never say never

Bear with me, I’m about to go deep. (It happens from time to time…gotta mix it up!)
But, I have just really been struck by the fact that so many of us think certain things will “never” happen to us.
We’ll never lose a baby.
We’ll never lose our home.
We’ll never do what “that” mom/dad does. Or what “that” wife/husband did.
We’ll never be married to “that” kind of a husband/wife.
It goes on and on and on.
And so we take life for granted, we judge, and we point fingers.
And yet, it is quite likely that the very thing we’re saying never about, may just touch our lives at some point. We may actually one day be that mom, wife, husband, dad….and not even realize how we got there.
Things happen. They just do. Bad things happen to good people. Good people make bad mistakes. It’s life. And not one of us is exempt from “it” happening.
Basically I’ve learned to never say never.
I guess the lesson I’m learning is that rather than being naive to it, I should instead always be on guard, always be aware, and always love like today’s my last chance to do so.
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. (((hugs))) Loved it….

  2. Ooooo, I picked something really similar like that when I was designing my conversation sweethearts! Well said!

  3. great post – i never thought my life would take some of the twists and turns its taken, that’s for sure…

  4. Wow! My bible study was talking about that just last night, how God can and sometimes does take important things from us or allow us to go through really hard things. It is important to hold things of this world loosely because we never know when we might have to let go. The ladies in my group were discussing people that have experienced some of things we are scared of (like losing a child) and come out stronger and trusting God even more. My pray for myself is that I would have the faith to continue to trust and worship my God even when life is not good! Thank you for the reminder this morning! God bless!

  5. this is a hard lesson to learn. even when one of those things that would NEVER happen to you DOES happen to you. good post.

  6. You are so right.

    My sister’s son was killed in a Jeep wreck when he was 16. SO I learned this concept of never saying never YEARS ago.

    Rather than saying “never”, I use “I HOPE that I never…” or “I PRAY” that this never happens to me.”

    That includes sins, bad things, horrible situations,etc.

    You have a great attitude.

  7. What a beautiful, beautiful post. It really is so true. It’s so easy to live in our comfy little worlds believing that none of those horrendous things could happen to us, but they can and they do. And, I think your attitude of being aware and really LIVING is a much better way to deal with it than ignorance or denial.

    Clickety, click 😉

  8. wow, what a perfect post. it is similar to what i guest posted about today on tiffany’s blog. about making the most of life because it is finite. anyway, love it. thank you for sharing.

  9. So true! Stopping by from SITS! 🙂

  10. Very True and well said. I start getting nervous when things are going along too well..

  11. It is so true. Especially right now. We all need to be reminded of that now and then.

  12. Good post. I always keep my guard up. I mean, to a point.

  13. Deep suits you, ya know.
    Good to be reminded of these things. Truly the case of “there but for the grace of God go I”

    : )

  14. SITSah girl you went there and you went deep! Word!

  15. What an awesome post Summer. Everyone could use to hear that!

  16. great post and I SO agree-I want to shout those words to so many people I hear say stupid thnigs on a daily basis. food for thought!!!

  17. So, so true. Never say never, the unexpected always happens.