first post or something close

Ready to go back in time with me?
Here’s one of my very first posts back when I was starting my blog. It’s all a part of Deb’s First Post Friday, but since my first post is mostly an introduction, I thought I’d go to the first real post that involved thought out writing and that wasn’t poetry. Although, I was torn between the post below and this poem, which is special to me especially because of the one comment it received.
Okay, so you can click here for the original post, or read if you’re feeling lazy, just read below:

Definition of Acceptance:
*toleration, acceptance, sufferance
*a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations*
Definition of Grace:
*The exercise of love, kindness, mercy, favor; disposition to benefit or serve another; favor bestowed or privilege conferred.
You know how sometimes the same word keeps popping up in conversations or in the things you’re reading or suddenly there just basically seems to be a theme to your week/month/year?
That’s how my last week has been with “Acceptance.”
I’ve noticed that it’s so easy to look at everyone else and find what’s wrong in them. We can easily see what needs fixing and how they can better themselves and their lives. And frankly, many of us, given the chance, would jump at the offer to extend our opinions if only we knew they would listen. But, what we don’t realize is that they aren’t us. And we aren’t them. We can never fully understand all the dynamics that make that person who they are. Only God really knows all of that, and only God can really change them. But the tough part is it’s only when He’s ready and more importantly when THEY are ready to change.
I learned this somewhat in my relationship with my dad. He was an amazing man, but he definitely had issues. (Don’t we all???) For so long I was constantly disappointed with and in him because he wasn’t acting or doing what I thought he should be. I don’t know that I would call it judgement, but I just felt I knew there was a better way. I couldn’t understand for the life of me why he just didn’t make different choices, or better yet, ask me what I thought he should do. 😉 At some point though, something changed in me. I realized he was who he was. And it was really up to me. I could make one of two choices. Either love him and accept where he was in his life, or let him go. It wasn’t easy, and it broke my heart sometimes, but I choose the first. I didn’t want to lose him and the value he added to my life simply because he wasn’t living up to my expectations.
Since my dad passed away I’ve had plenty of other opportunities to practice this lesson over and over again. Sometimes I think I do well, but often I seem to fail. I guess the Lord must want me to be working on it even more so right now because it keeps coming up.
I know that I am so far from perfect. God still (very obvious to most) has a lot of work and growing to do in me and my life. I make mistakes, I hurt people when I don’t mean to, I can be selfish…on and on the list can go. But, I also know that I desire to be better. I want to grow. I am totally open and willing to allow God to work in and through me so that I can be the person he intended me to be. But, in the meantime, I want those in my life and those who will come into my life, to love me despite the blaring faults. I want to be loved right where I am in my process of life. And if I want that for myself, I need to be sure that I am extending that same grace (isn’t that what acceptance is?) to others.
Loving others where they are.
Allowing God to work in them they way He has planned, no matter how long the journey seems to be taking.
Always searching for the good in people rather than focusing on the bad.
Having hope, but setting boundaries.
Knowing that most people are doing the best they can.
When we can do these things, we will be able to enjoy relationships so much more. We will be able to finally see the person as God sees them. And we can take all those judgements and toss them out the door.
And so far, thats where I am in this whole learning process. Guess I should get going and start practicing…
© 2009 “Le Musings of Moi”
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  1. what a great post on such an always timely topic! happy friday the 13th! 🙂

  2. Great post – it’s interesting to look back and compare with where we are now, isn’t it?

  3. You are such an eloquent writer with so much insight into yourself and the people around you. This was beautiful. And, thank you for your sweet comment on my blog. I don’t know what to do about the email. I’ve had others say it bounces back as well.

  4. Beautiful post!

  5. Stopping by with some SITS love because you were above me today in roll call. It’s cool to look back. And loving others where they are is the hardest and the best.

  6. Excellent thoughts, Summer!

  7. Soooooooooo true!! No truer words were never ever spoken. I enjoy looking back on my first posts too. Going back on my crazy rants of a hormonal pregnant woman.

    Ohhh I saw some adorable pix of your baby girl! She is a doll baby!