freaking a! kind of a day

I’m not one to complain on my blog, (ya right), but let me just tell you that today was a Freaking A! kind of a day.
First of all, I don’t quite know what is going on with my 4 year old, but someone needs to come to my house and set him straight. Because apparently, I don’t seem to have that skill.
What’s odd (and annoying), is that he’s at his best when he first wakes up…at 6 am in the freaking morning! He’s super cute, sweet, polite, loving….all the things you could possibly want in a child.
And then the hours tick by, and with each click of the second hand the sweetness drains out little by little.
The first half of the 4’s were amazing. I was totally wrapped around his little finger singing his praises…second half of four. Mmm ya, not so much.
Now imagine all that fun, and add in an adorably sweet little 9 month old girl who refuses to nap.
I mean, she’s sweet and all, but dang it if Mommy doesn’t get a moment to herself in the day!!! How’s a girl supposed to catch up on reality tv and her blog for goodness sake?
Now listen, I love my kids, okay? They’re freaking cute, and they have the sweetest hearts and smiles that will melt your heart….
You know. You know, right?
Anyway, back to my day. Today was kinda typical of the last few weeks, so you wanna a little peek?
6 am: Happy perky children bounce and crawl around the house, while I lay on the couch lifeless and dull trying to peel my eyes open enough to make sure they don’t break anything.
8 am: Whining begins from the baby. Taylor begins to break down juuuuuust a little. Still attempting to open my eyes at this point long enough to open a can of diet coke so that I can get my motors running.
9 am – Lay Chloe down for her first “nap.” Whining and crying begin. Attempt to get Taylor involved in some sort of activity so that mama can get her sweat on. (P90X)
9:15 – 11 am – Pause the workout every 15 minutes to keep Taylor occupied and/or check to see if Chloe has pooped which should be the ONLY reason she is still awake.
11 am – Get Chloe up from a ‘no nap’ nap.
11 am – 1 pm: “Stop whining, no crying, no, yes, okay, I’m coming to wipe your bootie, just a second I’m changing a poopy diaper….lunch, eat your food, I’m setting the timer, hurry up it’s almost quiet time.” As well as playing, snuggling and lots of hugs and kisses, of course.
1-3 pm: “Quiet time” which consists of anything but quiet. Lots of getting out of bed, tears, whining, crying, pooping, playing, and “Is quiet time over yet?” every five minutes. Attempted blogging, reading, tearing my eyes out.
3-5 pm: Walmart, Thrift Stores, or any other place where screaming, whining, no napped kids blend right in.
5 pm: Daddy comes home. Praise Jesus.
See how the day just flies by? If you don’t have kids, you totally should. Because it is just so much fun. So much freaking fun!
You will absolutely love it.
Okay, now I must get to bed so that we can do it all again tomorrow.
P.S. You may or may not have noticed that a shower was not included in my “typical” day. Just so you know, that was absolutely intentional.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. Having children sounds exhausting!!

  2. I LOVE that pic of them together. they both look so sweet and innocent. lol

  3. You give me so much to look forward to 🙂 haha!

  4. I just got adjusted to life with one and #2 will be here in november. God help me!

  5. Hmmmm…sounds about right. My day exactly and what is a shower again? 😉

    Please tell me that when Ryan turns 4 (in Nov.) that it gets better….PLEASE!!!!

    Kara is the same way with naps (she is one)…why are girls SO curious and why do they freak out when they have poopy diapers?! UGH!!!!!!!!!

  6. –>Oh the joys of being a Mom. My 2 yr. 8 month old came storming into our bedroom at 5:15 a.m. today. This was a hour earlier than usual – ugh – I did get some laundry done before work as a result but I would rather SLEEP.

  7. I think we had the same day yesterday. Seriously. Well minus the baby and add two tempermental 10 and 8 year old girls and you have it nailed.

  8. There are days I miss my kids being little like yours…but then I read this and think…nope not so much 🙂 Just wait til they grow up and don’t need you as much, then you’ll miss them being little again! Hang in there!!!

  9. This made me smile – all sounds very familiar.

    We have a lot of ‘no nap’ naps too… far more than showers in any case!


  10. Yes. We do know.

    You are not alone!

  11. Oh the things I have to look forward to… thanks for sharing! 🙂

  12. Once again Summer, you have caused me to question why exactly the hubs and I are TTC. I think we’ll do it just for those sweet smiles in the morning!

    Hope today is a better day for you!

  13. His poor eyes! Looks like Cooper’s yesterday…why? Beacuse he didn’t NAP! If they only knew how freakin precious sleep is.

  14. I dont have a kid yet, hopefully someday :).

    Take care and hang in there :).

  15. Where head phone while blogging then than all the screaming during the non-nap time won’t bother you so much. I say this from experience, let me tell you.

    Or go out in the morning and run their little butt ragged at every play center/thing you can find. Then you will get a nap. Promise

  16. It will get better. I promise!

  17. Wow, pretty sure when I have my second, my life is going to be crazy like that. It’s fun though, RIGHT?! lol j/k

    PS: My son has always been a morning bird. Not cool. It’s ok, because so is my husband. So guess who gets the morning shift?

  18. What WERE we thinking when we became parents? haha
    I hope that No Nap Nap phase goes away really soon!

  19. I could barely get through reading this post for looking at the adorable pics 🙂 SUUUUCH cute kids! You should get paid to make children. No?

    Sorry I ever said that.


    I have a 4 year old that I don’t recognize anymore, and I was beginning to think that I was the only one. I thought that there must be something wrong with me. Now that I know its not me, its him I feel much better. Plus it is good to know that I am not alone. This question keeps going through my head “They warn us about the terrible 2’s why don’t they warn us about F-ing 4’s

    Thanks again

  21. oh you can go ahead and take “shower” off the to-do list for the next 10 years.

    i will offer a glimmer of hope, though. eventually, you will grow accustomed to waking up before dawn and your eyes will fly open and you will be wide awake by 6. this happens right around the time the kids hit adolescence and start sleeping til noon.

  22. Ooooh, girl, I’m so sorry! I hate days that suck. Kaylee’s never been a napper, which is my biggest complaint. It has always driven me nuts. But I cannot even imagine a no napping baby AND a 4 year old. You deserve a big old platter of chocolate….

  23. My ovaries just exploded from cuteness overload.

  24. Aww. You poor thing! And you day brought back memories of the past four years. I would stay up late just to have quiet alone time…and hate myself for it at the butt-crack of dawn when J-bug woke up…

  25. Ha Ha!!! Yes! I was totally relating with you that entire post. Only I have a 4 1/2 year old, a three year old, a 20 month old and a 5 month old. Killer. My days are killer. Hang in there, it will pass so fast!

  26. Well, they are absolutely adorable! I know you’re tired of hearing this, but they will grow up way too fast, and then you’ll wish you had some of these days back (well a little bit). Seriously, I don’t know how you mothers of little ones find time to blog, but it may be what is saving your sanity! Good luck. laurie

  27. Aren’t days that like just the best thing ever??????

  28. Your children are adorable! One day, in the not so far off future, you’ll read posts from other mothers like this one, with a smile, and say, “I can sooo sympathize with her but I’m happy that season is over!”

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

    I hope you and your family have a great Sunday. 🙂

    ~ Sandy

  29. awww, i’m sorry! crap-days suck… and we can totally relate over here. it’s mommy with a (almost) 2-year old and a 7-month old all day long; the terrible two’s are in full-swing and then some. the little man accels in that area! my only way of escape? donate plasma. it’s like an hour at the spa, even with the needle and all. hope tomorrow’s a better day- hang in there! 🙂