Archives for July 2011

he said what?!?

Another edition of “he said what?!?” sponsored, of course, by Taylor.
Picture 4
As also seen on my facebook page….
{actually, i’m thinking i should start a facebook page JUST for taylor quotes!}

after disciplining taylor for not obeying, he came to me crying and apologizing.

i asked, “are you going to stop this behavior?”
he replied, “i don’t know mom! my life isn’t over yet, so i just. don’t. know!”


What Taylor said when his teacher asked what he had learned in Kindergarten:

“I learned about making friends. You can feel better when you play with friends, and you can be good friends by being honest.”


Taylor to our previous foster son in the backseat:

“wanna talk about what happened in our life when we used to be shy?”


when explaining to taylor (after a lengthy whining sesh) that he needed to work on having a happy heart…he very matter of factly told me,

“MOM! Sometimes life just doesn’t work like that. You just can’t expect it to always be that way.”
Well then.


taylor quote of the day…unable to fall asleep after an easter egg hunt party:

“maybe if i poop, i’ll get out all the sugar & then i’ll be able to finally fall asleep.”


Taylor staring at daddy’s nose hairs: “pick your nose so I can see what happens.”



taylor: i let all my farts out, so i’m ready to do my theory (for piano) now!!!



from taylor to jimmy all in one breath:

“Dad, can birds fly to heaven? Probably not because they can’t breath in space, right? Dad, is there a gate in heaven? ‘Do not enter unless I say so’?”


as we were driving home today, i hear taylor who is reading all things all the time sounding out a word in the backseat:

“hooo…hoot…hooters. HOOTERS! Mom, is HOOTERS a word? What does it mean?”
Wish it still didn’t hurt my incisions to laugh!
i made sure to tell him it was a restaurant we never go to just in case it gets back to his sunday school teacher.


this conversation seriously just happened:

Taylor: mom, what’s your favorite number?

Me: two
Taylor: wanna know what mine is? google. and dad’s favorite number is pi.
…that’s what I get for having kids with a physics geek. =)


taylor: you’re the best mom ever.

me: awe, thanks taylor! that makes my heart so happy.

taylor: so is your bucket full?
me: um, you mean my love bucket?
taylor: ya. your fake bucket.


me (to the dog we babysat): stop scratching!
taylor: mom!  he’s a dog!
me: i know, but i just gave him a bath, he shouldn’t be itchy.
taylor: you can’t ask a dog to stop scratching.  it’s what dogs do.  it’s like asking a dog to stop being a dog.
me:  silence….{what can you say to that anyway?!?}

© 2011 “Le Musings of Moi”
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