i have small mmm-mmm’s and i cannot lie.

It’s true.
And it’s time I voice the truth. I have small mmm-mmm’s, and I am proud.
{We’re going with the term “mmm-mmm’s,” so that google doesn’t send the sicko’s over here. Plus, I don’t want to stumble any guys with my mmm-mmm talk.}
You see, I’ve been on both sides of the fence. I’ve been a C for most of my adult life. And it was fun, I guess. Didn’t think much of it.
Oh ya, I took those babies for granted.
As well as my ability to eat cereal and shells and cheese every day without gaining weight….but that’s neither here nor there.
Then I got pregnant, and woah mama!!!
I’m not even sure you can call what I had mmm-mmm’s.
More like, Melons.
Or Jumbowumbo’s.
But whatever you called them, they were large and in charge, and I was not a fan.
At one point after I had Chloe, I was super engorged and while trying to dry up, I sent Jimmy to buy the largest cabbage he could find.
{Cabbage leaves are supposed to help with drying up.}
I took the biggest leaf, set it atop one of my um, mmm’s, and what do you know?
It only covered half.
I’m not kidding you people.
It was a sight to be seen.
Or not, because I’m not that kind of girl.
And then God said, ha ha. You had your fun, now I’m going to take ALL of them away.
And He did.
And now I have no mmm-mmm’s. In fact, a better term would be skin flaps.
{All of my ex’s out there reading this, contain your jealousy, please. I’m a married woman now.}
Oh God, you so funny.
Okay, so I wouldn’t mind so much if they were, um, perkier…but, I actually have to admit, I think small is more my style.
So, there you have it.
I’m with the ittybittymmm-mmm crowd and I’m proud.
Who’s with me?
hello? anyone? hello?
Β© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. Same thing happened to me … except I could not accept having shriveled gram-mama mmm-mmm’s (so not saying yours may be, totally referencing my own issue!!), so I had my girls fixed. I heart them again. :o)

  2. Sorry… Totally not with you. Got my own watermelon – ‘cept they are more like elephant ears (hanging around the side) than watermelons. No mozzie bites here.

  3. hehe, you crack me up lady! I often wish I had some tank top mmm mmm’s. I’ve got those C’s you speak of… & while at times I appreciate them, sometimes I miss my high school B’s.

  4. Not with you girl…not yet at least! I am about the same size as I was before I was pregnant. I was huge, then massive, then smallish, now back to where I was. Mmm, mmms are weird. πŸ™‚

  5. You are soooo funny!!!

    My boobs won’t be mine when I have kids..umm TMI everyone…so I don’t know whats gonna happen…

    K I feel weird. LOL

  6. I had the mmm-mmms, bought the MMM-MMMs, had a baby, and now they are MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM-MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM’s. I am actually wishing they were smaller now. yikes. that’s life, grass is always greener.

  7. Not with you at all…..sorry…I’ve had MMM-MMMM’s since 8th grade….

  8. Mine are not really what you would call small but they certainly are small. What I wouldn’t give to have the mmmm-mmmm’s of pregnancy again. They were full and beautiful and perky and I loved them.

    I guess I can have those for a large fee, right?

  9. Oh,I feel you…they say nursing doesn’t change anything, but they lie!!!! πŸ™‚

  10. i was a very small B – probably an A, who am i kidding? – until the summer after my freshman year in college. i came home and the girls CAME OUT. fo’ real…i got back to school and everyone thought i had them done. not sure why i was such a late bloomer in that area, but i am a D now, and Lordy…what I wouldn’t give for my itty bitty B’s to be back in the game! can we say 2 heavy-duty sports bras to work out? UGH.

  11. I’m hoping that happens to me when I have babies. I have a G cup. G as in G-gantic. I would so love to have small mmmm-mmm’s. I have these monsters since 7th grade and I am hoping they take a permanent hiatus after I have kids.

    If not, I will make it happen. I am already saving for the reduction surgery.

  12. I’ll join your crowd, but I’m not too proud about it. Ugh!!

  13. oh hell yeah! you bet your skinny ass that i’m with you. STL in the house (hopefully one day though “westlake in the house!”).

    i’ve never, ever, EVER had mmm-mmms though. EVER! and oh how i want them SO bad. i’ve always been an inverted A. when i was preggers and breast feeding both kids i was a daring double D. hell yeah! but all good things must come to an end. and here i stand (type) before you with “skin flaps”. literally…skin flaps. they look kind of like deflated waterballoons. (can’t believe i’m writing this…)

    and need i forget – going from an A to a double D back down to an AAA, i also have lovely trench marks (aka stretch marks!) YUCK!

    need me a mmm-mmmm job pronto! i hate being the acting president on the board of this committy…

  14. I was always so proud of mine… and then I breastfed two children. End of story.

  15. Ah hahahaha! I love this!! Finally someone excepting the blessings of small taters. Yes…i call them taters.

    i’m so sick of the fake ones. Its so obvious that they are. Women need to accept themselves as is. And i actually prefer small to big. Looks better in dresses, tops, anything low cut, triangle bikini tops, etc.

  16. I’m sure I’ll be back with you in a couple years Summer. For now, I’m in the ‘thank you God’ camp because they are growing at 4 1/2 months pregnant but not yet engorged, LOL!

    I love the whole cabbage leaf thing, I’ll have to remember that.

  17. I can’t say I understand, but I’ll take the gigantic ones any day!

  18. You are so funny! I still have mine, but they are droopy and deflated a bit…I don’t know which is worse:)

  19. I’ve had small ones, since I was little, but I wouldn’t mind the big ones.

  20. I’ve always had small mmm-mmm’s. I’m unhappy about it most of the time, but one thing’s for sure. They’ll never sag.

  21. I’m with Farmgirl. Mine are here but not sitting as pretty as they used to. But my hubby likes them and my bra keeps them in place so who am I to complain?

