’…”

{My blog’s tagline}

I share all that I share, in part, because it’s therapy to me.
It helps me to breathe, to think, to feel and to process.
It helps me understand me.
It helps me to understand the One who made me.

But I continue to share all that I share, even more, because of YOU.

All my life I have felt so alone, and as though I never really fit in anywhere or with anyone.
It’s a struggle I still battle.

But that lie, that deep seeded wound inside, heals just a little more each time I get an email or a comment or a word from one of you, saying… “Me too, Summer….me too.”
And we connect.
We accept.
We understand.
And though we’ve maybe never met, we love.

elevator pitch

The truth is, we are all struggling with something.
And if you aren’t now, you will be soon.

It’s just life.

But there is just something…almost heavenly, when you share the depths of your soul and your heart and all the good and bad and funny and odd, and there is someone who looks you in your eyes and agrees.

They just get it.

What incredible freedom there is in acceptance and love and understanding.

I’ve had to check myself, a lot…but here is what I know is true:
I truly don’t come here to feed my ego.
I don’t promote this blog or my YouTube channel simply to be known and to get ahead.

I do all of this because, by saying  and hearing “me too,” we are given a little glimpse of what heaven must feel like.

That’s what it is, that’s why it feels so good!!!

It’s not about flattery or egos or being narcissitic, it’s about experiencing a glimpse of what it would be like to show up in heaven one day, falling to our knees at the overwhelming and undeserving love and acceptance of our Savior.

And when we get a taste of it here on earth, it’s just…right.
That’s what this is all about.

And so I share.
And sometimes nobody says anything and that’s okay, because it’s not always about me. (hard lesson for a middle child.)
But in the times someone does, it’s even more confirmed that I am doing exactly what God has asked me to do.

I am not perfect.
I am such a sinner, and I battle my thoughts and desires EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I have a past, and a present, and a future…all full of mistakes.
I am not one to be admired, praised or loved the most.
I don’t have all the answers or wisdom, but I’m always willing to say… “Here! Feel a tiny amount of what heaven must be like! Isn’t it lovely? Now run to Jesus, because His wisdom and answers hold the healing that you’ve been looking for!”

I pray that in all my sharing…
and in all your sharing…
We can be the heart of Jesus.
And in that, allow others to get excited about WHO is He really is and what eternity with Him is all about.

{I have a feeling this is too long for a quick elevator ride/pitch.  Work in progress….}

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  1. Kristina Kavanaugh says:

    “Me too!” (:


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