  22. dude!!!! i heart having little ones!!! like when my time of the month rolls around i call it the big boob season and i loath it!!! i always look forward to the time when they will be non existent again…so much better for me that way!!! and yes i too have experienced both…small is the way to go!!

  23. This is by far the worst thing about the post-baby body. By far. I lost all the baby weight and then some and HATED mine. Then I gained a little back and they weren’t AS bad, but still terrible. So do I keep the few extra pounds so I can fill out an almost-B? Or to I lose them and absolutely detest the skin flaps? Decisions, decisions.

    Oh… and I’m so excited for you getting your tattoo! I got one for my husband/sons about a year and a half ago and now I have two more (tattoos, not husbands and kids). It’s addictive!

  24. I have to admit I am not in the small mmm-mmm’s club! I like that I have a more-than-ample amount, but it fills me with dread when I think of post-pregnancy and old age when I will probably be knocking my knees with them at some point!

  25. I’m with you — I love ’em :). Mine have hardly changed with pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc. They’re small, but they’re exactly the same as before, so… whatever πŸ™‚

  26. HAHA- this is great! I am tiny too… and come from large mmm mmm family, what gives?

    PS: your My Stocking post will post tomorrow at 10am EST! πŸ™‚

  27. Haha-you crack me up!

  28. I can definitely sympathize with you on the small ones. After my 3rd son was born, I shrank to nothing. I had to go get the stretchy lace bras with no cup size from the pre-teen section. My daughter now is too big for that one. Scary, scary thought. Luckily, I returned to a somewhat normal size after my 5th was born, although that probably has to do with the fact that I have kept on an extra 15 lbs. So larger mm-mmms come with bigger bums. I guess.

  29. Oh my pooooor poor Mmmm-mmm’s.
    Three kids later, and they are a hurting case!
    I told S that I want new ones when we can afford it, he tells me he likes mine. I think he’s full of crap because there isn’t much to love about these things. Ugh… feel your pain!

  30. you crack me up sweets!
    i think you look perfect just how you are πŸ™‚
    wonder what will happen to mine some day when i have kids….ha!

  31. OMG!!! You had me laughing the whole way through. I never had C’s until I was Preggo. I have to say I like they very much but now FORGET IT. My once was B’s, well there are still there but are more like what I call FLAP JACKS!!! Not so perky anymore. My husband and I joke all the time that when it’s his day to get a vasectomy, it will be my day to get my flap jacks fixed!!! πŸ™‚ Found you at Mama Kat’s and glad I did!!!

  32. Raising my hand here. Unfortunately. I miss my engorged mmm-mmm’s so much πŸ™

  33. i’m a part of that club, too. i have been the president since turning 17. yeah, 17. with my pregnancy they didn’t change, until i had to use my mmm-mmmms to feed my son. they were huge, but after i stopped they decreased a cup size. yeah, a cup size. now i’m a small A. at least they are still perky, well, one of them is. ha!

  34. That happened to me after my first child. Then after my 2nd they went back to a nice size and shape. I was so relieved!

  35. You silly girl! I’m finally getting around to catching up and I LOVE that this is what I stumble upon. LOL.

  36. oh lady…yup…could have posted this myself…i looked like a flippin porn star after giving birth. these giant ta tas on a tiny body….then the milk dried up…. and the mom boobs set in…but i’m with you. i’d take the skin flaps over porn star status anyday!

  37. haha darling welcome to the ittybittymmmm-mmmm’s club. been a part of it for years! they aren’t that bad! i enjoy the smaller mmm-mms for now!

  38. You know what I got! Wish I could join you.

  39. I’m more comfortable when mine are amaller. When they get big I just don’t look right

  40. I’d trade you. I’ve always been of the super huge type with back aches and falling down stairs. It is not fun or attractive!

  41. oh summer, you’re the best thing ever. way to lay it all out! i’ve been wishing i was bigger my whole life. (but mostly i just wish that my rib cage and waist were thinner and cuter so i was more proportional. i call it my barrelbody). most of the time i try to be happy with what i have, but it’s so HARD sometimes! thanks for reminding us all that we’re not alone ~ snd a much needed reminded for me to amp up my self-love!

  42. haha! I love this post. I grew up as a dancer and girls that had big ones always had difficulty. I was always grateful to be flat. But then I turned 21 and was still flat and then not so thankful. I’ve filled out a little since then but I wouldn’t mind not being able to fill up a cabbage leaf. Just to see what it was like of course!

  43. You are hilarious. Same thing for me too! Except that I wasn’t working with much to begin with and after I stopped breastfeeding they got even SMALLER! The only time I have ever had decent boobs is while breastfeeding b/c well, they are huge, for me. Now when I stop in a few months they will be small mmmm mmms again!

  44. I was a C and then when I was bfing they became massive. I refused to buy bigger than DD bras, but they were a bit bigger than that. Ah ha. I enjoy my nice and normal (not nearly as full) C cup bubbies so much more than the huge gazongas I had going on last year!

  45. Summer, I’m right there in the itty-bity-MMM-MMM’s club with you! Except, unlike you, I’ve never known any different! I’m comfortable with it too; I think it suits me, and it’s so much easier!

  46. I know the grass is always greener… I get it… But truth be told, small “mmm-mmm’s” are SO MUCH MORE ATTRACTIVE than big “mmm-mmm’s”.

    Small= cute and pixie and petite

    Big= makes you look fatter than you are… and who wants that?

  47. I have the smallest mmm-mmms ever, and they only get bigger if I gain weight, which also increases my tummy mass in a disproportional (ie larger) manner. Tough in SoCal, but I’m with ya!